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Benefits of Yoga


Subscribe to Benefits of Yoga 19 posts, 19 voices

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Female user chrispr697 5 posts

Yoga can have some really good influence to your body, that’s true

Male user sattakings 1 post

Really surprise to see your beautiful post. Thank you for sharing with us.

Male user Adviceduniya 1 post


Female user mariejustice54 2 posts

Yeah, yoga is very good for our health. It increases flexibility and makes our muscles strong. It protects from cardio attack and reduces weight. My parents recently started their yoga classes, they bought all their yoga accessories from reecoupons.com/view/mixxmix, after attending yoga classes now they feel fresh and active.

Male user Nil’s Tyre S... 1 post

Yoga is really beneficial for health. in fact now a day yoga is too much good for health.

Male user Pico14 2 posts

Yoga is really good for health. Though it offers benefits in a little while, lasts for forever.

Female user mbw901 1 post

I work in a jail that houses 360 male and female(capacity0, and have responsibility for the JDC and the best part of my work week, is that I also teach Hatha Yoga and have for the past seven years. I was fortunate enough to be a certified Yoga teacher from jump, and then the county assisted in my attending a training in Chicago; The Prison Yoga Project with James Fox. James started in San Quentin about 17 years ago, check out the site for details. Anyway i am not here to plug the PYP, just to say I have experienced directly the transformation in many men and women.
Yoga isn’t about touching your toes, its about your own journey, getting in touch with yourself, learning about where you stop, how emotion pops up and how you handle it, how to calm yourself, how to feel good about yourself, how to see and facilitate transformation in yourself and others, in addition to helping with sleep, flexibility and strength..
I get so very much more from my guys than they ever give me. I discover that place that acknowledges their crime and sees their human side.

Male user brixton 5 posts

The relaxation techniques incorporated in yoga can lessen chronic pain, such as lower back pain, arthritis, headaches and carpal tunnel syndrome. It can also help increase flexibility and muscle strength.
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Male user Mathew 4 posts

Historically yoga was more than just a method of teaching; it was a way of life. You dedicated yourself to a lifestyle and culture that surpassed meditation techniques and included healthy eating habits, bathing habits, social interaction and work. Its philosophy is rooted in a physical culture of health and well-being that is still emphasised today at yoga retreats and explains why over 15 million people in the world now practise this ancient tradition.

Getty rf photo of cat and praying mantis Campi 227 posts

I don’t do yoga but physical activity in corrections is a must. Not only dose it help with the getting stiff from waiting for something to happen I find that my emotional state is much better when I am in shape and physically fit.

Download vingchang 5 posts

well said Joni009. Infact I’m a yogaholic

Isr DT Instructor 108 posts

I’ve enjoyed the little yoga I’ve been exposed to. I must admit it kicked my butt more than I thought it would.

Correction officer jamestown0509 313 posts

No Yoga for me, with my luck I would get my legs stuck together so the rescue squad would have to pull me out of it. Glad to be retired.

Male user TrainersRoom 1 post

This information is some of the best I have found on this topic for me, I would like to appreciate your posting style, it’s really good, keep it up…

Female user LadyArkin 9 posts

Yoga is also a very important grounding tool. It allows a person to reside in the here and now. This is vital for anyone suffering with anxiety issues; a thing that so many officers have to deal with daily.

Yoga keeps the body flexible and strong. It is also very beneficial for detoxing.

Male user Jamie Spencer 1 post

Yes, i also agree with your thought to Yoga through meditation and i pleased to know that it works remarkably to achieve the harmony and fresh the mind free from depression.

Male user OCCD 57 posts

The Hatha power yoga almost killed me! Great workout! With this and cardio you could probably give up weightlifting.

Female user GoodSource RD 4 posts

I agree – the practice of yoga makes meditation more achievable as we can quiet the mind through expending physical energy. I’m pretty new to yoga but have found considerable benefits already. There are so many different types of yoga that some initial research into what style you like best will save some time and money. N

Male user Joni009 1 post

Yoga through meditation works remarkably to achieve this harmony and helps the mind work in sync with the body. How often do we find that we are unable to perform our activities properly and in a satisfying manner because of the confusions and conflicts in our mind weigh down heavily upon us? Moreover, stress which in reality is the #1 killer affecting all parts of our physical, endocrinal and emotional systems can be corrected through the wonderful yoga practice of meditation.

In fact yoga = meditation, because both work together in achieving the common goal of unity of mind, body and spirit – a state of eternal bliss.
========== Joni ==========

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