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The name of this association shall be
the Wisconsin Correctional Association, Inc., a state chapter of the
American Correctional Association.
Section 1. To provide a focal point for the identification of
interests and concerns of corrections in Wisconsin.
Section 2. To provide an opportunity for active participation in
professional development for those employed or interested in corrections
in Wisconsin.
Section 3. To provide a forum for the Wisconsin correctional
community to have a voice on policy issues at the national level.
Section 4. To provide an arena for members of the
professional correctional community to address common issues.
Section 5. To provide an avenue to participate in improving the
Wisconsin criminal justice system.
shall be open to all persons who are interested in and supportive of the
Association, who subscribe to the Association's Constitution and
by-laws, and those who pay annual dues.
Section 1.
Types of Membership: The Board of Directors shall designate
membership categories, as necessary, to coincide with those provided for
in the by-laws of the American Correctional Association.
Section 2.
Maintenance of Membership: The Board of Directors shall have the
power and responsibility to terminate the membership of an Association
member for non-payment of dues or for behavior that conflicts with the
Association’s Constitution and/or by-laws, or for conduct that is in
violation of the American Correctional Association Code of Ethics.
Section 3.
Membership Fees: There shall be a fee approved by the Board of
Directors per calendar year for each category of membership. These fees
shall provide dual membership and privileges in the American
Correctional Association and the Wisconsin Correctional Association,
Inc. with fees being distributed as provided in the by-laws of the
American Correctional Association.
Section 4. A
member is in good standing when dues are paid meets the responsibility
of Section 2.
Section 1.
Governing Body: The Association shall be governed by the membership
of the Association, the Officers, and the Board of Directors.
Section 2.
The officers of the Association shall be a
President, President-Elect, Recording Secretary, Corresponding
Secretary, and Treasurer.
Only persons who are Professional Members in good standing shall
be eligible for office.
The Officers shall be elected as prescribed in Article V of these
Term of office of each elected officer shall be two years
following installation (or until the end of the respective term of the
predecessor if the person shall not have completed such term) and until
the election of a successor.
In the event of death, disability, incapacity, or resignation,
these offices shall be filled by the Board of Directors for the balance
of these terms.
Section 3.
Duties of Officers: The duties of the officers shall be such as are
implied in their respective titles and as specified in official position
descriptions, developed and formally approved by the Board of Directors.
Each officer shall keep accurate records of his/her work and turn them
over to his/her successor.
In order to provide
a forum for discussion of regional issues and to assure statewide
representation at Association activities, the State may be divided into
regions. Regional areas may be created or amended on a recommendation of
the Board of Directors at the annual conference with an affirmative
majority vote of the Association members present and voting. A regional
organization may also be created or amended as stipulated in Article
Section 1.
Representation from Various Disciplines: All Officers of the
Association shall be elected for a term of two years from the following
major disciplines of the criminal justice field:
Prevention and Community Based Services
Local Detention-Adult/Juvenile
Youth Services
Adult Probation and Parole
Adult Institutions
Administrative and Support
Education (Including educators and students)
The desire to have
a balanced representation from the various fields, although not
controlling, should be a consideration in the nominating process.
Section 2.
Mail Balloting: Election of all officers shall be by a ballot
mailed to each member eligible to vote. Such ballot shall contain a
slate of candidates for each office drawn up by the Nominating Committee
and shall be a plurality of those voting. Procedures for counting the
mail ballots will be established by the Board of Directors in accordance
with the procedure for a mailed secret ballot outlined in the
parliamentary authority of the Association, “Robert’s Rules of Order
Newly Revised.”
Ballots will be
mailed to voting members at least 45 days prior to the annual
conference. The marked ballot shall be returned to a place designated
by the Board of Directors no later than two (2) weeks prior to the
annual conference. There will be no voting by proxy. Elections to
positions not heretofore provided for by this Constitution or by-laws
shall be held at the annual conference.
Section 3.
Installation: The Officers and members of the Board of Directors
shall be installed at the annual conference and shall assume their
respective duties prior to adjournment of the annual conference.
Section 1.
Composition: The Board of Directors shall consist of eleven (11)
members, including the elected officers of the Association and the Past
President. Additionally, there should be five (5) at large members on
the Board. These members shall reflect, to the degree possible, the
private, federal, state and county interests. All members of the Board
have the right to vote.
Section 2.
Terms of Office:
The term of office for the Past President and
the at large members of the Board of Directors will be two-year terms,
or as otherwise specified in these by-laws.
The election of the Board of Directors shall
be as outlined in Article IV of these by-laws.
Section 3.
Vacancies: In the event of death, disability, incapacity, or
resignation, the seat on the Board of Directors shall be filled in
accordance with Article II, Section 2 of these by-laws.
Section 4.
Powers and Duties of the Board of Directors:
The Board of Directors shall exercise all powers of the Association as
specified in these by-laws.
B. Duties:
The Board of Directors shall:
Supervise the affairs of the Association and
shall transact any business of the Association in the interim between
the annual conference.
Make recommendations to the Association regarding proposed
amendments to the by-laws.
Consider all recommendations proposed by committee chairpersons,
or by the Association, before such recommendations are presented at the
annual conference.
Establish and/or dissolve committees and task forces based on the
program and administrative needs of the Association.
Have responsibility for the financial policy of the association,
adopt the budget, and prepare an annual financial report to be available
to all Association members.
