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Recent Posts by Sarge276


Subscribe to Recent Posts by Sarge276 25 posts found

Dec 20, 2010
100 5886 Sarge276 45 posts

Topic: The Club House / HAPPY HAPPY, JOY JOY

WooHoo, no spam!!

Dec 20, 2010
100 5886 Sarge276 45 posts

Topic: Letter of The Law / Should ex-offenders be allowed to vote?

Mick said, “We are normally out numbered between 7 and 10 to one.”
I wouldn’t know what to do if our numbers were that good.
I’m looking at 150 and 200 to 1 every day and they’re still trying to cut our budget. Our prisons are better than 98% full, yet we have between 2/3 and 3/4 the authorized staff. My facility has just under 1000 inmates and we run shift with only 12 officers, including shift supervisor and central control. We typically have 1 officer per housing unit, some of our housing units have has much as 240 offenders assigned at any given time.

Dec 05, 2010
100 5886 Sarge276 45 posts

Topic: A Broader View / Should jails implement more rehabilitation programs?

Pandora, are you suggesting we rehabilitate them by buying them folexes?

Nov 27, 2010
100 5886 Sarge276 45 posts

Topic: The Club House / Probation/Parole

You know Tiffany? I saw her a couple days ago. She was doing ok, the kids are fine too. She’s putting on a little weight tho, but still the same old Tiffany.

Nov 22, 2010
100 5886 Sarge276 45 posts

Topic: The Club House / which shoes or boots?

Amazingly this ad is actually appropriate for this thread… Only took him half the forum to find it.

Nov 22, 2010
100 5886 Sarge276 45 posts

Topic: The Club House / Privitazation of some of Ohios' prisons

I guess that’s nice, weathers turning colder, CO’s need jackets too I guess… And boots. Boots are good… Can’t see doing this job in heels tho, but then again Beth Chapman seems to do an OK job bounty hunting in them… Thanks for the ad wangbeibei521.

Now if I just new where to get some hot sauce… Shakey?

Nov 22, 2010
100 5886 Sarge276 45 posts

Topic: The Club House / Probation/Parole

I guess that’s nice, weathers turning colder, CO’s need jackets too I guess… And boots. Boots are good… Can’t see doing this job in heels tho, but then again Beth Chapman seems to do an OK job bounty hunting in them… Thanks for the ad wangbeibei521.

Now if I just new where to get some hot sauce… Shaky?

Nov 22, 2010
100 5886 Sarge276 45 posts

Topic: A Broader View / Where can you purchase cute car accessories?

You might get better answers at CARS.com rather than CORRECTIONS.com… Then again a lot of CO’s have cars.

Nov 22, 2010
100 5886 Sarge276 45 posts

Topic: A Broader View / Automobile Accessories a Negotiable Price anytime

Is this for an emergency response vehicle?

Nov 22, 2010
100 5886 Sarge276 45 posts

Topic: Security Central / OTJT or training prior to working

I’ve experienced both. First place I worked sent me to the academy before I ever put on a uniform, where I am now assigned me to a veteran officer for a couple months before sending me to the academy. I can definitely see the benefits of OJT. First of all, the money saved on not sending someone to the academy for 6+ weeks just to have them quit after their first day on the job because they couldn’t hack it. Secondly, the cadets already have a working knowledge of corrections when they enter the academy and know 1st hand what the instructors are talking about. Makes the instructors job a lot easier having the cadets understand 1st hand. Cadets also do not respond to emergency calls, and do not have contact with inmates without a veteran officer present. I guess you could think of it in terms of a Police Explorers program, with the exception that our cadets are correctional officers, not police, and usually go to the academy within a short time of being hired.

Nov 16, 2010
100 5886 Sarge276 45 posts

Topic: Security Central / Are gangs running our prisons?

cjarnold62 said “Hes not a criminal or he wouldnt have turned him self in.”

If he’s not a criminal, what need would he have had for turning himself in? I don’t see too many innocent, law abiding citizens rushing to the police station or sheriffs office to confess to random crimes they didn’t commit.

Sep 21, 2010
100 5886 Sarge276 45 posts

Topic: The Club House / UOF options male vs. female

My facility is just down the street from our female minimum facility and we take our in-service training and DT classes together. As far as I know there is no distinction between male and female in the use of force policy. They are inmates the same as the guys are.

Sep 21, 2010
100 5886 Sarge276 45 posts

Topic: The Club House / Fitter criminals than officers?

DOCINVT25years, 50 to 1? Where do you work that your staffing is so high? lol
The lowest I’ve seen it here is about 150 to 1, some housing units at my facility have over 200 inmates and only one officer. Some how we still managed to get 100% on mandatory and 99.5% on non-mandatory on our ACA re-accreditation audit last week. (They docked us .5% for being understaffed.)

