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Jailor vs. Corrections


Subscribe to Jailor vs. Corrections 2 posts, 2 voices

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Remle riflepg irish assassin 286 posts

Besides Jail Officers or Deputies work for City, County or other smaller government while Corrections Officers work for the State or Federal Systems, Not much at all. Mostly just that “jailer” is an old term like “guard” and not widely used anymore. “Correction Officer” is the new happy, warm, fuzzy and fluffy PC way of saying the same thing. Some Officers don’t like being called guard or jailer, and others could care less.

Female user Frankk029 1 post

Hi everyone,
I just signed up for the deputy sheriff jailor civil service exam in Monroe County New York. I was wondering what the difference between a Deputy Sheriff jailor and a correction officer is? I know that the deputy sheriff jailor has a 16 week jailor academy and work for the county and that corrections officers work for the state and work for the DOC but what is the actual difference between the actual job duties?

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