“What If” “X” Happens? |
By William Sturgeon |
Published: 12/14/2020 |
The “What If”, is a drill I started to practice many years ago when I first began my career in law enforcement. The basic premise of “What If’s was to create scenarios that I would run in my head and then develop possible solutions to various encounters prior to possibly experiencing them in real life. Throughout my career in both law enforcement and corrections, I have employed the ““What If”” drill, and have found it to be very helpful in taking the surprise out of situations. Perhaps now is a time for local governmental agencies to practice the “What If” drills. It appears that the Presidential election could be a flash point should the various groups’ candidate lose the election! Throughout the spring and summer of 2020, America has witnessed riots in the streets of some of its cities. Yes, I used the word riots because in demonstrations that I have participated in, we never destroyed property, burned down buildings, attacked federal buildings, or assaulted law enforcement officers. Are local correctional facilities, jails, and police lock-ups ready for what might happen should displeasure with the election results turn to anarchy and riots in the nation’s streets?
Mt. Sturgeon is a decorated Vietnam veteran who served with the 101st Airborne Division. Visit the Bill Sturgeon page Other articles by Sturgeon: |
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