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PO Work; Got Tips?


Subscribe to PO Work; Got Tips? 5 posts, 5 voices

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Female user teresa 1 post

I was very excited to read everyones view points. I will graduate with my BA in Nov. and I am looking forward to the career of being a probation officer. Is there any possible advise that I can can from anyone to help me with my goal to become the best probation officer I can be?

Male user Neal 4 posts

Best place to start would be either the website for the American Probation and Parole Association (www.appa-net.org) or the National Institute for Corrections (www.nicic.gov). Either can provide you with good background material.

Riot helmet Mick 307 posts

Best of Luck.

Female user suzi 1 post

Hello….I was a MO PO for five yrs, a few years ago. It was an excellent introduction into criminal behavior for me. However after assuming large caseloads and relatively low pay considering the amount of work, I was very disheartened. The experience definitely looks good on a resume, if you can handle the amount of pay and work expected. I wish you luck and an open heart.

Female user CJCurious 1 post

I’ve just finished the final round of interviews for a MO State PO job. I have a good feeling that I’ll get the position, but since my degree is in Psych I feel like I need to brush up on basic CJ theory & terminology. I know that most of my training will come on the job, but I like to be prepared as possible, so can anyone give me info on any websites, articles, books, etc. which may serve as a crash course into CJ/PO work?

While you’re at it, can you give me an idea what to expect during the probationary year on the job?


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