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Recent Posts by CO-n-Georgia


Subscribe to Recent Posts by CO-n-Georgia 15 posts found

Mar 05, 2009
Male user CO-n-Georgia 15 posts

Topic: A Broader View / Think ABout It

co1012, join our team with georgia dept. corrections “Hays state prison”

Feb 11, 2009
Male user CO-n-Georgia 15 posts

Topic: Security Central / Which cell extraction methods work best?

Why risk injury to officers to extract an inmate from a cell and/or confined space . deploy chemical agent gas their butt until you get tired. If still no compliance give them some voltage if possible . Its amazing how them little rubber balls making contact with their non-compliant butt at 650 to 900 fps gives them a change of heart . 95% of the time the mere presence of these non-lethal weapons will make them get in check . So weather its a 3 or 5 man extraction team try to use all other resources.

Jan 15, 2009
Male user CO-n-Georgia 15 posts

Topic: Security Central / Drug Smuggling in Prisons.

Here in Georgia we have had more than usual incidents involving prescription meds and Hashes ( pot resin )
As far as amphetamines go we had a good bit coming in by mail. they were dissolving crystal meth in water
then dipping sheets of paper and letting it dry mailing to the inmates. Looking at the paper you could not tell but when inmates crinkled the paper pure meth flaked off or they would just soak the paper in a cup of water and make a heck of a bomb bay.

Oct 25, 2008
Male user CO-n-Georgia 15 posts

Topic: Security Central / "Officer Complacency" securities weakest link.

All of us at one time are another in our career is probably guilty of complacency. After all corrections is pretty much based on a routine structure . Day in day out same oh thing …count time ,chow time, pill call, yard call, call out for this call out for that, same inmate that ya told yesterday to get right you will be telling to get right again today. We as officers need to always remember inmates are not routine we must always expect something could go wrong stay alert and aware of your surroundings at all times . Recently we had two close security inmates one with life plus 90 the other had two twenty yr sentences escape our facility abduct a twenty year old girl to drive them south of atlanta (by the grace of god she was not harmed physically). With all the razor wire the electronic fence system(PDS) , video cameras , patrol unit, floor officers . The inmates went over all three fences at 9 am (DAYLIGHT). the alarms were sounding hell inmates were tellin the flr officers (they were in the control booth talkin) that two were leaven they told the imates to shut up and get away from the window , central control officer got tired of hearing the fence alarm and silinced it with out looking at the monitor (yes you could see them ) she thought it was the usual wild life that sets off the alarm. The patrol unit hmmm how to say this nicely well she thought she had patroled enough so she parked to talk on her cell phone for over 1hr .So in short every line of security was breeched it would of been alot more understandable if they would just let them walk out the front gate . Makes you wonder if the inmates new these officers were so complacent if it was part of their plan. If not they should stop and buy a lottery ticket because a person dont get any luckier….

Mar 06, 2008
Male user CO-n-Georgia 15 posts

Topic: Letter of The Law / Should ex-offenders be allowed to vote?

Well first of all once an offender always an offender ….but yes they should be able to vote its a right not a privilidge…

Mar 04, 2008
Male user CO-n-Georgia 15 posts

Topic: Security Central / Need minimize hidden contraband..help?

Its a sad fact that staff and volunteers bring in most contraband . Visitors contribute some not alot . outside details do their fair share . Right now I just want to say a lil something to the weak staff ” ur not worth the air it takes to fill your lungs” your personal dealings can get others killed. We should not only report bad staff when found out but go ahead an kick them to sleep. ......................................... ...................................inhale….exhale..sorry about that this subject gets me lil fired up

Mar 04, 2008
Male user CO-n-Georgia 15 posts

Topic: Security Central / Need minimize hidden contraband..help?

when pat searching a inmate pay close attention to the heams and seams like at bottom of pants leg the fly area or even stripes down the leg inmates make little slits then slide contraband in . staff should only be allowed to use clear bags and\or clear containers no bigger than a six pack . DO NOT do like my facility an sell microwave popcorn out of vending in visitation so visitors can share it with inmates . they drop little packages of contraband in popcorn inmates eat it . officer’s think its just popcorn.