Sep 06, 2010
100 5886 Sarge276 45 posts

Topic: Security Central / Officer shakedowns

My facility (or at least the chief, DW, and warden) seams to think the only staff whos dirty are wearing badges. We get shook down before entering the briefing room while watching non uniform staff go straight from their cars to the gate. I’ve watched staff walk into a dorm, go to an inmates bunk, and 5 minutes later come out with all kinds of canteen items and then had the balls to ask me if I wanted some of it.
I’ve been around inmates for a little over 4 years and have very rarely seen any of them give up canteen without getting something for it unless they were paying off a debt.

Sep 04, 2010
100 5886 Sarge276 45 posts

Topic: Letter of The Law / Inmates and adult publications

chanel handbags, what the fart?!?

Aug 25, 2010
100 5886 Sarge276 45 posts

Topic: The Club House / Just starting out

Mary, welcome to the mix. Your input is just as valuable as any of ours. I also wouldn’t mind having tazers. All we get here is pepper spray, which can be messy and tends to debilitate officers and other inmates as much as, if not more than, the subject we’re trying to subdue. I thank God I haven’t had to use it yet. Just the presence of it has been a pretty good deterrent. Most cuff up when they see we’re about to use it. As far as college, most of us don’t have degrees and the ones who do usually got them after they entered the field as a means to better their chances for advancement.
As far as any thoughts on stopping the madness, I don’t envy you. We all know that juveniles tend to be less rational than adults, but I still think the best weapon is good communication skills. However, anyone who’s been in any corrections job for any length of time knows that verbal tactics don’t always work and the legislators don’t take into account when making laws that rebellious teens, altho psychologically are still children, physically are often just as strong and skilled (often more so) as adults. Know your DT and talk to your administration about the problem and see if there are maybe some less lethal aids that can help you with unruly teens without violating their precious rights.

Aug 17, 2010
100 5886 Sarge276 45 posts

Topic: Health & Wellness / H1N1 Preparedness

What’s the deal with all the plugs for acai and stuff? And palm reading to see if you’ll get H1N1, seriously?

Aug 02, 2010
100 5886 Sarge276 45 posts

Topic: The Club House / Privitazation of some of Ohios' prisons

I think it depends on what private agency is running the institution. I haven’t heard anything bad about North Fork, but LCF and DCF are often referred to as “Gladiator School” (also private). I’ve heard numerous war stories about Lawton, haven’t heard as much about Davis recently, but it has it’s history. Arkansas was using Wackenhut (spelling?) for a while, but things got so bad that the state took over all private prisons. I do agree with FordSVT that corrections should be uniform, either all state ran, or all private ran by the same company under one contract.

Jul 25, 2010
100 5886 Sarge276 45 posts

Topic: The Club House / Comebacks

Thought you might, Striker. It was all I could do to keep a straight face until I left the pod. The look on that inmates face was priceless.

Jul 20, 2010
100 5886 Sarge276 45 posts

Topic: The Club House / Comebacks

One of the funniest comebacks I remember hearing was a few years ago when I first started out in corrections. I was working with 2 other CO’s, a straight guy and a lesbian. The inmates were kinda showing out like they always do around rookies. One of the inmates said something similar to Strikers post to the male CO. The CO told him he was gonna pick up his girl, go to a nice restaurant, eat a big steak dinner, see a movie, then go back home and knock off a piece. The lesbian CO then said to the inmate, “What’s really sad is that I get more p*ssy than you do.”

Jul 19, 2010
100 5886 Sarge276 45 posts

Topic: A Broader View / opinions on self defense in corrections

samson.sam39 said “yaahhh you right the horse only in a lowland not in the water…..”

What the huh?!?

Jul 13, 2010
100 5886 Sarge276 45 posts

Topic: Security Central / What cell extraction tools do you wish you had?

illuminati said, “no one can take more than 5 shots without dropping flat.”
Pepper balls are fun, but not if you’re the one being hit. Most people will go down quickly when hit with one or two, but check out blutube.policeone.com for a video of a large guy who is shot repeatedly with pepper balls until, finally, a well placed round to the man parts brings him to his knees.

Jul 11, 2010
100 5886 Sarge276 45 posts

Topic: Security Central / Best way to handle unruly inmate

My opinion? Hmmm… OC and a tazer. LOL
Truly the best way is follow policy, don’t lose your cool, and a little Doc Thompson’s Verbal Judo. If that don’t work, THEN use OC and a tazer…

Jul 11, 2010
100 5886 Sarge276 45 posts

Topic: The Club House / which shoes or boots?

Wolverines are nice. Had a pair when I first started out in corrections. Was great when I got shook down, just slipped them off and right back on again. They would work great for an infirmary job, but not as practical for unit or barracks officers.

Jul 10, 2010
100 5886 Sarge276 45 posts

Topic: The Club House / which shoes or boots?

Shakey, NW Territories are good. Brahma has a swat boot now. Costs about $30. I think I might get some of those when these wear out. I like the zippers, but I’d trade a zipper for durability and inexpensiveness any day.

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