It appears that the “powers-to-be” cannot find countries (allies) who are willing to take the remainder of the terrorist/prisoners currently being held at the Military Base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. So, they, the “powers-to-be”, are looking at prisons here in the Continental United States (CONUS) where they can incarcerate these troublesome terrorist/prisoners. Read more…
billsturgeon Gitmo Terrorist / Prisoners to a Place Near You security, Terrorist /Prisoner, Terrorists
As I am writing this article, the smoke is still rising from the Chino Prison in California. I have for the past few years been concerned that correctional systems could be destined to have a repeat of the riots of the late 1960’s and early 1970’s – Attica, Santa Fe, etc.
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billsturgeon Escapes from a facility, Major Disturbance / Riots, security, Security Operations Classification Process, Correctional Staff
Why are There so Many Escapes – Lately?
By Wm. Bill Sturgeon
The other day I read about another escape from a correctional facility. In the past, an escape could be a career ending experience for a chief correctional administrator. After many years in the field of corrections, I have reviewed many escapes and for the most part there are some basic similarities in every escape. While they all do not have to happen for escapes to take place, in today’s article we will look at some of these similaries.
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billsturgeon Escapes from a facility, security, Security Operations Escapes