From Gitmo To A Place Near YOU!: All That Glitters Is Not Gold |
By William Sturgeon |
Published: 06/16/2014 |
![]() Politicians of all stripes have sounded off about the capabilities of American prisons to hold these “prisoners”, specifically prisons which are located in their electoral districts. I am not faulting them for trying to bring jobs and money into their electoral districts during these tough times. All Americans know that certain areas of this country are experiencing extemely hard times during the recession. Yet, as much as these (Prison) jobs will bring money into a community, there are very dangerous “downsides” to having these terrorist/prisoners in the United States in any locality. I know that my stance on this issue might provoke some of you, but I hope that you understand I am making that stance because I care about you, who work in the field. If I did not care, I would sit back and not say anything. There are numerous concerns that, in my opinion, “MUST” be addressed before any terrorist/prisoner is moved to the CONUS from Gitmo. I will only address the concerns that I believe are the most pressing in this article. While America’s Maximum Prisons are the best in the world, they were meant to incarcerate criminals, not terrorists and all of the challenges associated with terrorists/prisoners. First and foremost, I believe, they are extremely vulnerable to direct assault from without. I, personally, do not believe that there is a state prison or local jail that could repel a direct attack on its perimeter by a heavily armed, well trained, para-military team. There are several reasons for this particular vulnerability:
Jobs are important and I know that, but so is the well being of an entire community, its schools, nursing homes, churches and synagogues. There is the possibility that by bringing terrorist/prisoners into a community, the entire community could be at risk! People and communities must THINK and weigh all of the short term and long term advantages and disadvantages of having terrorist/prisoners in their community. Mt. Sturgeon is a decorated Vietnam veteran who served with the 101st Airborne Division. Visit the Bill Sturgeon page Other articles by Sturgeon: |
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While I do not myself work in a prison (I work in a jail) we do have a prison here also, so this concerns me. I had a friend of mine that used to work in law enforcement. He told me of a demonstration put on by our state Bureau of Investigation. They had a car parked and a police car facing it. They told the police officer that this was to be a simulated felony stop and arrest. The police officer got out of his car and was behind the door of his vehicle as I guess the protocol goes. My friend said the gut that was supposed to be the terrorist, dropped down in the seat of his vehicle, and came out of the passenger side door, and according to my friend, this officer didn't have a chance. He said the Terrorist came up with his gun and had it been real life, the police officer would have been killed before he could have gotten a shot off. It was explained that this was the difference between a street punk and a terrorist. A terrorist trains until he does his job without thinking and he will not hesitate for a second to kill another person. These people are far from just street punks, they are professionals and fanatics. I agree, we can house them, but we need our systems revamped big time. The only place I have ever heard of a prison being attacked from the outside is in the movies. They have snipers, but they only have enough to do the job at hand and even then they are seriously short staffed a lot of times. Could they stop 30 or 40 trained people assaulting the prison atone time? I doubt it. Even fewer people might be needed depending on the equipment. It is a scary thought.