Recent Posts by azcorrections
Feb 02, 2010
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Topic: Security Central / Importance of weapons certifications well i would imagine the importance of qualifying at the range with your weapon would be that of not getting shoot a weapon non lethal that should be shot at lower extremities, and shoot that inmate center mass..guess have issues, and guy looses an eye, due to got issues, your in public doing a tranport, your in ahopital lets say, your inmate attempts to get away, what do you shoot him in the hospital…do unleash your oc….weapons training, prepares you to make these these types of decisions…responsible decisions…follow policy, provide safety for public ,staff and inmates….you need to to know how to load that 870 remmington, and unload it, when the inmates decided awww i don’t think i wanna play today..i just got done working at the training academy, and watched new cadets who never held a weapon, and seasoned staff, who don’t have a clue, because they don’t apply themselves..thats why they fail…we shoot the glock model 19, the remmington 870, TSU has all the other toys…which years ago when i was TSU, i had the opportunity to deploy some of them, 37mm, the big LA, we have the mini 14, the ar15…if officers are failing range and classroom instruction, it’s on them to get it together..there is no excuse for failure…this is not a difficult job….you can’t do the job without having a weapons card….it’s part of your uniform, and condition of employment…it’s like not having a drivers license..really…lawsuits….oo they will be brewing, when you discharge a weapon in public, and geezzz you don’t know where your bullet is going to end up…and by the should know whats beyond your target… is what it is..the department usually gives you several attempts to qualify, and if you don’t you get sent to remdial..I don’t know nothing about……if you fail remedial..then things can get hairy for yas….you may be placed in an unarmed your on expense you would need to go get some will be taken out of uniform..disciplinary in extreme cases, or if your one of those people they wanna get ride happens…progressive disciplinary will begin…it’s nothing nice…and since you only qual every year, unlike the specialty teams, chase,transportation,k9,TSU, they qual every 6 months…it pays to practice throughou the year…it’s fun..hook up with others that are shooters, heck i have an m44,m91,38 turkish mauser, romanian sks, an ak47,870 remmington,glock model 19, ..have fun with it……there is no excuse for failure |
Feb 02, 2010
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Topic: Security Central / How many gangs are in your facility? we have surenos,mau maus,border brothers,new mexican mafia,old mexican mafia,aryan brother hood,warrior society, and newly inducted the dinahs,grandels, the ones they are watching right now are,westside city crips,AAC skinheads….then you have your street trash who hooks up with the sets , and do the leg work for these guys..wet back power isn’t much on the inside, but on the streets they are huge..they are are typically found in phoenix..on the inside they are few, but when things get ugly for the pasias..the ranch mexican,nationals, because the border brother will try and get them to join or assault them if they refuse to participate, in any rec, or chow turn out….if it appears that they arebeing bullied, assaulted by the border brothers, Wet Back Power will get the paisas back on a yard….the surenos are the foot soldiers for the mexican mafia, and they too use the border brothers to do drug deals, move junk from one area to another, or pick up in visitation. mexican americans have a great deal of power on a yard….the main groups at our prison are the mexican mafia, and aryan brotherhood, and the surenos..all very dangerous, and at any point can reach out and touch someone..i have had several contracts out on me throughout the years..i have put a big dent on the movement of drugs by taking the heroin, the syringes, the players were placed on predator status and i had them moved, or locked down in detention til they moved them.we can never fully stop the introduction of drugs onto the yard and’s hard work, and sometimes your not supported by the administration, it makes them look bad..nevermind your trying to keep the yard safe, for staff and inmates…it’s a tuff racket out there….but i love it…. |
Dec 30, 2009
