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Recent Posts by centella


Subscribe to Recent Posts by centella 14 posts found

Apr 16, 2014
Untitled centella 14 posts

Topic: The Club House / Hospitalized Inmates getting visits?

due to the many esues with the security out side the prision, and the risks who every correctional officer carry with their profetion, I think that is time to put some restrictions to the people how are visiting inmates at the hospital. It ’s not the fisrt time that officer get in to confrontations with the families and other relatives to the hospital with an unautorized visit. How the system can help with this matter is the big question, and how to stop this visits who can put the security of the officers and the inmates itself in many cases.?

Jun 19, 2012
Untitled centella 14 posts

Topic: The Club House / 12 Hour Shifts

How to manage the stress is something that we need to deal with on our daily basis.
So we need to deal with this type of situation must the time in the correction world, so you have to find the way to cool down your emotions and put all your emphasis on a different way of to think.
Talking about the 12 hours, I think that is good, if you look the opportunity that you have to get 3 days off (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) every other week and 2 days off in the middle of the next week (like Wednesday and Thursday) fallowing by 3 working days, this give you the chance to have a good time off, so is not bad if you want to have a weekend off with your family and the opportunity to get a complete week off, if you want to take at least a week off for any reason. It’s not the best thing in the world but give you the opportunity to take extra time off that you are not allow to do with the 8 hours shift.

Jun 15, 2011
Untitled centella 14 posts

Topic: The Club House / beautiful FRS deduction

I always agree the of way our county deal with the money until the last 4 to 5 years, on wich the county was being cotting out salaries and our hours of work and days off taking the staff to a stressing situation on which the staff (c/o)have to push to do over time to get a little extra money to home, now the new regulation from FRS put the correction Deptartment in a serius situation, why , because FRS is cutting a 3% of our regular pay to pay for our retirement, County allready being taking money for our retirement and in top of that they (FRS) want to get more money from us. i don’t know if this problem still happen in other states, but this problem puts the correctional officers in a difficult situation on which they can’t do any over time because if they make money doing overtime this money goin straight to the 3% that the FRS allready apruved.I don’t know if that situation still appends in other States, I want to know if we are the only state with this incredible situation.

Dec 02, 2010
Untitled centella 14 posts

Topic: The Club House / Does work sometimes conflict with home life?

I think that you have to make a balance on your live. the problem comes when you let the influence of your work take over your family live, take the work stuff totally out of family time and spend time with them and separated the conflicts at work out of your live.

Nov 22, 2010
Untitled centella 14 posts

Topic: Health & Wellness / Physical Conditioning?

Taking About Physical Conditioning, how much empathized corrections on physical training.
In the academy and how poor is the appearance of some officers after the training,
I think corrections have to implement some kind of policy concerning to the physical
conditioning and keep certain kind of training to keep a good physical condition to all
Correctional staff.

Nov 18, 2010
Untitled centella 14 posts

Topic: Security Central / How many gangs are in your facility?

Here is a one of the most recent information about the colors use by the gangs on USA so you can up date your information an get the most recent information obout gangs:

Gang Affiliated Sports Team Apparel or Logos:

