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I am county sheriff deputy in Texas.In my agency we do not have a residency regulation.Some of my co-workers live in neighboring counties.We are permitted to carry ,ONLY while in uniform,to and from work.If the officer has been issued a Concealed Carry Weapons Permit from the State of Texas,then he/she can carry,if they follow the guidelines setup in CCW classes. |
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Ohio too allows off duty CO’s to carry as long as they obtain their CCW permit. Our former Gov. Bob Taft tried unsuccessfully to block us from being allowed to carry though. |
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There is not any residency requirements for the Divison of Prisons in NC. We are also a shall issue state and I carry when ever I am away from work. I have had far too many threats over the years not too. |
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I agree with you, I don’t see what difference it makes where you live as long as you show up on time every day. What is their rationale for this claus, or have they given any? I’m sure they’ll give some type of safety mumbo jumbo, about if a disturbance occurs we need the officers nearby. I can’t imagine it would be due to anything else. |
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Sure it is a risk, but if you can eliminate some of that risk and it is at NO cost to the department and could create a less stressed happier employee…then why not do it??? They like to say that we can’t remove the residency claus and have to live within our county limits, but they won’t give let us carry (HR218) to protect ourselves and others around us. |
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Yeah naturally you don’t want ex-customers or future ones for that matter around your family, but that is part of the job unfortunately. It is one of the risks we live with for wearing the badge. |
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It’s getting pretty tough here although I haven’t ever had a bad interaction with a former visiter, but you never know. When I leave the county I live in it seems like there is a lot of stress taken off my shoulders…almost like I’m on vacation. I’m not a jerk at work, but I follow the rules and at times I guess that doesn’t make the most popular guy on the block. One guy who threatened to kick my ass has a brother (nice guy) that lives 3 doors down from me. I’m waiting for the day he pays his brother a visit and I have to deal with him. I feel uncomfortable with him or any mope meeting my family. |
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I work for the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction, we have no restriction on where we live in relation to where we work. I live an hour and a half from my institution. The gas prices are a killer, but I don’t run into too many ex-customers either. |
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I work for a correctional center in Central Illinois. Our contract states that we have to have a bona fide residence in the county that I work for. We have tried to get that changed, but the county board won’t budge. My county has a population of about $150,000, but it never fails that I will see a former “visitor” whenever I go out in public. As most of you know or have felt it can be uncormfortable especially if you had a bad interaction with this individual…not to mention those who hate you just because you wear a badge. Considering our job and the task we are given I don’t think it is very healthy to have to live amoungst the garbage that we deal with. Naturally wherever I move to I will have some “garbage” in the area, but he chance that I had to taze, mace, discipline or impose any sort of authority on them will be slim. Our county doesn’t recignize HR218 for corrections either so even I did come across a scumbag I could not defend myself or my family. Sorry I have rambled on, but do any of you have residency restrictions at your facilitys. If not do you have any radius restrictions on how far away you can live? Thanks Robert |
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