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How many gangs are in your facility?


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Untitled centella 14 posts

Here is a one of the most recent information about the colors use by the gangs on USA so you can up date your information an get the most recent information obout gangs:

Gang Affiliated Sports Team Apparel or Logos:

Ø Atlanta Braves: People- initial “A” for Almighty
Ø Boston Celtics: Spanish Cobras – Colors – Green/Black
Ø British Knights: Crips – initials “B” & “K” for Blood Killers
Ø Burger King: Crips – initials “B” & “K” for Blood Killers
Ø Charlotte Hornets: 4 Corner Hustlers – initials “C” & “H”
Ø Charlotte Hornets: Imperial Gangsters – Colors – Black/Pink
Ø Chicago Bulls: Vice Lords, Latin Counts, and Mickey Cobras -colors – Black/Red
Ø Chicago Bulls: Black Peace Stone Nation – “Bulls” stands for “Boy You Look Like Stone”
Ø Chicago Black Hawks: Vice Lords – Colors – Black/Red
Ø Chicago Cubs: Spanish Cobras – initial “C”
Ø Cincinnati Reds: 4 Corner Hustlers – put a “4″ next to the “C” and an “H” inside of the “C”
Ø Colorado Rockies: Simon City Royals – sometimes place a white “S” in front of the “C”
Ø Columbia Knights: Bloods – initials “C” & “K” for Crips Killer
Ø Converse All Star shoe: People – five point star in the logo of label Ø Dallas Cowboys: People – five point star
Ø Denver Broncos: Black Disciples switch “DB” for initials “BD”
Ø Detroit Lions: Gangster Disciples – Colors – Black/Blue
Ø Detroit Tigers: Folks – initial “D” for Disciples
Ø Detroit Tigers: Gangster Disciples – Colors: Black/Blue
Ø Duke: Folks – Colors – Black/Blue; “Duke” = “Disciples Utilizing Knowledge Everyday”
Ø Georgetown: Folks – initial “G” for Gangster
Ø Georgetown Hoyas: Gangster Disciples – Colors: Black/Blue; “Hoyas” stands for “Hoover’s On Your Ass” (Larry Hoover)
Ø Georgia Tech: Folks – initial “G” for Gangster
Ø Indiana University: Imperial Gangsters – initials “I” & “U” overlapping appear to make the shape of a pitchfork showing “Folks” affiliation
Ø Kansas City Royals: Folks – Colors: Black/Blue
Ø Kansas City Royals: Simon City Royals – “Royals”
Ø LA Dodgers: Gangster Disciples – initial “D” for Disciples
Ø LA Kings: Latin Kings – “Kings”
Ø LA Kings: People – “Kings” stands for “Kill Inglewood Nasty Gangsters”
Ø Los Angeles Raiders: Folks – “Raiders” stands for “Ruthless Ass Insane Disciples Running Shit”
Ø Los Angeles Raiders: People – “Raiders” stands for “Raggedy Ass Iced Donuts Everywhere Running Scared”: used to “Disrespect” Folks
Ø Louis Vitton Cap: Vice Lords Initials “LV” reversed
Ø Miami Hurricanes: People – Color -Orange
Ø Michigan: Initial “M” for Maniac Latin Disciples
Ø Minnesota Twins: Initial “M” for Maniac Latin Disciples
Ø NY Yankees: Gangster Disciples Colors – Black/Blue/White
Ø North Carolina Tar Heels: Folks – Colors – Black/Blue
Ø Nike: Folks – Colors – Black/Blue
Ø Oakland A’s: Ambrose – initial “A” for Ambrose
Ø Oakland A’s: Orchestra Albany Initials “O” & “A”
Ø Oakland A’s: Spanish Cobras – Color – Green
Ø Orlando Magic: Folks – “Magic” stands for “Maniacs and Gangsters in Chicago”; Colors – Black/Blue represents numerous “Folks” gangs
Ø Philadelphia Phillies: People – initial “P” for “People”
Ø Phoenix Suns: Black Peace Stone Nation – initials “P” & “S”
Ø Pittsburgh Pirates: Colors – Black/Gold for Latin Kings; Bloods – Initial “P”; for Pirus (Bloods)
Ø San Francisco Giants: Folks – switch initials for “Super Gangster Folk”
Ø San Francisco Giants: Future Stones Initials “S” & “F” spelled backwards San Francisco (Any) Stone Freaks Initials “S” & “F”
Ø St. Louis Cardinals: Spanish Vice Lords – red-colored hat
Ø Starter Symbol: Folks – crack the five-point star to disrespect the “People”
Ø Starter Symbol: People – five point star
Ø Texas Rangers: People – initial “T” looks like pitchfork pointing down
Ø University of Illinois: Folks – initials “U” & “I” together appear to be a pitchfork pointing up
Ø University of Nevada at Las Vegas: (UNLV) -Vice Lords Colors: Red/Black; “UNLV” backwards stands for “Vice Lords Nation United.”