Supervise and support programs for the recruitment of new
Be responsible for all other business of the Association that
fulfills Association purposes.
Through the President, represent the position of the Wisconsin
Correctional Association.
Section 5.
Meetings of the Board of Directors:
The Board of Directors shall hold quarterly meetings, one of
which shall be at the annual conference.
Special meetings shall be held at the call of the President or by
petition of the majority of the Board.
A majority of the members of the Board of
Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of all business.
The meetings conducted by the Board of
Directors shall be governed by “Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised.”
Section 1. Formation of Standing Committees: The President of
the Association shall appoint the Chairperson of each standing committee
and shall have final approval of all committee members. In making
appointments to standing committees, the President shall give
consideration to:
Representation of a variety of criminal
justice work
Geographic distribution
Special competence
Membership in good standing
Section 2. Other Committee and Task Forces: The President shall
appoint from time to time such other committees or task forces as may be
desirable in forwarding the purposes of the Association. Members of
such committees or task forces shall exercise such powers and perform
such duties as may be prescribed by the President. Members of such
committees or task forces need not be members of the Board of Directors,
but shall be members of the Association. The Board of Directors shall
review annually the composition and duties of such committees or task
Section 3. Term of Office: The term of office for each
committee or task force member shall be one year, with the exception of
the Finance committee, whose members are appointed to three year terms.
Members may be re-appointed.
Section 4. Committee Reports: All committees and task forces
shall file written reports to the Board of Directors at least annually
and shall present oral reports when requested.
Section 5. Duties of Standing Committees:
Committee: It shall be the
duty of the Conference Committee to plan a well coordinated association
program consistent with the objectives of the Association and to accept
bids from any interested city in choosing the site for the Association’s
Annual Conference. There shall be at least three planning meetings a
year to prepare for the annual conference.
Committee: It shall be the
duty of the Nominating Committee to coordinate the screening, selection,
and election of nominees for all elected offices. There shall be a
minimum of two nominees for each office. The immediate Past President
shall be the Chairperson of this committee. Members of the Nominating
Committee cannot be nominated for state office.
Committee: It shall be the
duty of the Membership Committee to promote participation in the
Constitution and by-laws Committee:
It shall be the duty of the Constitution and by-laws Committee to study
the Association’s Constitution and by-laws and to propose whatever
revisions appear necessary.
Committee: It shall be the
duty of the Committee of Finance to review all financial records of the
Association, to prepare a budget which is submitted to the Board of
Directors and the President for approval, to recommend changes to
forms/procedures for financial reporting and to recommend new forms when
necessary. There shall be three members, each one having a three-year
term. Not less than once a year, they shall review all financial
records of the association to ensure that all receipts and disbursements
had been made in accordance with budget and direction of the President
and the Board. The committee shall review and approve the Treasurer’s
annual report as well as review and approve income tax filing.
Committee: It is the
responsibility of this committee to develop, subject to the approval of
the Board of Directors, the criteria for evaluating competitors for the
Association’s scholarship fund. The committee will recommend to the
Board of Directors the number and dollar amount of awards to be given
away annually. The committee will consist of four members. The
committee will have sole responsibility for the selection of recipients.
Committee: This committee is
responsible for the planning of Association sponsored workshops. Duties
include arranging for workshop sites, securing presenters, printing and
dissemination of workshop brochures, and coordinating registration
activities. Sufficient members will be assigned to accomplish the
listed goals efficiently.
Section 1. Annual Conference: There shall be an annual
conference at a site approved by the Board of Directors. The details of
the conference shall be prepared and disseminated to the membership at
least two (2) months in advance.
Section 2. Delegates to the Annual Congress of Corrections: The
State Association may send any of its member(s) as delegate(s) to the
annual Congress of Corrections of the American Correctional Association
each year. Delegate expenses may be defrayed by the Association if
funds are available.
Section 3. Association Meetings: Meetings of the general
membership to conduct necessary association business may be called at
the discretion of the President. Written notice shall be mailed to each
association member 30 days prior to the date of said meeting.
association shall be incorporated as a non-profit organization under the
laws of Wisconsin.
the corporation should dissolve, all assets remaining after the payment
of all debts and obligations shall be assigned and transferred to the
American Correctional Association, a section 501(C)(3)(Internal Revenue
Code) organization currently located at 4380 Forbes Boulevard, Lanham,
Maryland 20706. In the event that the American Correctional Association
is no longer in existence, transfer will be made to another educational
endeavor in the field of corrections.
Section 1. These by-laws may be amended by action of the general
Section 2. Amendments shall be recommended by the Board of Directors.
Section 3. Proposed amendments must be submitted to the Constitution
and by-laws Committee for recommendation to the Board of Directors.
Upon approval by the Board of Directors, proposed amendments shall be
presented to the general membership by mail ballot, or voice vote, and
upon approval by a majority of those voting, the amendment shall be
adopted. The effective date of the amendment shall be contained with
the amendment. If amendment changes are conducted by mail ballot, the
membership shall be mailed their ballots forty-five (45) days prior to
the ballot due date. If amendment changes are conducted at the general
membership meetings, members will be mailed a copy of the proposed
changes thirty (30) days prior to such a meeting.
Section 1. No association member may speak on behalf of the Association
without the authorization of the Board of Directors.
Section 2. The fiscal year of the association shall be January 1 thru
December 31.
Revised Jan. 2002.
Proposed effective date: May 1, 2002