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Ohio DRC Hiring Freeze??


Subscribe to Ohio DRC Hiring Freeze?? 84 posts, 22 voices

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Female user 2016dpd 5 posts

Well… As the I’m dwindling down on my final few months of probation I began reading all these post… And all of the are so far true, you know working in a prison changes how you view people all together… It gives you a whole new perspective of your surrounding and I’ve realized how foul and corrupt some of your fellow coworkers can be… It’s truly a RABBIT HOLE

Male user DJE937 9 posts

Have you started yet 2016dpd? I have a good friend who works at DCI and wants me to transfer there, but I’m not sure I could handle dealing with the women coming from my current institution. I am hearing of people with very little time in making it to first shift already, which is intriguing.

Riot helmet Mick 307 posts

LOL you are asking about something that was 16 years ago. I remember thinking that the end of the 2 year probation period before becoming established was such a long way off. Inside on the floor is like nothing you will have experienced in your life. Prisons are a world of their own. They have their own language, rules and moral codes hence my reference to Alice in Wonderland. You will change, that is inevitable. It has happened to us all. You wont notice it but those that know you now will. You will become harder more cynical. This is not a bad thing in itself because inside it is survival instinct. As for the Academy that is just there to teach you the very basics. Your real training begins when you leave it and start in your prison.
You will love it and hate it in equal measure. You will love it because of the friendships you will forge with your fellow Officers and you will hate it because you will see just how dysfunctional and illogical some of the management are.

Female user 2016dpd 5 posts

I imagine working in a prison can be a bit stressful, so how do you like it??? Is it what you thought it would be like on your first day… How was the academy… What did you do there?

Riot helmet Mick 307 posts

Alice in Wonderland. When she went down the rabbit hole she entered a whole new world

Female user 2016dpd 5 posts

Lol, why is it a rabbit hole!!!

Riot helmet Mick 307 posts

Congrats. Welcome down the rabbit hole.

Female user 2016dpd 5 posts

Well I did my interview and got the job for dayton Ohio prison!!!!

Male user DJE937 9 posts

I cant tell you what they will ask, but I can wish you good luck. Where is the interview? Be confident, take notes. Ask them what qualities they are looking for, write down their answers. Ask questions.

Female user 2016dpd 5 posts

I have an interview on 10/30/14… Can anybody tell me what type of questions they are going to ask me… And the process?

Male user DJE937 9 posts

Get the job BroncosFan?

Male user BroncosFan 17 posts

Just interviewed. Now the wait to see who gets picked. Please keep me in your thoughts.

Applied 8/12/2012
Assessment Consideration Email 8/22/2012
Assessment Scheduling Email 10/11/2012
Assessment Date 10/24/2012
Passed Assessment 10/24/2012
Background Clear/Eligible for Interview 3/27/2013
Referred for Interview Consideration 8/2013
Interview Scheduling Email 8/27/2014
Interview 9/4/2014

Male user DJE937 9 posts

Good luck BroncosFan. Keep us updated. I’ve been walking the beat for a month now. Getting more comfortable and better every day. Keep us updated and where you are going.

Male user BroncosFan 17 posts

Finally got the interview email!

Applied 8/12/2012
Assessment Consideration Email 8/22/2012
Assessment Scheduling Email 10/11/2012
Assessment Date 10/24/2012
Passed Assessment 10/24/2012
Background Clear/Eligible for Interview 3/27/2013
Referred for Interview Consideration 8/2013
*Interview Scheduling Email 8/27/2014

Male user DJE937 9 posts

sorry. academy for 3 weeks.

Male user DJE937 9 posts

Thanks. I guess I just wait for my start date to get here then. I am at the institution for 2 days and then academy for 3.

Remle riflepg irish assassin 286 posts

Oh and FYI, here in Ohio if your taking your pre employment drug test then your background check is done and clean. The drug test is the last step and only done after you accept the job position they offer you. So unless you piss dirty, welcome to the family.

Remle riflepg irish assassin 286 posts

Who makes it hell? From what I’ve seen it can be caused by administrators, inmates and coworkers alike. For the most part inmates are fairly predictable but you always have at least one that wants to push an issue somewhere you didn’t think possible. What makes it hell? Usually that comes from dealing with the other staff that are to burnt out, lazy, or just plain bitter to be around for long periods of time and or causing mandated overtime every other day. We work in a place that is already a depressing, negative and possibly dangerous place, sometimes people are hell bent on making it worse.

I started and spent several years at SOCF but transfered to SCC to get closer to home. Most of the time I’m happy with the move, others not so much.

Flag1 1 shakeyjake 112 posts

Come on Man.C.I. is not that bad. I did 4 years there before moving next door in 98….I mean how bad can a place get after only 15 1/2 years.

Male user DJE937 9 posts

I was offered the position. They are working on a hire date of 6-30-14. I took my drug screen today. Not sure how far along in the background check they are are. I was told I’d be receiving calls to set up appointments and complete additional paperwork. Which facility do you work at if you don’t mind asking. I know where I was hired is one of the worst in the state of Ohio.

Male user Squeeze 135 posts

Just a question to ask: What and who makes it hell, administrations or the inmates? Seems to me the inmates are pretty predictable.

Remle riflepg irish assassin 286 posts

“Hell” is a relative term… So far everywhere I’ve worked in ODRC has been dubbed “hell”. Some were obviously way worse than others.

Female user lil'frogger 2 posts

Hope you dont come to where I work….right into hell (sorry) Nothing against you!

Male user DJE937 9 posts


17 months after passing the Corrections Assessment, I’m finally getting an interview. Good luck to me.

Applied 8/12/2012
Assessment Consideration Email 8/22/2012
Assessment Scheduling Email 10/11/2012
Assessment Date 10/24/2012
Passed Assessment 10/24/2012
Background Clear/Eligible for Interview 3/27/2013
*Referred for Interview Consideration 8/2013
Scheduled for interview 5/2014

Remle riflepg irish assassin 286 posts

The cogs of the Ohio government move slowly. Keep the faith as older guys are retiring all the time.

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