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Recent Posts by Striker


Subscribe to Recent Posts by Striker 25 posts found

Sep 28, 2010
Srt misc 266 Striker 34 posts

Topic: The Club House / Where in the world are you

Where in Oregon Pickle?

Sep 03, 2010
Srt misc 266 Striker 34 posts

Topic: The Club House / Does work sometimes conflict with home life?

Apprieciate all the advise guys…I sometimes let my wife know what’s going on in case i act out of character she knows why…but i learned in the army that sometimes it’s good to keep the wife informed so she don’t worry.

Aug 29, 2010
Srt misc 266 Striker 34 posts

Topic: The Club House / Fitter criminals than officers?

I agree with comfort..I’ve been saying if for years that corrections should have the same standard as the OSP. A lot of people look at me and think I’m out of my mind.

Aug 29, 2010
Srt misc 266 Striker 34 posts

Topic: The Club House / Does work sometimes conflict with home life?

I was wondering if any of you out there have a conflict at home because of work..maybe you’ve been working over alot and just want a buffer in the finance department or sometimes work finds it way home..any way of dealing with it would be apprieciated.

Aug 28, 2010
Srt misc 266 Striker 34 posts

Topic: Health & Wellness / Physical Conditioning?

I agree with SgtMajor…I myself have fell victom to laziness..I’ve gotton out of shape and complacent..however I am rectefying that..it is kinda hard when you have a family life and don’t have 24/7 to work out..but with a little bit of dicipline it can be done. I remember going through the academy and it seemed that not only the physical part but the thought of taking this stuff serious was frowned up on by my other class mates.

Aug 14, 2010
Srt misc 266 Striker 34 posts

Topic: Health & Wellness / Mandated CPR On Inmates: Good Or Not So Good?

I think it’s funny how they give us CPR training once a year and instead of really teaching..it’s read out of a book…now with it going every other year…like to see how that works out

Aug 14, 2010
Srt misc 266 Striker 34 posts

Topic: Health & Wellness / Physical Conditioning?

For Ohio SRT..it used to be 1 mile with 25 pu and 25 su..that changed to a more realistic standard of running with equipment and doing weapons drills..

Aug 09, 2010
Srt misc 266 Striker 34 posts

Topic: A Broader View / Crisis Mgmt.

Check local fire and police department CIM policies and try to fashion one off of that

Jul 26, 2010
Srt misc 266 Striker 34 posts

Topic: Letter of The Law / Lethal injectionÂ… cruel and unusual?

Your right Shakey..I do believe mistakes are made and thier are innocent people in prison..however, if your 100% guilty you got coming what you got coming..and mick is right, rope is eco-friendly and safe

Jul 25, 2010
Srt misc 266 Striker 34 posts

Topic: In Memory of... / Neil Jalowiec, Corrections Officer, LORCI

My condolences for a fellow corrections officer..May God look over him

Jul 25, 2010
Srt misc 266 Striker 34 posts

Topic: Letter of The Law / Lethal injectionÂ… cruel and unusual?

I personally think that the criminal should get two choices on how he is to be executed..bullet or a rope..and if push comes to shove I can buy the rope or donate the bullet if they let me deliver it…I don’t mean to sound so callus but after seeing all the B.S. appeals these guys get and they complain about there rights being violated it sickens me to think the victim suffers and is no longer with this world..a mother or son or daughter or father lost to stupidity. Most of them didn’t do one damn good thing in there life and took from life more than what they gave. There all big and bad when grouped together, but when alone they cower as soon as their the victim. Now most of you probably think I don’t have any feelings or don’t care. I do care for the families, the vitims, and the hard working people that are just trying to meek out an existance and mind there own business. I care for the little kids who will never see a parent again and keep asking why it happened. You see, it is up to God to forgive them for what they did, however it’s up to people like me to arrainge the meeting. Take care and be safe guys

Jul 24, 2010
Srt misc 266 Striker 34 posts

Topic: A Broader View / Is it really as negative as it sounds?

I agree with mick and comfort…as for an elite SWAT team are you refering to the institutional SRT teams as well as State teams..yes there not SWAT as in the sense most people think but they do provide a needed service inside the fences..as a first responding person it will be the SRT who will be there until a local resource can be activated..so remember that when you get your but in a sling

Jul 24, 2010
Srt misc 266 Striker 34 posts

Topic: A Broader View / Checks & Balances?

