Publications . . .

Moore, J. 
Correctional Health Care Forms Manual, Aspen Publications, in press, 1998.

Moore, J. 
Juvenile Health Care. Corrections Management Quarterly, in press, 1998.

Moore, J. 
Privatization of Inmate Health Care, A new approach to an old Problem. Corrections Management Quarterly, in press 1998.

Moore, J. 
Considering the Private Sector in Health Care Management Issues in Corrections editor Kenneth L. Faiver MPH MLIR. United Book Press: American Correctional Association, 1998

Moore, J. 
Informed Consent with Prisoners in Research: Issues, Dilemmas, and Regulations. CORRECTCARE June-July 1995, 14-15, 18.

Moore, J. 
Exploration of Factors Affecting the Nursing Shortage in a Correctional Health Care Delivery System. American Jails, 1991, 5 (4), 10-20.

Moore, J. 
Saints Among Sinners. The Reporter, 1991, 15 (5), 4-5.

Moore, J. 
Exploration of Factors Affecting the Nursing Shortage in a Correctional Health Care Delivery System. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Maryland, May 1990

Moore, J. 
Study on Nursing Shortage in Correctional Health Care. CORRECTCARE. 1989, 3 (3), 10-11

Moore, J. 
Privatization of Prison Health Services. The Privatization Review, 1986, 2(4), 11-18.

Moore, J. 
Prison Health Care: Problems and Alternative in the Delivery of Health Care to the Incarcerated. (Part I and Part II). Florida Medical Association, Inc. 1986, Vol. 73, No. 8 (531-535), No. 9 (615-620). 

Moore, J. 
Institutional Health Care: Emergence of a New Perspective. California Correctional News, 1985, 39 (1), 4-5. 

Moore, J. 
Contracted Health Care - New Approach to an Old Problem. Corrections Today. 1984, 46 (4), 20-24.

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