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Topic: Security Central / Officer shakedowns sometimes the metal detectors are useless..i mean really when was the last time you know of that they have been properly calibrated? and geez…i know officers throughout the years..who went dirty…and were able to beat the detector…why..because they know how to introduce drugs, cell phones..i knew this guy about a year ago..he was acting fishy for a while, letting only the black porters out, even though we didn’t need any porters..a few of us made the observation, we pulled him over and said hey dude, its looking funky , you just pulling black inmates to porter..well weeks went by he continued to do and my partner were making alot bust on the yard, heroin, weed,syringes, new ones…not prison made ones…well it turns out this guy had been introducing drugs, and cell phones..he was stopping at your local store buying frozen tv dinner..hungry man..openning it up, filling it with marijuana, resealing it, and bringing it right problem..same with cell phones..he was tucking the cell phones right under his scrotum, and it beat the scanner and metal detector…he eventually got hit on by the dogs…nothing was found in his vehicle during a vehicle search..but information did surface..he was rolling around showing wades of money, and offering to lend money to some other officers…we were doing quarterly searches and bags of weed were phone, cell phones were found in the 5x 8 boards in their cell..they made a hole and placed it inside and coverdd it up with pictures..the weed was found in a coffee cup , the double insulated ones…we pulled them apart..these were the same people that he was pulling out to porter…they had him onthe ropes…he was moved to another unit…and shortly afterwards..he was escorted out by CIU, and the police was waiting on him up top, and he was arrested, for introduction of contraband into the institution, and he was fired…bottom line is our equipment isn’t the best..its old…it doesn’t work most of the time,and we’re short staff…not enough man power to do the job the way it should be ot, no comp time earned..and the minute you earn it, they wanna flex you out that quick..they can do as many shake downs as they want..but wanting to really do the job..and produce the people is another…although they make more of an effort to bust staff, and inmates continue to introduce drugs through visitation, and its acceptable..i ua them, i bust em constantly, right off the back, anything to do with the introduction of drugs, getting a positive ua, a refusal to ua, is an automatic, visitation priveleges are taken, pending disciplinary reveiw, and it should be for 6 months..our administration is afraid, so they instead let them have their visits…awwww..and give them 5 days lop, and extra duty but no problem..we’re not stopping that weed train gotta move, the drug business on the inside is insane..its filthy disgusting, and the people that watch over these areas sometimes amazes me..and the chief of secruity who continues to allow it, knowing its a sensitive area…whos’ making money here? somebody getting a fat pocket..i think sometimes the prisons don’t want to really report assaults, drugs, the amount of positive UAs, its all too negative and god forbid, they really tell it like it is…and then they wonder why we can’t get a raise, and get paid for the job we really do…they pretend its all good..meanwhile back on the ranch your on your own working with a few hundred inmates to 3..running normal operations..woo-hoo…they are so afraid of law suits, and inmates crying….but its okay cause now we have stoned outta their minds inmates while your conducting your secruity checks and have to walk through that house… never know who’s gonna loose it on you…our drug dogs sometimes miss the big picture..i have gone in a cell, after a dog picked up a scent..but couldn’t find the junk…me and my partner found the dope under the sink it was concealed with a fake bottom colored in black marker..another time the diogs went in the cell didn’t find the buddy went in, and right under the lower bunk, there laid a huge bindle of dope..the dog walked right passed it…training? certified? stinks…or it doesn’t work…its sad |
Dec 30, 2009
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Topic: Security Central / Oleoresin Capsicum (OC) training? Any policies? been through several trainings…been gased, and have been exposed to cs during live fire in the shoot house..during tactical support unit training..i work in a state prison, and policy states that it should be used when verbal directives no longer were an option, inmates were given directives to stop fighting, the next step in the use of force continuim is oc…1 sec burst into the face of the inmate no more then 6 ft away from the subject, spray give directives and move…until they comply..most of the time they do.if step in the use of force continuim are stun devices—-taser time….if this doesn’t do step is the dogs….next step is non- lethal munitions…knee knockers, pepper ball, stinger rounds, next would be cell extraction teams..after that last but not least..lethal force..which in this case would not be authorized….because its not reasonable nor is it neccessary..the oc would do the job, unless they are tripping on angel dust, and acid, and a meth flasback….i think its interesting when it’s time to decontaminate them..because they are on fire once you get em in the shower they are loving it…after they get out, a few minutes later they are on fire again, because the water reactivates it…. |
Dec 30, 2009
