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Delano CCF under capacity
By bakersfieldnow.com
Published: 08/29/2009

DELANO, Calif. -- While all of California's 33 prisons face severe overcrowding, community correctional facilities, such as the one in Delano, have closed dormitories for lack of low-risk inmates.

"We're not receiving the level of intake that we did from the Department of Corrections," said George Galaza, chief of corrections at Delano Community Correctional Facility.

The CCF is owned and operated by the city of Delano and has an annual budget of more than $8 million.

The facility was built in 1990 as a joint venture between the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation and the city to relieve prison overcrowding, provide services to inmates to reduce recidivism and to create jobs for areas hit hard by unemployment.

Galaza said that since October the number of inmates has fallen to just 65 percent of capacity. Delano CCF has room to house 578 low-risk inmates. The state pays Delano for every inmate it sends, and fewer inmates mean fewer dollars.

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