The Nationwide Standard for Cognitive Certification
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The American Probation and Parole Association (APPA) in partnership with the National Curriculum and Training Institute®, Inc. (NCTI) present Facilitator Certification Training to deliver cognitive behavior change curricula. This fast-paced, interactive course provides practitioners with all the skills necessary to successfully facilitate the cognitive behavior change curricula. This workshop addresses the importance of individual learning styles, how to use activities, games and dyads to enhance the learning process. Workshop Objectives •Facilitate a cognitive behavior training program that imparts critical cognitive thinking skills, life skills, job-related skills, and interpersonal skills. This training is accredited by the American Probation & Parole Association, and is approved for 35 Contact Hours. With this training, APPA offers practitioners in the field of community corrections a comprehensive array of Cognitive Based Life Skills and Offense Specific Curricula. These curricula clearly align with “What Works” principles that research has proven to be effective in reducing recidivism. NCTI’s curricula are used as a diversion option, in juvenile and adult probation departments, day reporting centers, detention centers, and prisons. Contact Gary Bushkin, President |
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