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Cell Phone Detection


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Getty rf photo of cat and praying mantis Campi 227 posts

I have raised this issue on these forums before and have gotten some helpful tips and tricks but I am yet again here asking for help. At my current facility we have gotten both a large and hand held non-porous metal detector (This is a detector that picks up metals that a non conventional detector lets through like gold, silver, aluminum and other metals usually used in batteries and electronic devices). The results have been sketchy. We have yet to find one with the detector itself though it has caused a few to be tossed and found while herding the population by/through them. We have acquired a hand held phone detection device that picks up on outgoing signals. This has helped to a degree and has lead us to a couple phones. This device is useless unless the phone is in use. I have good old fashion rabbit hunted and shook my way down to a couple as well. The sad truth though is the number of phones making it into the facility is steadily growing faster than we can find them and it is going to become a huger issue. I need a system that can monitor use and pinpoint time, deration, and location of a designated area (the facility and grounds) then store this information and show up on a sky view map. I also need the ability to exclude known phones that belong to the facility such as the upper managements phones that are brought into the facility. What I mean is they will show up on some readout but when looking at the monitoring system they will not show on the over view of the facility. Then if this system detects our radios be able to have them excluded by call numbers. Also any other tips and trick would be appreciated. I would love to be guided to a system like this or guided to someone who would love to build one.

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