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Press Release

BI Incorporated Announces BI ExacuTrack® One GPS Tracking System System is latest in BI’s continuum of GPS tracking systems

By BI Incorporated
Published: 07/28/2009

BOULDER, Colo.—July 14, 2009—BI Incorporated, a national provider of offender monitoring technology, treatment and training services for community-based offenders, announced the availability of BI ExacuTrack One today. ExacuTrack One offers many innovative features, including a combination of Global Positioning System (GPS) and cellular technologies to enhance reliability of offender monitoring.

A Single Device with Many Capabilities
ExacuTrack One monitors an offender’s geographical position using a portable tracking unit that relies on available GPS data and other location positioning technologies. This FCC-certified device provides accurate data about an offender’s movement within the community. As the product name implies, ExacuTrack One includes a single device that is installed on the ankle of the individual being supervised. This tracking unit works on the same monitoring platform, BI TotalAccess®, as the rest of BI’s electronic monitoring equipment and contains a GPS receiver, battery, battery charge capability, and both wireless and radio frequency communication capabilities.

“Probation, parole and pretrial service agency officers want tracking systems that are reliable and simple to use. ExacuTrack One is lightweight, rugged, tamper-resistant and includes an extensive battery life. This product has endured more than 1,000 unit days of rigorous field testing prior to this release and has performed extremely well,” said Jock Waldo, Vice President Sales, Marketing and Internal Operations, BI Incorporated. “Most importantly, ExacuTrack One is backed by the largest and most highly trained support staff in the industry,” he added.

A one-piece GPS system lowers costs, is more convenient for the offender and agency, and is less likely to result in misuse or loss of equipment. “BI’s ExacuTrack One is an alternative sanction and revocation tool. It is a constant reminder to offenders that they must comply with conditions of release,” said Waldo.

ExacuTrack One also features an advanced chipset supplied by QUALCOMM which pairs the latest GPS tracking technology with advancements in signal sensitivity, enabling the unit to identify location in even the most difficult environments. Chipset capabilities include a unique combination of autonomous GPS, assisted GPS and AFLT (Advanced Forward Link Trilateration). By using this mix of technologies, the system can maintain an accurate position on the monitored individual. Even in more challenging conditions, such as indoors, moving vehicles, or “urban canyons” created by buildings, ExacuTrack One is able to reliably gather and relay location data.

An Innovative Beacon
In addition to the single device with many communication capabilities, ExacuTrack One also includes an option for a new transmitting device – called a beacon – that will enhance the system’s reliability and reduce costs and power consumption. The beacon can be placed in the offender’s home, place of work, school or other designated location. When the individual on ExacuTrack One enters an area where a beacon is located, the system switches modes from GPS tracking to traditional radio-frequency—or absence and presence monitoring—a reliable communication mode. When the person exits the beacon range, the system automatically shifts back to GPS tracking. This dual capability is a new feature to GPS tracking in general, enhances tracking outcomes, and can reduce agency costs.

When ExacuTrack One is in GPS tracking mode, the system relays GPS data points to a central monitoring computer to verify the person is adhering to closely defined schedules of activity and not crossing into excluded zones. Supervising officers define “exclusion” or “inclusion” zones and schedules and curfews for offenders using BI’s password-protected web site. ExacuTrack One’s mapping software enables officers to draw specific zones in any shape, an advantage when tracking offender movements in the community.

The supervising agency receives violation alerts via pager, email, email-enabled cell phone or a combination of these methods. A unique feature of all BI GPS tracking systems is the use of industry-leading mapping technologies, including Microsoft® MapPoint® and Bing™ Maps for Enterprise™, which allow for highly detailed mapping capabilities of local communities and client movements. Supervising officers may also send pre-defined messages to offenders through the ExacuTrack One tracking unit, useful for appointment reminders or to notify an offender upon entering a zone that is forbidden.

For more specific product highlights, see: http://www.bi.com/pdfs/ExacuTrackOne.pdf.

About BI Incorporated (www.bi.com)
Established in 1978, BI Incorporated is the leading technology, treatment and supervision company in community corrections today. BI contracts with more than 1,000 governmental agencies nationwide, supporting them with a full continuum of intensive supervision technologies and community-based cognitive behavioral reentry programs for adult and juvenile offenders. BI’s ISO-certified national monitoring center, owned and operated by BI, provides 24/7 expert support supervision services exclusively for governmental agencies. BI works closely with local public corrections officials to cost effectively reduce recidivism, promote public safety, and strengthen the communities it serves using evidence-based practices in a community setting.

Media Contact:
Monica Hook, Director, Marketing Communications
800.241.2911 or monica.hook@bi.com
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