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Topic: Letter of The Law / Jail and Crime Scenes you have a crime scene..a shanking 2 man cell..the first officer initiates incident command system..they are in need of a supervisor, medical with a man down bag, and a strike team..i don’t know what type of language you use, but it should be plain english during emergency situations. all areas should be locked are first on scene and have a visual of the injured inmate and the inmate that could have possibly stuck him, you give brief updates, your team shows up, the first responder will become your staging area manager…he will tape off the scene, document who comes in and or reality no-one should except for medical..CIU should be notified (criminal investigative unit) once your team is ready to enter, give your inmate verbal directives to lay on the ground , with a visual of his hands, or if you have trap that opens direct him to back up to the door, and cuff up..once he is hooked up, remove him from the area, if you have a visual on a possible weapon used in the stabbing, remove it carefully and place it in a paper bag, to retain dna, blood, this will be used as evidence. it should be bagged and tagged and secured in an evidence locker. chain of custody is very important. allow medical to do a quick assement, and determine whether he needs to go to a hospital or not…during this time the officer that initiated will be giving brief updates, who were your responders , names,who were the shift commanders, who was your video operator, who entered the crime scene, have a polaroid, or digital camera take pictures of the area, inmate position, pics of injuries, wound locations,no-one really should be in that crime scene but enters the crime scene, until the criminal investigative unit releases it… although the first officer that arrived should have taken notes time of arrival, what he visually saw, very detailed. if the guy goes to the hospital determine who is making the trip, unless you have a specific transportation units that do that, you should plan on it, as your situation look like it’s going to go on a transport..know who your qualified officers are, and if they are current with qualified weapons cards, drivers license, and know how to transport an inmate to a hospital in public, in restraints…and they know how to restrain an inmate (full restraints) leg irons, and belly chains…and your officers know how to care for their weapon when with an inmate…whether you will have a chase vehicle, and the other officer rides in the ambulance…policy regarding your you have your weapon on you or will your partner have it in a gun box, and when you arrive, your partner guns up at that time..good luck |
Dec 30, 2009
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Topic: A Broader View / Is it really as negative as it sounds? well i think if your the type of person that can’t say no…and your working in this environment..your done…male or female….inmates can and will manipulate both, and if you don’t have your priorities in place, if you don’t value self respect, and care about where you work, you should just quit, before you compromise yourself..I have worked for the departmart of corrections for almost ten years…and i’m the middle of the road guy..i am a female..I carry myself in such a way, that male inmates think twice about screwing up. I have been on tactical support unit, i have been on the chase team for 2 years, i have been back up ssu officer (secruity service unit) working with STG’s.I am a FTO for 8 years, and right now i am back at the academy as an advisor for the second time in my career, help training new officers coming into the departement. For the next 7 weeks we will go over policy, and senerios, self defense, inmate games, discipline as an officer, and working as a team, learning to care and depend on your fellow officer, instead of looking for an inmate to fill that doubt, out of a class of 40 cadets i figure right off the back i’ll have 3 to 5 of these guys that are gonna get compromised. just say NO CO |
Dec 30, 2009
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Topic: A Broader View / DO & DON'TS of a new Shift Supervisor working in a Female prison working with female inmates is so much more different then dealing with males..they are as manipulative if not more. they are more emotional, and are very touchy feely type individuals. Unlike the male inmates who have the machismo thing going on, the females are more family oriented, they some that play the part of mom, dad, and the the kids. they are are by far very slick, and usually you will have relationships several going on…most of the time you won’t catch it, but you know it’s happening. their issues are generally much differnt then men..more medical issues, family issues, drama, where as the men, have an issue they’re gonna handle it, their way, usual assaulting someone, it’s physical, not to say the women won’t be, but it’s more boo hooing, and and emotional roller coaster..your approach,and understanding and how you handle the women is different, men won’t come to you and say..“hey co i need to talk” . Advise for the men… yes be careful, annouce man on the run, in the pod, whatever your set up is. |