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Working 3 to 11 Shift


Subscribe to Working 3 to 11 Shift 10 posts, 10 voices

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Female user StuckinOZ 13 posts

I started out on third shift but after a year, I was able to transfer to second (3:00 to 11:00). It is so boring on third shift. What I like on 2nd is something is always happening and the time flies.

Untitled centella 14 posts

You’re locky guys I work from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. ok, so don’t complyng you are fine.

Male user coforlyfe5093 1 post

working 3×11 shift in miami florida and i am interested in chatting…

Buckeye flag Mudflap 293 posts

Ain’t interested in chatting but I’m on 2-10 shift. That’s second shift in Ohio, but was the third shift when I worked MO. Occasionally I still refer to my relief as First shift!

Small 986654 maniac 12 posts

3-11 here, live in missouri….. get home about an hour later usually

Male user rpd551 2 posts

Hey 3-11 Evening Watch Roswell GA Police Detention Center

Male user indebt1188 3 posts

3-11 shift in Albq. NM. interested in chatting. county corrections

Online avatar HijoDeDiosMRM 12 posts

I also work the 3-11 shift and would be interested in chatting with some fellow officers.I live in Texas.

Easteregghuntcancelled 1 Igoturback 16 posts

I’m a female 3-11 shift, F.T.O. correction officer, Lic P.I. and a bounty hunter also looking to chat with other correction officers. Looking to relocate in another year or so. FN303, PEPPERBALL, TASER X26,M26, ALS LETHAL DIVERSION DEVICE CERTIFIED.

Female user mardina 1 post i also work the 3-11 shift in phila co. and am interested in chatting.

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