Read the signs
Rain clouds usually mean rain. It is not illogical to suppose that we may get wet soon after we observe meteorological cues on the horizon. But do we always obey the signs?
How many times do we fail to see the obvious? Why do we think that we are above reading the signs? Ignoring helpful forewarnings is foolish, and often is the downfall of the complacent.
I just had a humbling experience. Read more…
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joebouchard Self Scrutiny
In part one of Training Programs Staff with the Tripod Model, we reviewed the Departmental Perspective, the professional Perspective, and Standard Tools. Let us now look at strategies to bring these concepts into practice.
The responsibilities of the trainer. Who initiates this? The answer to that is as different as all corrections systems are. The request for new, comprehensive training like this could originate from the line staff in the particular niche. Or, the catalyst can arise from some perceived need as seen from the official leader of the group. No matter where the request comes from, the training office should take an active role. First, the training committee has to be aware of the origin of the training request. Of course, centralized permission is necessary. Read more…
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joebouchard Training, Uncategorized
There once was a big fish in a little tank. She had her fill of all food, eating first and as much as she wanted. Life was good for this particular fish, as she lorded over all that she saw. All of the other fish gave her plenty of room whenever she swam by. All creatures in her world respected and/or feared her.
Then one day – and without warning – the inevitable waves of change introduced a new fish to the tank. Read more…
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joebouchard Assessing the organization, Self Scrutiny, Staff relations
How do you train a corrections programs professional? This question may sound like a bad joke, particularly if it is followed with, “Very carefully!” But there is really some truth to that. Specialized niches need specialized training content.
Certainly, basic mandatory instruction is crucial. Courses such as CPR, unarmed self-defense, remedies against manipulation and infection and pathogen control are necessary for all corrections staff. They serve as annual reminders of vocational fundamentals. But shouldn’t corrections training address both sides of the hyphen? Consider the corrections-librarian, for example. Is the librarian component receiving a much subordinate emphasis compared to the corrections part? Shouldn’t the left and right side of the equation get more or less equal development? The needs of some groups are not always apparent. Sometimes niche professionals such as prison librarians have not asked themselves these questions.
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joebouchard Training
Finding a specific contraband item in any facility can be difficult. As a matter of fact, it is not unlike finding a specific tree in a forest. Often, we are sometimes faced with the task of locating a very specialized, elusive item.
Quick! Without thinking, name a contraband item. What did you say? Shank? Tattoo gun? Betting slips? Whatever your answer, it probably was blurted out rapidly. Like word association, ideas come quickly. Quite simply, everyone can describe a tangible example of contraband when asked. Read more…
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joebouchard Contraband Control
Super novas, nebula, dying stars, and comets are diverse and exciting parts of our awe-inspiring universe. Some are a flash of brilliant inspiration while others shine less brightly, but for longer durations. Still others emanate cryptic light, puzzling the viewer. The diverse beauty of all celestial sights inspire in different ways.
At any work place there is a veritable constellation of dissimilar sorts of stars. If you study our modes manners of operation, it brings exciting revelations, like looking at the firmament with a telescope for the first time. Read more…
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joebouchard Self Scrutiny, Staff relations
Sometimes, we become so comfortable with our professional behaviors that we get lost. It is like walking in a corn maze for years trying to find a way out of our predictable rut. Yet, unless we seek different ways to see ourselves and our roles in the institution, we are doomed to keep walking in the same forlorn manner.
In part one of “How to be a ridiculous figure”, we examined some behavior that diminish safety. They are the, self-abuser, bullies, those who are over-sensitive. Also discussed were staff that will badmouth other staff, those who loudly opinionate, the know-it-all, staff who argue with offenders, and those who crack under stress. We know that these unprofessional episodes occur from time to time. When they recur, they can be considered ridiculous. Read more…
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joebouchard Self Scrutiny, Staff relations
Are we just cogs in a large, complex machine, turning helplessly without purpose? That cynical sentiment may be common. But upon further examination, it is not entirely true. The statement needs to be qualified. Certainly, the term “cog in the machine” has a pejorative connotation. But if a large corrections agency is a complex machine, line level staff must be the cogs that keep the machine running. One of the most important functions of that particular machine is to provide safety for staff, offenders, and the public. Suddenly, the unobtrusive cog becomes a crucial part of a noble cause. And when the machine and all of its many components operate well, the common goal becomes more attainable.
One of corrections most pervasive problems is groups of offenders who work in unison against the safety of the institution. Some may call this gang activity. Others may term it as Security Threat Groups (STG). Whatever the terminology, this manifestation of cooperation in the perpetration of illegal acts is very destabilizing. Read more… |
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joebouchard Training
The confident professional who stumbles clumsily up the stairs…
The narcissist with the smug smile, oblivious to the spinach in his teeth…
Leaving a rest room with a foot long flag of toilet paper on our shoe or at our beltline…
Let’s face it, we are only human. And when we are trying to operate smoothly, or even normally, we wear egg on our faces from time to time. These are unintentional incidents that may be forgotten after a while. But, there are many more things that we do to ourselves that seem to be remembered in perpetuity.
In fact, we may not realize just how ridiculous we can appear to other people. But the problem is not solely about embarrassment. That is a lesser concern when we consider the haunting specter of self imposed security breaches. Read more…
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joebouchard Self Scrutiny, Staff relations, Uncategorized
Let’s take a trip – an ego trip. It is very easy to do, and it is a journey in self-exploration. Just relax and let the words take you there.
Imagine yourself on a warm and isolated beach on an idyllic inland lake. Fragrant winds blow inland. You are comforted by the pleasing mix of pine and maple trees that form a green and natural barrier from outside intrusions. Blissfully alone, you are in your safe place and secure from any outside threats. As you skip a flat stone on the glass-like, placid surface, tiny ripples develop. They cause nothing but pleasure. It is as if the lake is at your will as shapes manifest on it by your actions. In effect, you are lord and master of this little slice of paradise.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, there is a colossal cataclysmic collision of boulder on water. A stone as large as a rhinoceros shatters the lake’s glass-like surface, and heaves into your aqueous sanctuary by some unseen and powerful being.
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joebouchard Self Scrutiny, Staff relations