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Recent Posts by Igoturback


Subscribe to Recent Posts by Igoturback 25 posts found

Aug 17, 2011
41153535 61942244 Igoturback 25 posts

Topic: The Club House / which shoes or boots?

I Love My Rocky’s

Aug 17, 2011
41153535 61942244 Igoturback 25 posts

Topic: Health & Wellness / Should HIV testing be mandatory at intake?

Well Hell Yeah!! Nursing Dept has this info, but we I treat every one in the prison as if they have it all. And i will end this like I do all my comments,, Damn those Bleeding Heart Liberal’s !!!!!!

Aug 17, 2011
41153535 61942244 Igoturback 25 posts

Topic: Health & Wellness / HepC Pos. Inmates in kitchen?

I own number 1 rule is I never take any thing from an Inmate , I don’t care what it is , food , drink , that’s playing with your health, and I never have them walking behind me either. But I guess you could find a Bleeding Die hard Liberal and ask them the same question.. lol

Aug 14, 2011
41153535 61942244 Igoturback 25 posts

Topic: The Club House / If corrections had a slogan what would it be?

Don’t ever change, if it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t have a job.

Aug 06, 2011
41153535 61942244 Igoturback 25 posts

Topic: A Broader View / opinions on self defense in corrections

bottom line is I / you do whatever it takes to make sure I / or you are going home .

Aug 06, 2011
41153535 61942244 Igoturback 25 posts

Topic: The Club House / 12 Hour Shifts

i love the shift , we work 4 days on then 4 days off , yes we deal with shi* bags but it all works out, I still get to walk out the gates at night and drive home to my family

Aug 06, 2011
41153535 61942244 Igoturback 25 posts

Topic: Letter of The Law / Lethal injectionÂ… cruel and unusual?

Lethal injection Â…cruel and unusual? I say NO! it is not ,,, Hell I even said that i would be willing to save the state millions , by paying out of my paycheck the $87. and some change for the needle for all the inmates on death row, that way I could free up the 2.4 million ( that’s for one inmate ) that it takes for all the I didn’t do it’s court room appointments for just one inmate. ( 20yrs )… just think if i did that for all 299 inmates on death row that would be more for the Officers , and their Family’s . Oh crap , forgot about those bleeding die hards…lol

Aug 06, 2011
41153535 61942244 Igoturback 25 posts

Topic: Letter of The Law / Second Chance Act

Second Chance Act? or should it be called hummm " I’m going to give you a second chance Not to get caught ",,,,,,,,,,,, Please waste my money that I worked so hard for ….

Aug 06, 2011
41153535 61942244 Igoturback 25 posts

Topic: The Club House / Anyone From Tx Corrections?

What kind of insight? Here’s one for ya———Stay a way from Bleeding die hard Liberals

Aug 06, 2011
41153535 61942244 Igoturback 25 posts

Topic: Letter of The Law / Is ethics missing from training programs?

training program focused just on ethics? kool just keep it a way from bleeding die hard liberals

Aug 06, 2011
41153535 61942244 Igoturback 25 posts

Topic: Letter of The Law / No lunch breaks?


Other posts of Igoturback have been deleted due to abusive language.

Apr 06, 2009
41153535 61942244 Igoturback 25 posts

Topic: Letter of The Law / NYS DOCS


Apr 06, 2009
41153535 61942244 Igoturback 25 posts

Topic: The Club House / Women working in Corrections

I sure do Mudflap

Apr 04, 2009
41153535 61942244 Igoturback 25 posts

Topic: The Club House / Women working in Corrections

blondeco are you sure were not cut from the same cloth??? same here on what you said..I also find that they want you to go by the book and i do teach by the rules and regs then you have to deal with ( your a hard ass ) (or wow i didnt know you were even human ) ya ya ,go pound sand i say…, I have had even superv/ come to me asking what would i do and they would end up doing just that. and take all the credit,( i dont even say a word about it ) just stuff you keep in the back of your mind for later. but other then stuff like that i also try to hint around about not dating where u work. i have always gone by the rule, seen what happens at work with the other officers who do go down that road and the mess it leaves. and then you have to deal with the other officers tall tall storys about there dates and when i would say HELLOOOOOO female over here …. they laugh saying oh sorry we just think of you as one of the guys.. thats all good but there some stuff they can leave out…lolololol I love my job.. i do. i even go to moundsville W.V to do the riot training cell extraction all the good stuff. fn303 ect… als devices tooo.
any way back to the top … those officers will never change.. we will have them coming and going and it can never be fast enough i to think it is a waste of my time to even try to train them , I have been right on everyone that has come in after i did on what kind of officer they would end up being .and they seem not to listen until it’s to late.

