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Control contraband by addressing the exchange of services

February 11th, 2010

Economics is a pervasive and potent force.  There is a wide range of emotions connected to supply and demand. Wars have been fought over the exchange of goods.  Perhaps this is as old as humanity itself. But the fact remains that we are governed by how we acquire goods.


For quite some time, the United States has been moving from an industrial economy to a service economy.    And though the service industry is very real, the products that they produce are less tangible than manufactured goods.

Let’s apply this to the illicit inside economy of a prison.  Read more…

Contraband Control, Security

Laugh a Lot, Live a Lot

February 4th, 2010

By LT. Gary F. Cornelius (retired)


            I have to confess that I have always been known as the “class clown”.  From grade school on, I reveled in doing impersonations, practical jokes, and telling puns.  However, when I entered the field of corrections, I toned down the humor and toned up the seriousness of my profession.  But, there was always room for humor.


            I came across an article from the November-December 1996 issue of American Jails titled “Are We Too Serious?  The Value of Humor in Jail Work” by William F. Waters, MS/MSW, an associate professor in the Criminal Justice Department at Northern Michigan University.  Read more…

Guest Author

Pranks a lot!

February 4th, 2010

Decisions and pranks are similar:  No two are exactly alike.  Every practical joke has the potential to evoke many different reactions.  Much of this is due to the multitude of circumstances.




Yet, mischief seems to be a part of our human condition.  As playful incidents roll in with the undulating regularity of ocean waves, many questions arise.  Are these jokes wholly bad?  Do pranks have any benefits?  How much is too much? Read more…

Assessing the organization, Self Scrutiny, Staff relations, What the...?!?

Dissecting cliques

February 4th, 2010

I once heard something to the effect that with three people you have a clique and a potentially disenfranchised person.  It doesn’t take much to create an exclusive group. Some groups believe that they are better than others.  Unfortunately, it is a part of how human beings operate.

Many factions exist in our vocation.  Perhaps clique is the most appropriate word for this.  One could argue that the phrase subgroup is a reasonable substitution.  There is an important distinction between clique and subgroup. Read more…

Assessing the organization, Self Scrutiny, Staff relations

Adventures on paperwork mountain

January 28th, 2010

It was an intimidating stack of paper that accumulated during my absence from work.  It was roughly the same dimensions as three large law books.  Though the pile of paper was an inanimate object, it seemed to mock me. Like it or not, I had to deal with the tedious task of filing.  I had no choice but to assail Paperwork Mountain.

Despite our steady movement into the digital age, corrections still runs largely on paper.  And while we may one day bid adieu to paper, do not count on this happening in this part of the decade. Read more…

Security, Self Scrutiny, What the...?!?

Some utilities of programs

January 28th, 2010

Is there simply one way to look at programming in correctional facilities?




“Why do you send expensive books to convicts?”  

“Prisoners don’t learn anything from school.” 

“They shouldn’t be paid for working.” 



There are also many strong opinions about the many productive outlets provided by programming in corrections.  Perhaps the most prevalent attitude from the anti-programs camp is “They’ve got nothing coming.” Read more…

Assessing the organization, Staff relations

Caution: Look everywhere

January 21st, 2010

When the International Association of Correctional Training Personnel held its annual conference in Tempe, Arizona, I was quite excited.  It was my second trip to the South-west and my family was coming along. We could get in some sight-seeing before the conference started.


We went to a botanical garden. And the beauty of nature was on our minds.  However, beauty does not always mean innocuous.




My wife had a case of arachnophobia just thinking of the lord of all spiders, the tarantula – indigenous to Arizona.  Read more…

Contraband Control

Identify and counter bad mentors

January 21st, 2010

As sure as the sun will rise in the East, analysis and skepticism are two traits that become enhanced through experience in corrections.  We learn to scrutinize as a matter of vocational survival. 



With enough practice, we not only see the exposed tip of the iceberg; we can also visualize the huge bulk beneath the surface. Things are not always as they appear. 


Unfortunately, not all mentors are what they appear to be.  Sadly, we encounter ulterior motives and complex factors that place the mentee in hands of a bad mentor. Read more…

Assessing the organization, Staff relations

Destination Intimidation 4: The many faces of persuasion

January 14th, 2010

Coaxing is to persuasion as coercion is to bullying.  


Persuasion is a tool to get others to do your bidding.  It can be done at work through legitimate forms.  It is seen in sales.  Persuasion turned malevolent transforms into bullying.  It is the more subtle sibling of force or intimidation.



Recently, I attended a time share presentation and I saw persuasion in action.  Read more…

Self Scrutiny

Idiom Icebreaker

January 14th, 2010

Idioms are phases that are colorful.  They enliven the language, making reading and conversation more interesting. The phrase “babble like a brook” is a colorful way to express the notion of a person who is enthusiastic yet somewhat incoherent.


Unfortunately, any figure of speech, idioms, and clichés, and even “normal” phrases will not always translate clearly from one language to another.  Read more…
