Fitter criminals than officers?
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We ain’t nuts the inmates are…..well, I guess sence we are in the same nut house, I guess that makes us a little nutty also. |
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You have to outfoxx the foxes mentally I agree. Physical fitness plays a vital part too I agree although you can never judge a book by the cover….I have seen the biggest blokes piss off and the smallest get right in there, speed and agility where you need it most…having said that, Australian Correctional facilities are smaller and less populated compared to USA…you lot are NUTS!!! |
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DOCINVT25years, 50 to 1? Where do you work that your staffing is so high? lol |
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Inmates are fit… There are 50 Inmates to One Co… Be smart.. just Do your job.. And yes stay in shape… 20 + years In DOC I think before I go into a pod.. My keys … Radio..Other staff on.. It’s Just a job not worth geting killed for.. Inmates are Smart Strong, and will kill you if you do not…. Just Do your job.. I do It one day at a time and its worked for me… Not so fit but smart.. |
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I think that I’ll take the opposite approach from now on, I’ll try to maintain the maximin amount body wieght that I can carry (I have heard that BIGGER is better). There are a few reasons 1, It gets cold up here in Ohio, can use the insulation. 2, I can jump on inmates that are unruly and hold them down. 3, I can wedge myself in the doorframe to allow my partner time to escapes if needed. as a bonus, I can run back in the dorm and the inmates quicky follow because they think I’m after their Little Debbies. |
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Hi all, I’m down here in FL and in the Corrections academy right now. We are in Citrus Co. where the Sheriff’s Office has taken over the Academy. And I can tell you that physical fitness is taken quite seriously. We are held to the same standards as the LEOs both in the classroom and in PT. |
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I agree with comfort..I’ve been saying if for years that corrections should have the same standard as the OSP. A lot of people look at me and think I’m out of my mind. |
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Since I have been in corrections I have started going to a health club and working out, also Gracie Brothers Jui Jitsu. The martial arts part is really good because of the takdown and control tactics they teach. Back to what I was going to say, always be prepared. The thugs will take your life if you let them, so get fit and stay fit. |
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The majority of offenders will naturally be fitter than the majority of the officers supervising them due to the fact that they have nothing but time to find creative ways to work out in their cells, and they get rec. time to do the same. Juggling work, family, sleep, etc. Doesn’t allow the average officer to keep a rigorous routine like that and to stay in top physical condition. I wish our department would initiate some type of annual fitness/agility test for the officers. If you can’t pass, you shouldn’t work here. I understand not all of us can be bodybuilders, but c’mon have some respect for yourself and the people around you who may need to depend on your assistance if trouble arises. We should be able to, and required to keep some standard of physical fitness very much the way the Highway Patrol officers are required to do. Yours and others lives may depend on it. |
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As an officer you should be fit for duty not only for your own well being but that also of your fellow officers , your family and the genral public for which you have sworn to protect . I have seen more than once when a “OFFICER NEEDS ASSISTANTS” call went out and the responding officers arrived if they where able to respond at all be so out of breath they end up needing assistance also . Inmates in genral spend a majority of their time working out they do this not for the health benefits but for a defensive and/or offensive benefit. The officer to inmate ratio is already in their favor . Fellow officers please get an keep your self in shape. Get with your administration and start a work out program , check with local gyms for group discounts or just get together and meet at the local high school track three days a week . STAY SAFE |
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Being in corrections/detention since I was 18, I have seen alot. After starting a family I put on a few pounds. Many inmates started to underestimate me. On many occassions they were proven wrong. I have to echo Mick, Don’t let the exterior fool you, I currently work with federal juvi’s and keep up with the best of them (state level champs etc.) I have seen alot of officers get relaxed and put on a few pounds and leave the gym and get assaulted, or even let an escape occur, and quit. |
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Very definitely, “don’t judge a book by it’s cover”... but what is inside the book is your responsibility! Get some kind of fitness equipment or join a club…work on your cardio and stay fast and strong and for the love of God DON’T EAT DONUTS! Watch the movie “300”. Learn from the Battle at Thermopylae and the spirit that drove King Leonidas!!! Some will call us “Boss”. Your job is Care-Custody and Control (control being the boss part). You can what if all you want. But you MUST be ready to out psych, out smart, out think and yes out fight them if the situation calls for it. Good Luck to you young man, Stay Safe!!! |
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Don’t judge a book by it’s cover. I have been a Correctional Officer for 8 years and to look at me you would think I look a little over weight and not too fit. You would be very wrong. We had a situation a couple of days ago. Long story short when it was over I over heard two inmates talking together about me. This is a direct Quote.”To look at him you wouldn’t think it but that fucker is fast.” And when fighting with an inmate a little extra bulk is no harm. |
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I started my career in Corrections this week (my trainee status will be active for one year) and we went to the local community college for “temporary certification” until we are able to go off for a month and complete the academy training [which can take more than six months to get to]. Next to our class was the BLET cadets and if you stood out there next to us on break time and couldn’t see a difference, then my friend you are blind. Over half of us are outta shape and either overweight [I am overweight but I have been working on it for seven months and have lost quite a bit of weight and have alot more to go] or obese and I was wondering what happens if the fitter criminals decides to take us on? In my state, correctional officer jobs are hard to fill and the prisons have been taking whoever is willing to do the job and with prison positions notoriously short [i know my prison is 100+ C/Os short] and fitness on the back burner, what will happen to outta shape officers, when the crap hits the fan? |
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