The many benefits of contraband control |
By Joe Bouchard |
Published: 04/05/2010 |
When a major contraband item is found, there is one less bargaining tool or weapon taken out of the loop. But, that is just one benefit of the process. There is a conceptual dimension. We don’t usually look at the other gains that effective control of illicit barter produces. They are not as obvious as removing a dangerous item from the playing field. They can be grouped into five categories. They are benefits to security, staff unity, prisoner rehabilitation, services, and to the taxpayer. All of the following are possible, often ignored effects of contraband control. Security. Of course, effective contraband control keeps one group of prisoners from gaining primacy relative to others. Otherwise, they may be in an optimal position to terrorize staff and other prisoners. It also:
Prisoner rehabilitation. How can elimination of bootleg help prisoners become better citizens? If you think that some prisoner behavior without contraband is not good, imagine if contraband squabbles are added to the formula. Contraband lords promote fear among other prisoners. Therefore, the more contraband struggles that are present, more prisoners will form counter-alliances and obtain weapons for protection. So, the elimination of bootleg removes some reason to misbehave. And marginal prisoners may not start down the path of illicit trade if the opportunities are not so easily seen. Perhaps some prisoners in a more controlled environment may not acquire even some vices. Above all, it fulfills part of many mission statements, safety to residents. Service enhancement. Prisoner trade encumbers services. Elimination of this trade gives opportunity to improve all work areas. Areas that are swept clean of contraband will benefit from focus of their original function. Once the process becomes habit rather than the new mode of operation, progressive results will show. Examples of areas that can refine under less contraband pressure are education, food service, health service, prisoner store, vocational education, and other programs. Taxpayer. We should never forget the taxpayer. We offer two gifts to our patrons when we successfully hunt for contraband. They are assurances and fiscal responsibility. Under the category of assurances, we facilitate public trust toward the department and the profession. We are less likely to be viewed unfavorably if there are fewer stories of uncontrolled bootleg. With that is diminished staff corruption. The public wants us to control ourselves and the environment of the prison. Contraband control does those two things. No news is good news. We also show our fiscal responsibility in this process. Because of high training and recruitment costs, staff retention is always expensive. Yet, in the safer and positive work environment that comes from successful contraband control, staff turnover is lessened. In a more conceptual sense, this also produces professionally satisfied staff. Generally they become more healthy, which save tax dollars. Our vigilance in the war against barter leads to a more fulfilled, healthy professional that is more vested in corrections. Of course, not all of these benefits will necessarily be realized. But, that is reality. And, some of which is actually achieved will never be acknowledged. Not all staff will maintain optimism in the face of the daily task of controlling contraband. Further, some benefits are contingent on others happening. Yet, all of the above is possible. Consider all of the potential good that can be achieved by simple contraband control. Visit the Joe Bouchard page |
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