Kinda makes you wonder if somebody is paying of members of ACA…we have yet to fail an inspection..however somethings here are so jacked up they steer the inspecters in another direction.

Jul 24, 2010
Srt misc 266 Striker 34 posts

Topic: A Broader View / Ohio DRC Hiring Freeze??

I agree with comfrortably..they had a freeze for awhile then started hiring..can’t figure why..they talk about trying to save money and in turn hire new people only to pay out in benifits…no telling who goes here at my institution..not much left to cut except custody..

Jul 24, 2010
Srt misc 266 Striker 34 posts

Topic: The Club House / Comebacks

I like that one sarge276

Jul 19, 2010
Srt misc 266 Striker 34 posts

Topic: The Club House / Comebacks

Had a inmate tell me one time that he was going to show up at my house when he got out..I told him that he better hope I’m home because my wife doesn’t know when to quit pulling the trigger, I do…

Had another inmate tell me I couldn’t make him do something..then he asked me "Watcha gonna do CO..huh..watcha gonna do…I told "Here’s what I’m going to do..when i get off of shift i’m going to stop off and get a 12 pack of beer..go home order me a large pizza with everthing…and then later on in the evening me and my girlfriend are going to fuck like rabbits..what are going to do besides look at another mans hairy ass…

Jul 13, 2010
Srt misc 266 Striker 34 posts

Topic: The Club House / Privitazation of some of Ohios' prisons

What do workers of Ohios’ prisons think of this?

Jul 03, 2010
Srt misc 266 Striker 34 posts

Topic: The Club House / equipment you wear

I was wondering that with all the equipment that is worn for CO’s, how do you adjust it so it is comfortable during a shift? I personaly try distrabuting the weight evenly so i’m not so lopsided..any response would be very helpful.

May 31, 2010
Srt misc 266 Striker 34 posts

Topic: Security Central / Dew rags

In the facility where I work, they can buy them and wear them in thier cells some other officers let them wear them out in the dayroom..i see it they take it off..I don’t allow them in my dayroom.

May 31, 2010
Srt misc 266 Striker 34 posts

Topic: The Club House / Women working in Corrections

Man…some interesting conversation here…my viewpoint is pretty much in the middle of things..I’ve worked with some very good female officers and the same for males..then again I’ve also worked with some real characters in both genders…the only thing I request is have my back and I will have yours..and don’t be dirty…leave me out to dry…and it’s all over but the shouting…

Igoturback..how did you get involved in bounty hunting?…where did you get your start if you don’t mind me asking

Apr 28, 2010
Srt misc 266 Striker 34 posts

Topic: The Club House / Losing control

nothing wrong with being a redneck transporter..

Apr 28, 2010
Srt misc 266 Striker 34 posts

Topic: The Club House / SORT

your kidding shakey…how can you be to Militarily trained when i comes to a tactical team?

Apr 28, 2010
Srt misc 266 Striker 34 posts

Topic: The Club House / Military Veterans to CO

Being a veteren could go both ways..as for job selection, it would depend on the status of the state your in with the way the economey is going..with budget cuts new co’s are usually the first to get hit..and yes there is a lot of veterens working in prisons as well as a lot of veterens that are in prison..all of the things you asked are good questions..just look at the long term employment with the economy

Apr 27, 2010
Srt misc 266 Striker 34 posts

Topic: A Broader View / Food Attitudes

we have the same in ohio…like WHS said there’s certain days and meals that the inmates like…as for healthier foods it’s the same everywhere with budjet cuts..some here have suggested gardens grown by the inmates but everybody says it would cost too much..I say let there familes provide the equipment and seeds and the only thing we could provide is the space.

Apr 25, 2010
Srt misc 266 Striker 34 posts

Topic: A Broader View / Staff incentive ideas for quitting tobacco

Tell me about it…not only has the state lost money..corruption is at it’s all time high with staff bringing in tobacco and selling it for 5 to 10 times the price they paid for it…and talking about buget cuts when all the revenue could be used to help people keep there jobs..

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