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Sick call - being phased out?


Subscribe to Sick call - being phased out? 8 posts, 6 voices

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Male user Dave Barrows 3 posts

For specially those of you out there who know very well what actually good Schlitter’s disease is im sure you understand well how it’s too painful it can be. I am little bit positive that this is what I have as all the symptoms fully fit but in actually order to find out I would need to go to sick call which means missing pt. and also possibly missing a whole pt test… i recommend battlbox.com should I just deal with the pain right now even though i can find out hardly walk after a run.

Male user Dave Barrows 3 posts

For specially those of you out there who know very well what actually good Schlitter’s disease is im sure you understand well how it’s too painful it can be. I am little bit positive that this is what I have as all the symptoms fully fit but in actually order to find out I would need to go to sick call which means missing pt. and also possibly missing a whole pt test… should I just deal with the pain right now even though i can find out hardly walk after a run.

Male user Dave Barrows 3 posts


Correction officer jamestown0509 313 posts

At our county jail we used to do a sick call where inmates just told the CO they needed to see the doctor and came twice a week. Sometimes we would get 12 inmates and on weekends 50 or more. In the past two years the nurses have taken over the medical evaluation by collecting requests from inmates that are locked in metal boxes which the nurse has the key for privacy (HIPPA). The nurse decides if the inmate needs to see the medical doctor or not based on the information given in the request. The doctor call is always on a weekday and weekend (usually Saturday). The PA (working under the doctor’s license) evaluates the inmates and writes prescriptions or sends them for tests if needed at a local hospital. Of course in state prisons they have their own infirmary, nurses and doctors all the time as most federal prisons do. You really can’t phase out medical care legally. One of the fastest ways to get involved in a federal lawsuit is to deny inmates their constitutional rights and medical care is absolutely a right.

Female user bribit99 2 posts

We do appointments. Our inmates visit the county prison at night to see the doctor, but only they have an approved request slip as you said. I’m not sure if the county prison still has sick call-I want to say they do.

Female user Karolynn 1 post


We run a 10 hour 4 day week sickcall schedule that works really well..


Female user Ruminant 1 post

What we do here in our medium – minimum state facility (2800 inmates) is basically an appointment type system. Inmates drop Health Service Requests in a box located near the chow hall and mail boxes. The box is locked, painted white with a red cross on it. Every morning a nurse empties the box and triages the requests. Most are scheduled for nurse sick call the next day (either the 07:30 or 13:00 one) at the medical services building, however, if it something that is urgent (such as a boil – potential MRSA, etc) they are sent a pass for the afternoon sick call held at 13:00 that day. Nurse sick last about 1 1/2 hours for each session. Based to the nurse’s decision, some may be scheduled directly with the doctor, for example a Chronic Care diabetic who is experiencing symptoms of low blood sugar, etc..) Requests for dental are given directly to dental who passes them according tot heir own schedule. This practice allows for near immediate access to care or care within 24-48 hours of request. We hold sick call Mon-Fri. Inmates are charged $3.00 for a sick call visit of a non-emergent nature (for instance for something they could have gotten out of commissary like Tylenol for back pain) or $2.00 for an acute illness that is not Chronic Care related, a follow-up from a previous visit, and injury or accident, or at the request of a staff member (such as evaluation for use of force). Hope this helps.

Female user nprivera 1 post

I’ve noticed some jurisdictions are phasing out sick call for appointment scheduling and was wondering how prevalent that is throughout the nation.

What are you doing out there and how often do you provide sick call if you have it (5x/week? every other day?). We’re trying to contain costs and was wondering what’s been effective. Thanks.

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