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Recent Posts by okie


Subscribe to Recent Posts by okie 6 posts found

Oct 21, 2008
Tue 020 okie 6 posts

Topic: The Club House / When the facility gets maxed out

I can remeber when we had so many inmates that we had beds in the dayrooms of the housing units. This was a nightmare. The officer always had the inmates up in their faces. The inmates were always loud because of the security lights that always stayed on.

Jul 30, 2008
Tue 020 okie 6 posts

Topic: The Club House / Where in the world are you

I work for the Ohio Department of Corrections

Jul 17, 2008
Tue 020 okie 6 posts

Topic: The Club House / New Career

Daniel welcome to the Department of Corrections. Always remeber safety comes first, and security is not a convience. When beginning your new job it is important that you pay strict attention to experienced officers and always listen to what they have to tell you. In corrections you will never know everything. If you take on the attitude that you know everything other staff members will be quick to not tell you anything. No one can stand a no it all. When dealing with inmates they are going to try you in every little way expect it. They have 24/7 to think of ways to mess with you. So when an inmate approaches you and asks you something that you are not sure of don’t be afraid to tell them no. However, you need to follow up with someone that can answer the question. That way you know for future reference. Always check inmates on the little things. This prevents alot of big problems. You will get alot of inmates telling you that you are being petty, but like I said this slows down the big problems. Be consistant with each inmate, don’t let something slide with one inmate. This will only cause you problems down the road. It is always easy to go in hard and eventually lighten up on certain things. Versus going in being easy and then trying to get hard. Inmates have already seen the softer side of you if you try this approach. Get to know your rules and regulations read everything that you can get your hands on. This includes things like the inmates handbooks, orientation papers. If you find yourself in the middle of a use of force situation be sure to do something. If you don’t you might as well quit. This is the quickest way to have a whole group of correctional staff turn against you. Remeber it is us (correctional staff) and them (inmates). Always support your fellow brother and sisters of the wire. Hope this helps and good luck.

Jun 26, 2008
Tue 020 okie 6 posts

Topic: The Club House / Correctional Officers's Creed

To speak sparingly…to act, not argue…to be in authority through personal presence..to correct without nagging.. to speak with the calm voice of certainty…to see everything, and to know what is significant and what not to notice.. to be neither insensitive to distress nor so distracted by pity as to miss what must elsewhere be seen…

To do neither that which is unkind nor self-indulgent in its misplaced charity… never to obey the impulse to tounge lash that silent insolence which in times past could receive the lash…to be both firm and fair.. to know I cannot be fair simply by being firm, nor firm simply by being fair…

To support the reputations of associates and confront them without anger should they stand short of professional conduct … to reach for knowledge of the continuing mysteries of human motivation… to think; always to think…to be dependable.. to be dependable first to my charges and associates, and thereafter to my duty as employee and citizen…to keep fit..to keep forever alert.. to listen to what is meant as well as what is said with words and with silences…

To expect respect from my charges and my superiors yet never to abuse the one for abuses from the other.. for eight hours each working day to be an example of the person I could be at all times…to acquiesce in no dishonest act..to cultivate patience under boredom and calm during confusion..to understand the why of every order I take or give..

To hold freedom among the highest values though I deny it to those I guard..to deny it with dignity that in my example they find no reason to lose their dignity.. to be prompt..to be honest with all who practice deceit that they not find in me excuse for themselves…to privately face down my fear that I not signal it.. to privately cool my anger that I not displace it on others… to hold in confidence what I see and hear, which by the telling could harm or humiliate to no good purpose..to keep my outside problems outside..to leave inside that which should stay inside…to my duty. This is the Correctional Officers’s Creed.

Jun 12, 2008
Tue 020 okie 6 posts

Topic: The Club House / If corrections had a slogan what would it be?

Brothers and Sisters of the wire.

Jun 12, 2008
Tue 020 okie 6 posts

Topic: The Club House / Ohio DRC

Ohio DR&C is getting slammed with cuts.

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