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OTJT or training prior to working


Subscribe to OTJT or training prior to working 4 posts, 4 voices

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Buckeye flag Mudflap 293 posts

I agree with Sarge276. I’ve also been through both, and think it’s good to let potential hires see what they’re getting into before lots of time and $ is spent on training. I’ve seen people go through the academy only to turn around and walk out immediately after the gate is closed behind them the first time, and it makes sense to let them turn around and walk out before they start training. The OP isn’t very clear if or how an OJT officer was involved in an incident, but the nature of OJT I’m familiar with wouldn’t give an OJT the power to make or break the outcome.

100 5886 Sarge276 45 posts

I’ve experienced both. First place I worked sent me to the academy before I ever put on a uniform, where I am now assigned me to a veteran officer for a couple months before sending me to the academy. I can definitely see the benefits of OJT. First of all, the money saved on not sending someone to the academy for 6+ weeks just to have them quit after their first day on the job because they couldn’t hack it. Secondly, the cadets already have a working knowledge of corrections when they enter the academy and know 1st hand what the instructors are talking about. Makes the instructors job a lot easier having the cadets understand 1st hand. Cadets also do not respond to emergency calls, and do not have contact with inmates without a veteran officer present. I guess you could think of it in terms of a Police Explorers program, with the exception that our cadets are correctional officers, not police, and usually go to the academy within a short time of being hired.

Flag shakey 191 posts

We go to the academy first for a few weeks then do a week OJT, then it’s back for the last week to the academy to test out and reflect on what the OJT has been like..? but all in all I think that the academy first is the best route for new hires.

Female user deputymom 2 posts

not sure what i am for at this point. situation arose at the facility where i work, frigging disheartening-a fellow officer was injured. my question is…academy after hire or work a bit first, then hit the academy. i know what i did was fine for me and others at the facility, however, would academy first possibly have helped my fellow officer respond better/more knowledge=more power

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