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Need fresh ideas for inmate orientation at new facilty….


Subscribe to Need fresh ideas for inmate orientation at new facilty…. 3 posts, 3 voices

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Male user Bill 3 posts

A new section of The Black Board Company is or has built a site generated orentation for inmates and new personell to veiw, it has the ability for many different lang. or male or female population. this thing is the best I have seen in 30 years. I’m sold on the idea, Black Board are the people that put togeather collage programing. so the know there stuff. as for the VP in Phoenix Az.1-800424-9299 ext 1188

Male user Nardo 1 post

Develop an inmate orientation video to include an intro by the Warden and all dept. heads with a synopsis of their areas of responsibility. Include a summary of the programs available to the offender population, acceptable v. unacceptable behavior, as well as imp. excerpts from your inmate handbook i.e. disciplinary, grievance process. This orientation overview is an imp. part of the educational process. A well thought out Inmate Handbook is another item that should be provided at the orientation phase.Hope this was helpful!

Male user The Judge 1 post First you must ID any disruptive groups (gang members) to determine what impact they will have in your general population. It would be beneficial to keep new inmates isolated from the general population until they have completed A&O. During this time you can also medically screen them. I owuld recommend that the A&O process be live (look at your ACA standards). Good luck. A Mireles

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