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Should OC use on juvenile offenders be restricted?


Subscribe to Should OC use on juvenile offenders be restricted? 7 posts, 6 voices

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Male user 10-8 socal 5 posts

Our department also moved OC to number 2 behind verbal commands and before hands on. It used to be after hands on. However, at our facility, which is fairly remote from the HALL, is not issued OC because we do not have a nurse on 24hrs. Every minor who is exposed to OC has to be checked out by medical. We have the same minors but not the same equipment to deal with them.

Lion Comfortably ... 154 posts

Ohio’s own Use of Force progression chart shows the use of OC before hands-on. Also, just the presence of OC on an officer is sometimes enough of a deterrant to prevent the inmate from taking action. Ohio has progressively become soft on offenders in the prison setting, as has most of the country. Yet, Police are getting new tools to use to subdue offenders on a regular basis. Now, I’m no rocket scientist or anything, but if Police get new tools to use on what is generally one-on-one situations, shouldn’t Corrections Officers who are placed in a setting with hundreds of potentially violent offenders be offered the same such tools? I’m not recommending guns in a housing unit or anything, but OC, PR-24’s and even Tasers would make offenders think twice about their behavior.

Img 0070 Deano 1 post

I think the people placing restrictions on tools that save our lives in corrections need to go to work in a prison or jail that has a lot of action. You know the places where one week of work can give you what seems like 6 months of experence. I have worked with juveniles that would have been a lot easier to control if I carried OC….

Male user cpl.lawson 1 post

I think oc should be used befor hands on. I instruct oc I have sprayed several inmates as well as officers in training I have not had any who did not recover

Lion Comfortably ... 154 posts

It is a safer and easier way to regain control of an out of control/assaultive/self-injurious offender, or one who simply refuses to follow commands, rules or procedures. It is safer than physical contact, and results in considerably less injuries than having to physically restrain a fully alert offender. Therefore, yes I think it should be used in a use of force situation before putting your hands on the offender. He’ll be fine in about 45 min or so.

Male user DOIIWebb 2 posts

NO. It should be used based on security threat, and officer safety. If a juvenile inmate has made a weapon or is using something as a weapon for the safety of the juvenile and staff OC would be the quickest, safest, and most resonable amount of force needed to return to regular the inmate to and the facility to regular programming.

Male user jmonta 43 posts

Ohio is trying to add more restrictions to the use of OC on juvenile offenders. Many say OC is safe, for both officer and offender, and should be used instead of physical restraint. What do you think?

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