Ø Atlanta Braves: People- initial “A” for Almighty
Ø Boston Celtics: Spanish Cobras – Colors – Green/Black
Ø British Knights: Crips – initials “B” & “K” for Blood Killers
Ø Burger King: Crips – initials “B” & “K” for Blood Killers
Ø Charlotte Hornets: 4 Corner Hustlers – initials “C” & “H”
Ø Charlotte Hornets: Imperial Gangsters – Colors – Black/Pink
Ø Chicago Bulls: Vice Lords, Latin Counts, and Mickey Cobras -colors – Black/Red
Ø Chicago Bulls: Black Peace Stone Nation – “Bulls” stands for “Boy You Look Like Stone”
Ø Chicago Black Hawks: Vice Lords – Colors – Black/Red
Ø Chicago Cubs: Spanish Cobras – initial “C”
Ø Cincinnati Reds: 4 Corner Hustlers – put a “4″ next to the “C” and an “H” inside of the “C”
Ø Colorado Rockies: Simon City Royals – sometimes place a white “S” in front of the “C”
Ø Columbia Knights: Bloods – initials “C” & “K” for Crips Killer
Ø Converse All Star shoe: People – five point star in the logo of label Ø Dallas Cowboys: People – five point star
Ø Denver Broncos: Black Disciples switch “DB” for initials “BD”
Ø Detroit Lions: Gangster Disciples – Colors – Black/Blue
Ø Detroit Tigers: Folks – initial “D” for Disciples
Ø Detroit Tigers: Gangster Disciples – Colors: Black/Blue
Ø Duke: Folks – Colors – Black/Blue; “Duke” = “Disciples Utilizing Knowledge Everyday”
Ø Georgetown: Folks – initial “G” for Gangster
Ø Georgetown Hoyas: Gangster Disciples – Colors: Black/Blue; “Hoyas” stands for “Hoover’s On Your Ass” (Larry Hoover)
Ø Georgia Tech: Folks – initial “G” for Gangster
Ø Indiana University: Imperial Gangsters – initials “I” & “U” overlapping appear to make the shape of a pitchfork showing “Folks” affiliation
Ø Kansas City Royals: Folks – Colors: Black/Blue
Ø Kansas City Royals: Simon City Royals – “Royals”
Ø LA Dodgers: Gangster Disciples – initial “D” for Disciples
Ø LA Kings: Latin Kings – “Kings”
Ø LA Kings: People – “Kings” stands for “Kill Inglewood Nasty Gangsters”
Ø Los Angeles Raiders: Folks – “Raiders” stands for “Ruthless Ass Insane Disciples Running Shit”
Ø Los Angeles Raiders: People – “Raiders” stands for “Raggedy Ass Iced Donuts Everywhere Running Scared”: used to “Disrespect” Folks
Ø Louis Vitton Cap: Vice Lords Initials “LV” reversed
Ø Miami Hurricanes: People – Color -Orange
Ø Michigan: Initial “M” for Maniac Latin Disciples
Ø Minnesota Twins: Initial “M” for Maniac Latin Disciples
Ø NY Yankees: Gangster Disciples Colors – Black/Blue/White
Ø North Carolina Tar Heels: Folks – Colors – Black/Blue
Ø Nike: Folks – Colors – Black/Blue
Ø Oakland A’s: Ambrose – initial “A” for Ambrose
Ø Oakland A’s: Orchestra Albany Initials “O” & “A”
Ø Oakland A’s: Spanish Cobras – Color – Green
Ø Orlando Magic: Folks – “Magic” stands for “Maniacs and Gangsters in Chicago”; Colors – Black/Blue represents numerous “Folks” gangs
Ø Philadelphia Phillies: People – initial “P” for “People”
Ø Phoenix Suns: Black Peace Stone Nation – initials “P” & “S”
Ø Pittsburgh Pirates: Colors – Black/Gold for Latin Kings; Bloods – Initial “P”; for Pirus (Bloods)
Ø San Francisco Giants: Folks – switch initials for “Super Gangster Folk”
Ø San Francisco Giants: Future Stones Initials “S” & “F” spelled backwards San Francisco (Any) Stone Freaks Initials “S” & “F”
Ø St. Louis Cardinals: Spanish Vice Lords – red-colored hat
Ø Starter Symbol: Folks – crack the five-point star to disrespect the “People”
Ø Starter Symbol: People – five point star
Ø Texas Rangers: People – initial “T” looks like pitchfork pointing down
Ø University of Illinois: Folks – initials “U” & “I” together appear to be a pitchfork pointing up
Ø University of Nevada at Las Vegas: (UNLV) -Vice Lords Colors: Red/Black; “UNLV” backwards stands for “Vice Lords Nation United.”

I hope this help you little bet to identified gangas and colors use by them, could be one next to your school or neighborhood.

Nov 18, 2010
Untitled centella 14 posts

Topic: Security Central / Are gangs running our prisons?

Here is a one of the most recent information about the colors use by the gangs on USA so you can up date your information an get the most recent information obout gangs:

Gang Affiliated Sports Team Apparel or Logos:

Ø Atlanta Braves: People- initial “A” for Almighty
Ø Boston Celtics: Spanish Cobras – Colors – Green/Black
Ø British Knights: Crips – initials “B” & “K” for Blood Killers
Ø Burger King: Crips – initials “B” & “K” for Blood Killers
Ø Charlotte Hornets: 4 Corner Hustlers – initials “C” & “H”
Ø Charlotte Hornets: Imperial Gangsters – Colors – Black/Pink
Ø Chicago Bulls: Vice Lords, Latin Counts, and Mickey Cobras -colors – Black/Red
Ø Chicago Bulls: Black Peace Stone Nation – “Bulls” stands for “Boy You Look Like Stone”
Ø Chicago Black Hawks: Vice Lords – Colors – Black/Red
Ø Chicago Cubs: Spanish Cobras – initial “C”
Ø Cincinnati Reds: 4 Corner Hustlers – put a “4″ next to the “C” and an “H” inside of the “C”
Ø Colorado Rockies: Simon City Royals – sometimes place a white “S” in front of the “C”
Ø Columbia Knights: Bloods – initials “C” & “K” for Crips Killer
Ø Converse All Star shoe: People – five point star in the logo of label Ø Dallas Cowboys: People – five point star
Ø Denver Broncos: Black Disciples switch “DB” for initials “BD”
Ø Detroit Lions: Gangster Disciples – Colors – Black/Blue
Ø Detroit Tigers: Folks – initial “D” for Disciples
Ø Detroit Tigers: Gangster Disciples – Colors: Black/Blue
Ø Duke: Folks – Colors – Black/Blue; “Duke” = “Disciples Utilizing Knowledge Everyday”
Ø Georgetown: Folks – initial “G” for Gangster
Ø Georgetown Hoyas: Gangster Disciples – Colors: Black/Blue; “Hoyas” stands for “Hoover’s On Your Ass” (Larry Hoover)
Ø Georgia Tech: Folks – initial “G” for Gangster
Ø Indiana University: Imperial Gangsters – initials “I” & “U” overlapping appear to make the shape of a pitchfork showing “Folks” affiliation
Ø Kansas City Royals: Folks – Colors: Black/Blue
Ø Kansas City Royals: Simon City Royals – “Royals”
Ø LA Dodgers: Gangster Disciples – initial “D” for Disciples
Ø LA Kings: Latin Kings – “Kings”
Ø LA Kings: People – “Kings” stands for “Kill Inglewood Nasty Gangsters”
Ø Los Angeles Raiders: Folks – “Raiders” stands for “Ruthless Ass Insane Disciples Running Shit”
Ø Los Angeles Raiders: People – “Raiders” stands for “Raggedy Ass Iced Donuts Everywhere Running Scared”: used to “Disrespect” Folks
Ø Louis Vitton Cap: Vice Lords Initials “LV” reversed
Ø Miami Hurricanes: People – Color -Orange
Ø Michigan: Initial “M” for Maniac Latin Disciples
Ø Minnesota Twins: Initial “M” for Maniac Latin Disciples
Ø NY Yankees: Gangster Disciples Colors – Black/Blue/White
Ø North Carolina Tar Heels: Folks – Colors – Black/Blue
Ø Nike: Folks – Colors – Black/Blue
Ø Oakland A’s: Ambrose – initial “A” for Ambrose
Ø Oakland A’s: Orchestra Albany Initials “O” & “A”
Ø Oakland A’s: Spanish Cobras – Color – Green
Ø Orlando Magic: Folks – “Magic” stands for “Maniacs and Gangsters in Chicago”; Colors – Black/Blue represents numerous “Folks” gangs
Ø Philadelphia Phillies: People – initial “P” for “People”
Ø Phoenix Suns: Black Peace Stone Nation – initials “P” & “S”
Ø Pittsburgh Pirates: Colors – Black/Gold for Latin Kings; Bloods – Initial “P”; for Pirus (Bloods)
Ø San Francisco Giants: Folks – switch initials for “Super Gangster Folk”
Ø San Francisco Giants: Future Stones Initials “S” & “F” spelled backwards San Francisco (Any) Stone Freaks Initials “S” & “F”
Ø St. Louis Cardinals: Spanish Vice Lords – red-colored hat
Ø Starter Symbol: Folks – crack the five-point star to disrespect the “People”
Ø Starter Symbol: People – five point star
Ø Texas Rangers: People – initial “T” looks like pitchfork pointing down
Ø University of Illinois: Folks – initials “U” & “I” together appear to be a pitchfork pointing up
Ø University of Nevada at Las Vegas: (UNLV) -Vice Lords Colors: Red/Black; “UNLV” backwards stands for “Vice Lords Nation United.”

I hope this help you little bet to identified gangas and colors use by them, could be one next to your school or neighborhood or in corrections you can be wanderred.

Nov 14, 2009
Untitled centella 14 posts

Topic: Everything Education / Keeping Kids Gang Free

I teach my Childs everything I know about gangs and the consequences of being part of them and I think that any person who works on law enforcement have the obligation to teach their children’s about it and take them inside the system (correction system) and let them take a look of the real part of being gang member.

Nov 14, 2009
Untitled centella 14 posts

Topic: Letter of The Law / Lethal injection… cruel and unusual?

Dead penalty by lethal injection is not a questionable decision, when victims of abuse, murder, rape, child negligence still over the table, I think (and it’s my personal opinion) that we have to be more sensitive to the way on which government use this type of punishment over a innocents persons without find enough evidence which prove the validation of use the lethal injection.

Oct 12, 2009
Untitled centella 14 posts

Topic: The Club House / Where in the world are you


Oct 12, 2009
Untitled centella 14 posts

Topic: The Club House / If corrections had a slogan what would it be?


Oct 12, 2009
Untitled centella 14 posts

Topic: The Club House / If corrections had a slogan what would it be?


Jun 17, 2009
Untitled centella 14 posts

Topic: The Club House / Working 3 to 11 Shift

You’re locky guys I work from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. ok, so don’t complyng you are fine.

Jun 17, 2009
Untitled centella 14 posts

Topic: The Club House / Where in the world are you

i work for orange county corrections, orlando fl.

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