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Archive for the ‘Self Scrutiny’ Category

How to counteract two types of corrections anti-mentors

May 14th, 2009

With the influx of so many new staff each year, the need for good mentors in the profession is crucial. However, not everyone will have the best interests of the trainee in mind.  Read more…

Self Scrutiny, Staff relations, Training

Consider the hero within

May 7th, 2009

 Corrections is a profession that has many elements of danger.  Every day, staff are subjected to potential peril.  Because of that, not everyone will even consider working in such conditions.  Yet, corrections’ ranks are filled with dedicated professionals who perform well under adverse conditions. When you think about it, there is heroism inherent in what we do. Read more…

Self Scrutiny

Just say “negative”

April 30th, 2009



NEGATIVE – neg’ . a . tiv – a denial of permission, a refusal, a veto.



Her voice on the telephone sounded defeated and beleaguered.  Although I could not see her face, I knew that her eyes would reveal a quite desperation. And she was trapped by her sharing spirit, helpless in the grip of her own inclination to be a helper.


“I wish someone would just teach me how to say ‘no’,” is what she said.  These were the words of a very active person who simply added one too many volunteer activities to her already full plate. 


I said to her, “One of the most common words used at work is no. Would you like me to teach you how to be more assertive in relaying that sentiment?”


“Yes, please,” she said with enthusiasm.


“Well, you failed your first test. You did not say ‘no’,” I replied playfully.


Talking about denying a request makes me think deeper about the nature of the word ‘no’.  It is so much more than a monosyllabic refutation.   The word carries a variety of psychological and physical reactions.  Read more…

Self Scrutiny

A voice from your future

March 24th, 2009

Author’s note: If you were to receive a message from the future, you’d surely wonder how or why it could happen. For the purposes of this essay, Dear Reader, let us dispose of any theological, metaphysical, and time/space continuum considerations. Focus instead on the content of the message.

Imagine that you receive a message from the future. More alarming is that you recognize the writing style as your own. How would such a message read? Here is one possibility. Read more…

Self Scrutiny