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Recent Posts by shakey


Subscribe to Recent Posts by shakey 25 posts found

Jan 24, 2014
Flag shakey 191 posts

Topic: The Club House / Hello, I'm a student specializing in Corrections

I’ll be 56 and have to go 4 years with out medical coverage because purchased time from the Military only counts for retirement time only, not med coverage. Doesn’t matter I’ll go to the VA unless Obama care is better. 60 days, glad you could hang in here for so long don’t drop off the forum and maybe we’ll cross paths someday and laugh about this crap while on the boat.

Jan 26, 2013
Flag shakey 191 posts

Topic: The Club House / What to Expect??? O_O

Hey Chunky Monkey

In the Merriam-Webster Dictionary I found this.

Definition of PANSY
1: a garden plant (Viola wittrockiana) derived chiefly from the hybridization of the European Johnny-jump-up (Viola tricolor) with other wild violets; also: its flower
2: a: usually disparaging: a weak or effeminate man or boy
B: usually disparaging: a male homosexual

And as for chunky monkey, well I couldn’t find anything but it does point to an Ice cream flavor, so here.

Definition of ICE CREAM
: A sweet flavored frozen food containing cream or butterfat and usually eggs.

It may not mean too much but it also rhymes with: abeam, agleam, airstream, berseem, beseem, bireme, blaspheme, bloodstream, centime, coal seam, cold cream, crossbeam, daydream, downstream.

So there.

The next time you think about talking (texting) smack remember I’ll be watching you.

Jan 26, 2013
Flag shakey 191 posts

Topic: The Club House / What to Expect??? O_O

WHAT! no recognition, praise or accolades, how am I supposed to market myself and my HOTSAUCE. I think I’m a pretty good C/O and all but in a situation after it’s all finished, you got to ham up a bit. Plus it make the adrenalin rush abate easier.

Jan 18, 2013
Flag shakey 191 posts

Topic: The Club House / What to Expect??? O_O

??? Whats a panzie or at least your classifcation of a what a panzie is. Could not find it in Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

Jan 10, 2013
Flag shakey 191 posts

Topic: The Club House / new to this site/corrections rookie

And if you look to your left, you’ll see that the fire exits are located at the front and rear of the building. Please keep in mind the supervisor will need to verify that the fire is indeed a fire before the exits can be utilized. Screams from you are permitted as long as the inmates are not negatively affected by them. If you’ll look to your right you will see what Mick has mentioned “The Mad House” we’ll save that tour for a later date.

Jan 02, 2013
Flag shakey 191 posts

Topic: The Club House / new to this site/corrections rookie

Oh my god, he ate the red pill….

Just kidding..heh..heh

No really, I’m just kidding. Welcome aboard, please buckle up and enjoy the show.

Dec 25, 2012
Flag shakey 191 posts

Topic: The Club House / Women Working With Male Inmates

A woman who has set her goals to be as equal to a man, has not set her goals very high.

We in Ohio have some jobs that are gender specific, like when there is to be strip searching of inmates, they can’t unless it’s for serious security reasons only.

Dec 08, 2012
Flag shakey 191 posts

Topic: In Memory of... / Lt. Dave Gozdziewicz

December 6, 2012

Ontario, OH

Lt. David M. “Lt. Goz.” Gozdziewicz, age 64, of Ontario passed away unexpectedly at his home, Wednesday, December 5, 2012. David was born Mat 17, 1948 in Chicago, Illinois and was the son of Angelo Dorto and the late Rose Dorto. He graduated from Perry township High School in 1066. David served in the U>S> Navy during the Vietnam War. He attended North Central State Collage earning a degree in Criminal Justice. He worked at various jobs but found his life’s vocation when he began work for the State of Ohio at the Ohio State Reformatory in 1989. He had planned to retire December 29, 2012. In his spare time he enjoyed boating, fishing and riding his Harley Davidson motorcycle.

I will miss you Dave, stay warm at the camp fire and keep your line wet.


Dec 05, 2012
Flag shakey 191 posts

Topic: The Club House / Starting Career in Corrections


Dec 02, 2012
Flag shakey 191 posts

Topic: The Club House / Security Threat Groups

Go to the top of the page and hit the RESOURCES tab then LINKS then go down to GANGS ISSUES, you might be able to find some answers there.

Nov 30, 2012
Flag shakey 191 posts

Topic: Everything Education / Informational Interview

I like your way of thinking Sarge.

Nov 25, 2012
Flag shakey 191 posts

Topic: A Broader View / Ohio DRC Hiring Freeze??

I’m hooked on Raspberrys and butter pecan icecream and spend the winter playing to much WOW.

I’m An old man still playing video games, so sue me.
Nov 22, 2012
Flag shakey 191 posts

Topic: A Broader View / Prohibition and Victimless "Crimes" breed hate towards cops, against the fundamental principles of Civil Liberties and should be Abolished

I say that when you retire, you get ungodly stoned and debate this issue to see if it makes sense or not. Grant it, being ungodly stoned would indeed make it nearly impossible to debate this issue rationally but you should go to Denver first before you attempt it.

