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Store-o-pod: Part 2
By Joe Bouchard
Published: 07/30/2018

Coffee The following is an installment in "Icebreakers 101 - Volume IX: UNDAMMING THE ICE", a series featuring "Ice Breaker's" designed to promote training awareness and capabilities in the corrections industry.

Dear reader,

You get two for one with the “Store-o-pod” icebreaker. This part is about staff relations. Coffee is the prop for this. Now we look at the staff relations.

This is a great way to kick off a staff relations module while enjoying a cup of coffee with the class.
  1. The instructor will prepare a large pot of coffee.
  2. After all the people who want to partake in coffee have served themselves, break out some cookies and coffee cake. One trainer with whom I work calls this bait. I find that free food is a wonderful way to loosen the inhibitions of the participants.
  3. Break students into teams of five.
  4. One person will serve as a recorder.
  5. Another person will serve as the presenter.
  6. One by one, the facilitator will ask questions. See 8 -
  7. The recorder will write the answers from heir group as the discussion tales place.
  8. Who takes out the garbage at your home?
  9. Who does the dishes?
  10. Who Mows the lawn?
  11. Who shovels the snow?
  12. Who makes the coffee?
  13. Do you believe that there is a fair division of labor?
  14. What happens if the person who usually does a task does not do so?
  15. What are some ways to fairly assign and perform little jobs around the house?
  16. Do prisoners take note of how staff might try to force or fool other staff into doing undesired tasks?
  17. Have each person report out.
  18. Distribute the Impact of Coffee Pot Predator article.
Store-o-pod Part II worksheet

  • Who takes out the garbage at your home?
  • Who does the dishes?
  • Who mows the lawn?
  • Who shovels the snow?
  • Who makes the coffee?
  • Do you believe that there is a fair division of labor?
  • What happens if the person who usually does a task does not do so?
  • What are some ways to fairly assign and perform little jobs around the house?
  • Do prisoners take note of how staff might try to force or fool other staff into doing undesired tasks?
Impacts of coffeepot predators

Dear Reader: Please note that the following collection of coffeepot predators is a composite based on 30 years of observation in the course of consuming caffeine. I am not currently in a coffee club and am in no way pointing fingers at any current colleagues.

At work do you ever wonder who leaves the last cup of coffee in the pot? In these instances, there is not quite enough in the pot for another full cup. However, there is too much of throw away. Because of the frequency of this, you suppose that cannot be pure coincidence. Even the most trusting soul would conclude that someone is jockeying to avoid making the next pot of coffee for the group. The coffeepot predator has struck once again.

Before we delve into this behavior, we might question the merit of this particular complaint. In other words, is such a little bad habit really worth the bother? The answer is that it could be. It depends on a number of factors including the duration and intensity of the problem. Also, we have to consider the tolerance of all people in the group.

First of all, in the stressful job such as corrections, staff unity is occasionally strained. In addition, because we depend on one another for safety, little acts of inconsideration can compound and produce fractures on this crucial working relationship. Third, offenders watch our moods and interactions. They see division, even if it is over who makes next pot of coffee. Given that and an enterprising handler, a point of departure into the setup is provided. And we all know that manipulation can lead to breaches of security, uneven enforcement of rules, introduction of contraband, and inter-collegial distrust.

In theory, a coffeepot fund is a wonderful thing. Colleagues donate money and or coffee and cream and sugar. In exchange, one can drink coffee throughout the entire workday. That is the theory. In practice, we often encounter some coffee oriented behavior the stresses the good relationship between coworkers.

Here are some irritating little behaviors connected to a coffeepot fund that can steadily erode staff relations:

Jockey – Described above, this is the person who times it so he or she never makes a pot of coffee. Although it seems like a lot of effort and observation to avoid work, this is a common coffeepot predator.

Coffees Czar – Sometimes when the coffee club is without leader, a strong figure is needed. This is a person who takes charge, the person who reminds colleagues to donate money and supplies as necessary. However, the Coffees Czar can become an autocratic, bullying and badgering figure.

Feigned failure – A passive way to avoid making coffee can be achieved when someone makes a horribly weak or incredibly strong pot of coffee. If it is bad enough, the rest of the coffee club will forbid another pot from this person. It seems unbelievable for someone to stoop to that. Still, I’ve seen many intelligent people over the years play dumb and sabotage a pot in order to avoid a task.

Flattery – Some in the coffee club will fawn over the coffee making ability of others in order to avoid making a pot themselves. Working the ego of a colleague in order to make a cheap gain seems like an act of low integrity. There are some out there who use this tactic.

El Cheapo - Most coffee clubs at one time or another have an el cheapo. These are the people who do not pay for the privilege of drinking coffee. They may promise, but they never pay nor do they bring in supplies. It’s also in the form of someone who steals coffee – waiting until it seems that no one is looking and taking a cup without donation.

It would be an empty exercise to simply identify staff dividers such as coffeepot predators. Incidentally, this is certainly not limited to corrections staff. You can find these archetypes in any number of occupational subgroups. However, since staff unity is so crucial in supporting our mission of safety, the coffeepot predator poses a more serious problem in corrections than in other vocations. Here are some solutions:
  1. If there are chronic abusers but the identities are vague, a meeting can be called and this could be brought to the fore. Perhaps to avoid embarrassment, a few quick guidelines of conduct can be outlined by the coffee leader.
  2. Charts or sign-up sheets can be created to fairly determine who will bring supplies and at what time.
  3. Tact is important. Accusations should be proven before issued.
  4. Check yourself. Be aware of your own flaws within the system before you attack others.
  5. Lighten up. It is only a coffee club, after all.
  6. Balance the importance of your appointment as Coffee Czar. Apply the least pressure possible when action is necessary.
It may seem strange to dissect behaviors in a group setting with a collective goal of providing coffee. However, big problems can be tied to little offenses such as undesired behavior in a coffee club. You could regard this as an awareness of potentially bigger problems. Understanding some of these behaviors and having solutions at hand is worthwhile in order to keep staff unity.

The steady drop of water through five heaping tablespoons of coffee produces a bitter brew. Much the same can be said of colleagues who maneuver to avoid little jobs and push them onto others. Like a rhythmic annoyance, the coffeepot predator never fails to irritate. Little things mean a lot. Positive staff relations can be strained through simple acts.

Joe Bouchard is a Librarian employed with the Michigan Department of Corrections and a collaborator with The International Association of Correctional Training Personnel (IACTP). He is also the author of “IACTP’s Corrections Icebreakers: The Bouchard 101, 2014” and "Operation Icebreakers: Shooting for Excellence" among others. The installments in this series include his opinions. The agency for which he works is not in any way responsible for the content or accuracy of this material, and the views are those of the contributor and not necessarily those of the agency. While some material is influenced by other works, all of the icebreakers have been developed by Joe Bouchard.

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