I hope this help you little bet to identified gangas and colors use by them, could be one next to your school or neighborhood.

Female user Swartz 14 posts

In South Africa especially in the Western Cape gangersterism is rife we have gangs in all of our prisons btw 20-30 gangs in every prison.The gangs that are the most notorious are the 27’s who must stab/kill an official to have full membership.The 28’s sodomise other offenders and the 26’s steal.We have numbers for gangs,and believe me only your prayers gets you through each day.Female offenders are also gangmembers many of them end up in prison because of involvement with men who are part of these gangs.The gangsmembers have ranks just like officials some are generals,luitenants,corporals etc.There are cases where officials also join these gangs and work against their collagues.

100 5886 Sarge276 45 posts

Biggest ones are UAB and IBH. We have several Mexican gangs that tend to group together under the Hispanic umbrella that on the streets and maybe other yards would be rivals, but here they tend to stick together against IBH and the black gangs. We have varying sets of bloods and crips, but they mainly stick together against UAB and rarely have issues with each other unless placed in seg together. The main conflict we’re worried about at the moment is a war between the Mexicans and IBH, which is kinda at a “cease fire” at the moment, but could break off again at any time.

Svt FordSVT 60 posts

We have 10 right now that are reconized.
Likely a few more small units that operate under the radar.

Female user azcorrections 7 posts

we have surenos,mau maus,border brothers,new mexican mafia,old mexican mafia,aryan brother hood,warrior society, and newly inducted the dinahs,grandels,

the ones they are watching right now are,westside city crips,AAC skinheads….then you have your street trash who hooks up with the sets , and do the leg work for these guys..wet back power isn’t much on the inside, but on the streets they are huge..they are are typically found in phoenix..on the inside they are few, but when things get ugly for the pasias..the ranch mexican,nationals, because the border brother will try and get them to join or assault them if they refuse to participate, in any rec, or chow turn out….if it appears that they arebeing bullied, assaulted by the border brothers, Wet Back Power will get the paisas back on a yard….the surenos are the foot soldiers for the mexican mafia, and they too use the border brothers to do drug deals, move junk from one area to another, or pick up in visitation. mexican americans have a great deal of power on a yard….the main groups at our prison are the mexican mafia, and aryan brotherhood, and the surenos..all very dangerous, and at any point can reach out and touch someone..i have had several contracts out on me throughout the years..i have put a big dent on the movement of drugs by taking the heroin, the syringes, the players were placed on predator status and i had them moved, or locked down in detention til they moved them.we can never fully stop the introduction of drugs onto the yard and institution..it’s hard work, and sometimes your not supported by the administration, it makes them look bad..nevermind your trying to keep the yard safe, for staff and inmates…it’s a tuff racket out there….but i love it….

Male user CDN 1 post

We , have 2 ….us , and them. :)

Male user fioys 15 posts

From what I have seen, there are no such thing as posers and wanna-be’s. They are either members or future members of gangs. I work in a Regional Prison and have members of at least 6 different gangs currently housed at our facility

Male user OCCD 57 posts

3 or 4 active. Representatives of atleast 50. 80% of those who rep are posers, though. Lots of fakes.

Male user Siconyte 4 posts

At least 10 in TX.

Trishas bday 003 AZ Snowman 1 post

There sure are! The one in the cells and the ones with the radios.

Lion Comfortably ... 154 posts

There are gangs in prison? Nah…

Male user jmonta 43 posts

How many gangs are in your facility?

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