Mar 04, 2008
Male user CO-n-Georgia 15 posts

Topic: Security Central / Need minimize hidden contraband..help?

i have worked in corrections since 2001 . I’ve shaken down many inmates , dorms and locker boxes. Last night while at work I was walking through visitation as i have many of times . This time through I noticed the vaccum cleaner in the orderly’s closet and decided to empty the disposable vacum bag into a trash bag . I found a potatoe chip bag containing 80 quarter’s ($20) and 2 small bags of drugs (pot) . Then went checking other vaccums through-out the facility all but 1 contained contraband.

Feb 09, 2008
Male user CO-n-Georgia 15 posts

Topic: Security Central / Placing inmates in a kneeling position

I have also used this tactic (inmate on knee’s with ankles crossed) one thing i did run into once was an inmate from china freaked out on me when i instructed him to assume this position… the reason he bucked is that in china his homeland this is the position they are put in before being shot in back of the head….

Feb 09, 2008
Male user CO-n-Georgia 15 posts

Topic: A Broader View / New guy here, juvenile jail staff

Grumpy , read what you wrote you have become just like the ones you are grumpy about . Its time to get in check or check out.

Feb 09, 2008
Male user CO-n-Georgia 15 posts

Topic: Security Central / Watching inmates at a hospital or other medical facility

In georgia medium security level inmates and below will be escorted by one armed officer and one unarmed officer . Inmates with levels close and above will be escorted with two armed and one unarmed officer . The unarmed officer is the only one allowed to come in contact with the inmate . There have been recent incidents that inmates have taken the weapon from officers enroute and/or at the hospital. Certian procedures at the hospital require the inmate to be unrestrained only unarmed officers should be allowed to remove restraints. Officers should always keep weapons out of the reach of inmates secured or not . Also officers should think twice about securing inmates to the bed the liability of something happing “like a fire” could result in some serious legal trouble. Only do this under direct order from your administration….......

Feb 09, 2008
Male user CO-n-Georgia 15 posts

Topic: Security Central / Dew rags

whether your comminsary sell them or not inmates will have them .If you do sell them make them a neutral color black or white. then any other doorags that are not sold through the comminsary become contraband . Personally I dont like anything that can conceals the idintity of a inmate i believe the head should always be visible . inmates in genral already wear the same clothes .

Feb 09, 2008
Male user CO-n-Georgia 15 posts

Topic: Letter of The Law / Can we deny inmates access to newspapers, magazines as an incentive for better behavior?

most states require us to provide inmates with two source’s of news. this is ussually done by newspaper , tv and/or radio . remind you this is not a right but a privilidge . Magazines those approved by administration is also a priviledge . As with all priviledges violation of rules can result in restriction and/or lose of any priviledge

Feb 08, 2008
Male user CO-n-Georgia 15 posts

Topic: The Club House / Fitter criminals than officers?

As an officer you should be fit for duty not only for your own well being but that also of your fellow officers , your family and the genral public for which you have sworn to protect . I have seen more than once when a “OFFICER NEEDS ASSISTANTS” call went out and the responding officers arrived if they where able to respond at all be so out of breath they end up needing assistance also . Inmates in genral spend a majority of their time working out they do this not for the health benefits but for a defensive and/or offensive benefit. The officer to inmate ratio is already in their favor . Fellow officers please get an keep your self in shape. Get with your administration and start a work out program , check with local gyms for group discounts or just get together and meet at the local high school track three days a week . STAY SAFE

Feb 08, 2008
Male user CO-n-Georgia 15 posts

Topic: The Club House / On the 10pm - 8am Shift.

I work the 10pm to 6am shift 6 days on 3 days off in georgia. I have been in corrections since 2001. I spend the majority of the time on day shift . To keep from getting burnt out about every 18 mnths I do the night shift for 3 to 4 months

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