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Oleoresin Capsicum (OC) training? Any policies?


Subscribe to Oleoresin Capsicum (OC) training? Any policies? 8 posts, 8 voices

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Female user azcorrections 7 posts

been through several trainings…been gased, and have been exposed to cs during live fire in the shoot house..during tactical support unit training..i work in a state prison, and policy states that it should be used when verbal directives no longer were an option, inmates were given directives to stop fighting, the next step in the use of force continuim is oc…1 sec burst into the face of the inmate no more then 6 ft away from the subject, spray give directives and move…until they comply..most of the time they do.if not..next step in the use of force continuim are stun devices—-taser time….if this doesn’t do it..next step is the dogs….next step is non- lethal munitions…knee knockers, pepper ball, stinger rounds, next would be cell extraction teams..after that last but not least..lethal force..which in this case would not be authorized….because its not reasonable nor is it neccessary..the oc would do the job, unless they are tripping on angel dust, and acid, and a meth flasback….i think its interesting when it’s time to decontaminate them..because they are on fire once you get em in the shower they are loving it…after they get out, a few minutes later they are on fire again, because the water reactivates it….

Male user OCCD 57 posts

Initial certification requires Level 2 or higher exposure. Annual recertification, but you generally only get exposed once. Punch 3 is current brand. Spray is best, foam in Hospital areas to reduce accidental contamination. Clear Out (OC plus CS tear gas,) used by SWAT (SRT) for serious riot situations.

Male user Wyobusa 1 post

Top Kop is what we use and it works well. I am immune to Def-Tech and have been sprayed with it at least five times. It doesn’t affect me. The Top Kop puts me on the ground every time.

Male user Odaak 5 posts

We use Sabre Red (the blue can). It has awesome stopping power. A CO sprayed an inmate who was fighting and OC usually has no effect on him. This guy stopped, went back to his cell and sat on his bunk. He said that was the “bow down bitch spray”. Even if they aren’t affected right away, give it a few minutes. It’ll kick in.

We recently had to change our OC policy due to a spray happy rookie hosing an 80 year old crazy female inmate. Oh and she weighed around 80 pounds. And of course the entire Bureau had to go through remedial training because of one idiot.

Male user GpBoss2/1 6 posts

We carry LE-10 the OC only comes out when we do extractions or there’s a riot. but i have asthma an neither of the chemical agents we were subjected too during our training academy caused any problems i experienced what everyone else does an thats pain….

Male user rolbsned65 4 posts

We use Freeze +P OC in most cases, but also we use a Freeze aerosol grenade which will cover a very large enclosed area. As mentioned in the other posts, it is not effective on all offenders. There are also offenders who may have adverse health conditions that may be aggrivated by the use of OC. In the instance of the later two we use a pepper ball launcher which can be used as an intermediate pain compliance weapon as well as an agent dispersal system. The also offer inert rounds for the launchers. The talcum powder round may still have adverse effects on offenders with breathing problems, but they also offer solid nylon ball and water filled versions as well. As far as training is concerned the more often your people train with live agent exposure the less likely they are to panic when using it. Whether or not you are wearing a mask doesn’t matter. In a real world operation you’re going to end up eating some of the gas yourself. If your people are made aware of this and train with live agent the better they will perform under real life incidents.

Male user prisonco 2 posts

Be careful if you use a streaming canister. A fresh can has a lot of pressure and can cause damage to the eyes at a distance of less than 5 feet. It is called hydraulic needling effect. It can actually put a hole in the eyeball.

The newer versions of OC are called THE PUNCH and FREEZE+P. SABRE RED is very potent stuff too. Freeze+P is a little bit of OC and CS and will create a burning sensation and the sensation of being unable to breath. Any inmate that has built a tolerance to OC will drop with a good dousing of Freeze+P.

Male user kkempf 1 post You should know that it is not 100% effective on everyone. Be prepared to use other tactics in case it doesn't. Drugs and mental state can cause this non reaction to it. It will close their eyes but may not stop the fight. Hope this helps. Stay safe.

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