$25 prison visit fee in Arizona leads to lawsuit |
By pe.com - Andrea Parrish |
Published: 09/08/2011 |
The Arizona legislature is putting the state prisons in the news yet again. The Arizona government would like to use prison visits as ATMs. The new $25 prison visit fee in Arizona will be going to the general fund, unless an advocacy group lawsuit moves forward. Arizona’s $25 prison visit fee Arizona has 15 separate prison complexes in the state. A recently-passed piece of legislation levies a $25 one-time fee to visit any prisoners in those complexes. The fee is referred to as a “background check fee.” However, the chief of staff for the Arizona Senate has confirmed that the fee will be forwarded to the Department of Corrections for “maintenance and repairs to the prisons.” As far as the Arizona Senate is concerned, the money is intended to make up for the $1.6 billion budget deficit in the state. Lawsuit against Arizona Middle Ground Prison Reform is a prison advocacy group in Arizona. Last month, the group filed a lawsuit against Arizona Department of Corrections to block the $25 fee. Middle Ground Prison Reform and the American Civil Liberties Union have called the fee a “specialty tax” that unfairly targets individuals who are in prison and their families. The lawsuit seeks to have the background check fee repealed or legally blocked by the courts. The eventual result of the $25 prison visit fee Read More. |
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Arizona prisons are in news reports again. This time, the Arizona legislature is putting the prisons in the news with new fundraising initiatives. Prison visits are the brand new type of an ATM, as reported by the legislature. The new $25 jail visit charge in Arizona will be going to the basic fund, unless an advocacy group suit progresses. Source of article: $25 prison visit fee in Arizona leads to lawsuit. Check that out for the details.