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Ohio's Retirement health care


Subscribe to Ohio's Retirement health care 6 posts, 5 voices

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Remle riflepg irish assassin 286 posts

This is why the people should be able to take the politicians outside and beat them with a hose everytime they do something stupid like this. The lives of the working class has no value to these “decision” makers anymore.

Getty rf photo of cat and praying mantis Campi 227 posts

I still want all politicians to be classified as public service employees and fall under the same retirement system that even us lowly knuckle draggers have to live with and we will see how quickly things would get changed.

Male user commander 277 posts

It is always about them. We will make it somehow. We have a bond no one can break. We don’t quit.

Getty rf photo of cat and praying mantis Campi 227 posts

Are the politicians that passed this bill affected by it? The answer is probably a resounding NO.

Male user Hondo71 2 posts

Thats BS !!!! Our fine elected officiala are getting exactly what they wanted !!! We the people defeated his plan last year, so what do they do, pressure our union to give in, And thats exactly what they’ve done GIVE IN !!!! My Grandfather and great uncle workes a combined 55 years for ODRC at both SOCF and OSP, one starting for a measly $2.35 an hour ! This is the thanks they get ?

Flag shakey 191 posts

OPERS has dropped the spouses health coverage for Retirees. That means all state Retirees, past and future, just got kicked in the face. While we do provide for our spouses while we are employed, we will not be able to retire with a livable income, if we have to pay for the extra cost of coverage. Our spouses are not as one wife said on the OPERS forum “extra baggage” they have been with us and have supported us throughout our careers and should not be thrown under the bus, when we finally reach to the finish line. I have e-mailed our union president voiceing my concerns but I think other State employees have to contact him and also State Rep’s to let them know what you think about the changes and to see if any changes in State polices can be made,.

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