Nov 22, 2012
Flag shakey 191 posts

Topic: The Club House / corrections and the paranormal

It’s funny you should ask.

It’s was a few weeks ago, I was just sitting around planning how I was going to spend my retirement days when BAM, OPERS up a makes my spouses medical coverage completely disappear, now I’ve seen some strange things in my day but that was completely mind boggling.

Nov 22, 2012
Flag shakey 191 posts

Topic: The Club House / HAPPY HAPPY, JOY JOY

Looks like the spammers are slowly coming back. hope the staff catches them before it’s gets out of hand again.

Nov 21, 2012
Flag shakey 191 posts

Topic: A Broader View / Ohio DRC Hiring Freeze??

HEY some secerts are better left alone, You just wait till that skeleton’s leg hit’s you while you open the closet and you go damn forgot about you..quick back in you go..LOL.

Dec 10 aint that far away, before you know it you’ll be at CTA, After that you’ll be like me going “where the hell did the last 19 years go”.

Time flies when your haveing fun. hope it works out.

Nov 21, 2012
Flag shakey 191 posts

Topic: A Broader View / Employment in Corrections...

Ein bier bitta, or mabe more. SCHUlTIZE ( I think thats how it’s spelled) bier was my first german brew and it was bitter as all get out it. After the second bottle it got better, drink a small glass, chase it down with a bit of Affle Korn, them run to the Kudan for some fun. I would love some curry wurst mit pom frits right now.

Nov 21, 2012
Flag shakey 191 posts

Topic: A Broader View / Ohio DRC Hiring Freeze??

We’re waiting, what they find in you background check.?

Come on, we all got something we’re hiding, did they find your’s. OUT WITH IT.

Nov 21, 2012
Flag shakey 191 posts

Topic: Everything Education / Informational Interview

2 cents time: I’ll have 19 years in the system in about 2 weeks, so I can tell you a thing or two, about a thing or two, myself. You must also remember that what I can tell you might differ from others and most likely will. As for schooling, yes it will help but only a High School/GED is needed to become a corrections officer (in Ohio) but it would indeed help if looking for promotional opportunities. I’ll be the one to correct you here about the longevity of our job in corrections, as we work as a public servant our jobs are tied into the economy, good times no worries, bad ones, well then you’re looking at cut backs, lost posts, lost benefits, no pay raises and possible privatization and so on. So yes, we need prisons it’s just that privately companies may be the ones running them. As for the question about how we feel about our jobs, well that one is a personal one, some love them, some hate them and for each there is a valid reason for their choice, may not be a sound choice but there is a reason and yours will be up to you. I think most love their job for the first couple of years, not to say you’ll change your tune at that time but that’s when most changes start if there is any.

Some officers only work for a few weeks because they thought it would be a great job (in their head) and moved on. There is no shame in that and you would be a foul to work here if you hate this job, because then you’ll put not only yourself but your fellow officers at risk.

Remember this is just my 2 cents worth, nothing more, good luck.

Oh and Irish this was my sane side ……I ..?…never mind.

Nov 18, 2012
Flag shakey 191 posts

Topic: Everything Education / Informational Interview

been on it for 10 years now.

Nov 18, 2012
Flag shakey 191 posts

Topic: Juvenile Jam / Being Manipulated

And remember what was mention in the health and wellness section on “washing your hands”

Nov 18, 2012
Flag shakey 191 posts

Topic: Security Central / Ohio Dept. of Corrections

As you can see I have two user names, could not remember my first one untill later. But don’t worry it’s still the same old me…or the other me…ok.. we got to go now.

Nov 18, 2012
Flag shakey 191 posts

Topic: Security Central / Ohio Dept. of Corrections

Hummm, bushes, never thought to hide there. thanks Irish

Oct 13, 2012
Flag shakey 191 posts

Topic: The Club House / Ohio's Retirement health care

OPERS has dropped the spouses health coverage for Retirees. That means all state Retirees, past and future, just got kicked in the face. While we do provide for our spouses while we are employed, we will not be able to retire with a livable income, if we have to pay for the extra cost of coverage. Our spouses are not as one wife said on the OPERS forum “extra baggage” they have been with us and have supported us throughout our careers and should not be thrown under the bus, when we finally reach to the finish line. I have e-mailed our union president voiceing my concerns but I think other State employees have to contact him and also State Rep’s to let them know what you think about the changes and to see if any changes in State polices can be made,.

Oct 03, 2012
Flag shakey 191 posts

Topic: Health & Wellness / Correctional Staff and Their Unwillingness to Learn Defensive Tactics.

Good point Sarge, I’ll have to think of another option but right now you got me thinking about that beach and drink..

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