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Mouth Extractions (Contraband)


Subscribe to Mouth Extractions (Contraband) 4 posts, 3 voices

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Getty rf photo of cat and praying mantis Campi 227 posts

Well there are the pressure points on the neck directly below the ears and behind the jaw that when pressed can easily cause pain compliance. The issue you will be that properly using the points with one hand then to extract the contraband will take applying force with the thumb and pointer finger of the same hand. This when reviewed by a use of force board or on video if taken to trial will look as if you are choking the inmate. The same effect can be gained but requires clenching your fist with your thumbs out. This would only work to stall till help comes to pull the contraband out because swallowing while both pressure points are pressed only increase the pain.
All this info put aside I myself will never reach into an inmate’s mouth to extract contraband because a bite can transfer many diseases. If they swallow they should be put on a dry cell watch and filmed so when they extract the contraband again from their excrement and swallow it again there will be proof of the contraband. At least it would be a good film to show to their family on visits.

Male user davidm724 2 posts

Handle with Care is a lot more practical than Mandt, which is what we used to use. Handle with Care has one primary restraint technique, which makes it easier for all staff to follow and remember under pressure.

Tony best picture tonybest39567 1 post

How is your Handle with Care working? I believe we’re going to that next.

Male user davidm724 2 posts

I work with juvenile offenders in Alaska. We use Handle With Care for restraints and other physical interventions. Recently, our small Detention Unit ran into a new issue that Handle With Care does not cover. A juvenile was found to be concealing contraband in their mouth during admission. Luckily, there was the arresting officer there, who used some pain commpliance tactics to remove the item (a bag of weed). He placed his fingers in/under his nose and pulled upward to help open his mouth. This eventually worked, but I feel like there must be an easier/safer way to do this. My fear is that this method would lead to easily bitten fingers. Currently we have nothing that covers mouth extractions, but my Superintendent requested that I look into some possible interventions. I have my own ideas (pressure on side of jaw to open, and keeping pressure to keep mouth open during extraction), but I’m sure there are specific technical ways to achieve this safely. What tactics does your facility/unit use? I appreciate any feedback I can get.

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