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Stay Connected To Lower Recidivism Rates


Subscribe to Stay Connected To Lower Recidivism Rates 7 posts, 6 voices

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Drc logo small OHIOco 10 posts


My name is Jacob Metzger. I work for the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections. I am sending this e-mail in regards to a scared straight type of program I want to start at my institution. I was hoping someone might have some kind of resource that could help me with legal issues, liability issues and solutions to each of those. I was also wanting to inquire as to see if anyone knew of any other agency I could contact to get some ideas. If you could get back with me I would really appreciate it. Thank you for your time.

Contact: Jacob.Metzger@odrc.state.oh.us

Untitled Slim 57 posts

This sounds like spam for the website mentioned below that I will not bother to visit.

Getty rf photo of cat and praying mantis Campi 227 posts

Hard to say. I have become an even better criminal then before I got this job. I have over the years torn apart various things locks and security devices to understand how they work and if it is man made it can be man broke. If I a law abiding citizen can pick up tons of new tricks and skills in prison what’s to say Johnny criminal element can’t as well. What really blows my mind is how simple it is to break into houses. Windows can be broken but why go to those extremes when you can use a metal spoon and only leave small pry marks that probably would go unnoticed.
As for the family affair we see it every day most inmates are related to another in the same prison or if not someone in the system. I like the idea of converting criminals into something useful. Like man oil rigs in international waters. They could try to swim for it but let’s make sure they rigs are over 100 miles off shore.

Isr DT Instructor 108 posts

Damn, retirement!?!

Isr DT Instructor 108 posts

Very true Mick. If the inmate has no idea what “normal” is, compared with your average law-abiding citizen, then how do you rehabilitate him/her!?!?!? When grandpa, grandma, mom, dad, brother, sister, uncle, aunt and cousins are all criminals then guess what little Johnny inmate is going to be?

Reduce Recidivism!?!?!? Keep ‘em coming back I’ve got like 20 years to go til retiremnet.

Riot helmet Mick 307 posts

One problem with that. As it here happens many of the Family & Friends visiting are themselves career criminals. And as such re-enforce their criminal behavior.

And I think you posted in the wrong forum. This is a Correctional Officers forum not a “Lets be friends with Dirtbirds” forum.

Male user stellajones 1 post

It’s unbelievably important to stay connected with an inmate while they’re in prison. Inmates who maintain strong relationships with family and friends while incarcerated are LESS likely to re-engage in criminal activity after they’ve been released.

Three simple steps can go a long way toward reducing recidivism:

1. Increased Visitation

2. Pre- and Post-Release Counseling

3. Frequent Communication

If family and friends maintain a steady stream of communication with their loved one, it will help them continue to feel connected and important to the outside world.

* For speed and versatility, Corrections.com has been relaunched in opensource. Some older postings dates may be affected.

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