Apr 04, 2009
41153535 61942244 Igoturback 25 posts

Topic: The Club House / Women working in Corrections

you are so right blondeco i do just that i leave home at home and work at work and as a F.T.O. I would tell the new female officers that comes in the same thing dont give the inmates (and some bone head male officers too)- any reaction at all, dont give them anything they can use later on down the line. and we are not there to make friends. if you think the inmates are your friends your not wrong your dead wrong. and if your looking for a husband——— get out we dont need people with low opinons of them self working here. you only make it harder for us who can do the job.

Apr 03, 2009
41153535 61942244 Igoturback 25 posts

Topic: Letter of The Law / No lunch breaks?

No, When I am in uniform and my hair in pulled back noone would even think this is me. So no i’m not worried at all I have had inmates tell me when they get out their coming for me , I just tell them to get to the end of the line. you have to have humor and lots of it in this line of work.

Apr 03, 2009
41153535 61942244 Igoturback 25 posts

Topic: Letter of The Law / Can we deny inmates access to newspapers, magazines as an incentive for better behavior?

in our’s they can have that stuff too but if they screw up we can take all that stuff away except for their personals. cup, toothpaste, soap, bible. and they still will smoke that… I have seen over the years people who call them selfs corrections officers that have the bleeding hearts( inmate lovers ) for these inmates should not even be in corrections. it’s officers like that --that get other good officers hurt and on top of that we have to babysit you too. these inmates watch us everyday to look for c/o’s that are like that and then they play you and you wont even know your being played. that stuff get’s me mad everytime. it also seems like these inmate lovers have nothing going for them on the out side , and look for attention from the inmates, and again the inmates will play on that too.

Apr 03, 2009
41153535 61942244 Igoturback 25 posts

Topic: Letter of The Law / No lunch breaks?

ours we had it in the union contract that we only get 1- 20 min lunch break .

Apr 03, 2009
41153535 61942244 Igoturback 25 posts

Topic: The Club House / Women working in Corrections

the inmates dont care what you look like but thanks any way LMAO

Apr 03, 2009
41153535 61942244 Igoturback 25 posts

Topic: The Club House / Women working in Corrections

I live in one state and work in another that helps out me have 3 jobs also a P.I.
so I’m a busy mom of 2 . going to the gym chat later

Apr 03, 2009
41153535 61942244 Igoturback 25 posts

Topic: The Club House / Women working in Corrections

maniac , no i didnt post my stuff about strings on what you said it was to the other 2 nuckle heads,,,,, and i have a very good sometime on the sick side sence of humor/ hell look at where we work…lolol and as far as my other jobs, they dont like it but i also dont cross the line with both . i do my job , i dont tell them the PD’S that I’m a correction officer i just go in do my job and get out. and there is a few that i have come across but there’s also the word respect,, i show them and in return i get it back… nice chatting with you….

Apr 03, 2009
41153535 61942244 Igoturback 25 posts

Topic: The Club House / Women working in Corrections

Mr grumpy you have much of a chance of getting rape as i do working in corrections ,,, yes there are a few females that do not belong there i do gree on that but theres a small few them you have others like my self who can do the job … and being one of the F.T.O.‘s i have many of time’s said or wrote in my reports get them out of here and as you all know they dont not listen some seem to want to keep the week ones ,, i said some not all….
I think we should hook u up with that other old timer (unless u know each other already ) that little guy named brutepowa you would make a great couple.
maybe together you guys can rule the world ( in your own little minds )

Apr 03, 2009
41153535 61942244 Igoturback 25 posts

Topic: The Club House / Women working in Corrections

one more thing,, it is going to be one of us females thats going to have to save your boots one day. you wait and see.

Apr 03, 2009
41153535 61942244 Igoturback 25 posts

Topic: The Club House / Women working in Corrections

is someone still crying about us females working in a male prison? GET OVER IT !!!!!!!! or JUST GO POUND SAND BUDDY!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are not going any where I’m gett sick of listening or reading crap from oh I dont know lets see hummmmm BRUTEPOWA!!!!! do you tell your girls if you had them i dont know anyway do you or would you tell them no you can’t do that, tha’ts for guys only job?… if you did i feel very sorry for them not u , just them not you ,you need to get out and go a new job cleaning out crap since that all you know about women who work in correction is CRAP!
I’ve been in for 7 years now and the other male officers still say the same thing ,,, they love being my partner and they even ask for me,,, cause i have there backs and i will jump in to save my partner if all hell breaks lose i have been trained just like all other females in corrections I’m also a F.T.O. and a bounty hunter. I work alone alot too . but as a corrections officer I am sad to still seee you in correction that goes for all cry babys who dont like to see us females in this field.. crap and i bet it you guys who have not even cut the strings ////// momma boys

Oct 28, 2007
41153535 61942244 Igoturback 25 posts

Topic: The Club House / Women working in Corrections

officermerc you sound like a smart man

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