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Need help finding some info!


Subscribe to Need help finding some info! 3 posts, 3 voices

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Male user sgt253 6 posts

I would contact your local law enforcement agency, or Sheriff’s Office. Policy/procedure is public information for the most part and I’m sure they’d be willing to assist on any type of safety topic

Yule28 DarkCloud 4 posts

A little word, in Canada when you do something like this it gets you in trouble; but we have seat belts for all prisoners and the staff and just recently our escort staff got armed. Be safe; and my friend be happy

Female user Bambi 3 posts

I have to create an SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for my college Corrections class. It is to be over “Seat belts in jail vans for driver and prisoner; Not handicaps”. That is the only information that my professor said. I’ve done two other SOP’s over different topics, so I’m fully aware of how to do it. My problem is that I am having the most difficult time finding information regarding actual procedure use from any law enforcement. I have searched the internet looking for anything that can give me some suggestions of what to write other than “Seat belts shall be worn at all times”.

Do you know of any websites or references that would be beneficial to me?

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