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McGwire joins Pacman, Burress, Vick, Marshall in Hall of Shame
By saultstar.com
Published: 01/15/2010

Idiots and cheaters to the left of us, criminals and liars to the right.

Unfortunately, that's the sports world we fans are stuck in the middle of.

It's become so obvious in recent years: Knuckleheads are screwing up sports.

How much fun is it to see your sports page resemble a police blotter?

Or to watch athletes with utter disregard for coaches, fans, teammates and the game?

Take Mark McGwire, who said he wanted to come clean earlier this week, but actually covered up more dirt.

McGwire admitted using anabolic steroids off and on for 10 years of his baseball career.

Some are giving Big Mac, who hit 70 home runs -- the all-time, single-season record -- in 1998, credit for coming forward.

It can be argued, however, he did it only because as the new batting coach for the St. Louis Cardinals, he faced a season full of media questions he wanted to get out of the way ASAP.

But when asked what he thought the drugs did for him, either McGwire was lying or he's absolutely in denial.

Because he claims to have taken steroids only for health reasons, he thinks his abnormal records are "completely legit."

McGwire, who was absolutely huge physically in the latter stages of his career, said he didn't use steroids in order to become a better hitter.

"It never crossed my mind," he said.


He also went on to say the homers he hit as his career was winding down were the result of shortening his stroke and the power of his mind.

Now, if he didn't think steroids gave him an unfair advantage, why did he say he understands why the Maris family believes the 61 homers the late Roger Maris hit in 1961, is the authentic, single-season record.

"They have every right to," McGwire said in an interview on the MLB network.

The former first baseman also spoke of how tremendously difficult holding this secret in has been for him.

But if he only took drugs to heal a wounded body, as McGwire claims, then why has he been such a tortured soul?

Next up, the recent take-your-guns- to-work incident involving Washington Wizards guard Gilbert Arenas and his teammate, Jarvis Crittenton.

According to firsthand accounts, the two got into a dispute over unpaid gambling debts.

Arenas, who must learn Wild West rules don't apply to NBA stars, is presently suspended for the rest of the season.

But should what happened in Washington shock any sports fan?

Not when we've become accustomed to the likes of Plaxico Burress, Michael Vick, Pacman Jones, Roger Clemens, Stephon Marbury, Allen Iverson, Barry Bonds, Sammy Sosa, Terrell Owens, Ron Artest, Milton Bradley, Brandon Marshall etc., etc., etc.

That's a group that includes lawbreakers, steroid cheats, proven troublemakers and self-absorbed coach-killers.

Burress showed what one irresponsible player can do to a football team.

The nightclub incident where he accidentally shot himself in the leg, with an illegal handgun, cost the New York Giants any chance they had to make a serious run for back-to-back Super Bowl titles.

In the case of Pacman Jones, where do we start? A first-round, NFL draft choice of the Tennessee Titans, Jones has crafted a rap sheet longer than Shaquille O'Neal's arm.

Who can forget Terrell Owens questioning the sexual orientation of his quarterback in San Francisco, Jeff Garcia? Or questioning the commitment of Donovan McNabb, his quarterback In Philadelphia?

Or accusing his quarterback and tight end in Dallas (Tony Romo and Jason Witten) of conspiring to not throw him the ball, while drawing up their own plays in a hotel room?

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