Recent Posts by Kellie
Nov 23, 2009
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Topic: Everything Education / Need to measure success of offender programs? As a 20+ year Officer…..The onlyprogram I have seen that actually seems to work is the GED program. Our facility sends more inmates out the door with their GED’s than any place I can think of. This is outstanding and good use of tax payer money. We also have many other sociall programs that are aimed at changing behavior. These programs are marginal at best. They do manage to help very few inmates, however, it seems to be a feel good program for the civilians involved more than anything else. I support programs, however, i would appreciate honesty in reporting the fail rates. If I was a judge or a purse string holder I would question any program that had a consistent low rate of failure. We all know the population we deal with. My opinion is that …. they don’t want to change, they have numerous good examples to follow………I see the system swinging wildly to the left and demanding more and more programs that assist inmates with every issue except bed wetting and thumb sucking…….I am looking forward to the swing back to the center once again. There are literally millions of dollars being spent on programs that do nothing to change the inmate but make the program administrator feel good. GED that is the best bang for the buck….what they do with that once they are out is up to them. I do not like inmate hand holding. Give them the tools and let them go. I will say….a busy inmate is a well behaved inmate….the programs are worth their weight in gold on that level. |
Nov 09, 2009
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Topic: The Club House / Newbie Questions Not really on topic…..I get paid once a month…..i have always been paid once a month. I could not budget any other way……… |
Nov 09, 2009
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Topic: Letter of The Law / Should ex-offenders be allowed to vote? What does reformed sex offender laws have anything to do with offenders voting??? |
Nov 04, 2009
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Topic: Letter of The Law / Should ex-offenders be allowed to vote? Joe….you are still bitter because we are better at your inmate games than you are…….sorry had to just add that one. |
Nov 04, 2009
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Topic: Letter of The Law / Should ex-offenders be allowed to vote? No voting should be restored. Felone Joe still has an inmate attitude and frankly his attitude towards CO’s is illiterate, hostile and well inmate!!! What type of business are you in? With that attitude…..not for long! You crashed our party, no one forced you to commit a crime….remember that! As for voting……no….not understanding or considering what you may give away when you are convicted is not my problem. NO NO NO |
Oct 19, 2009
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Topic: The Club House / If you had it to do over again I have been at this line of work for over 20 years. I was 23 when I first walked into a jail. After the initial shock of the place, I loved it. I have never wanted to work outside on the road. That only thing I would change…..I would have played for a few years when I was young and then maybe around 30 started my career. We cannot retire until we are 63……not something you are thinking about at 23. I have 8 more years before I can retire…..I am burned out, jails have become more liberal than I think is safe. I was not hired as a role model….I strive to be a good example, but that is not my main role. Would I do it over again……YOU BET!!! This is the job that I was meant to do, i truely believe that. I am proud of my job and proud of my ability. The answer the other question: What jobs have you done in the facility? Corrections Officer, Diciplinary Hearing officer, Work Release/Electronic Home Monitoring, Classification Officer…..every job offered except Court Officer….no desire to stand in the court room for hours on end. I have promoted through LT. It is a good job. |
Aug 12, 2009
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Topic: A Broader View / New guy here, juvenile jail staff it is my humble opinion…..YOU NEED TO GET THE $%& OUT OF THERE!!!! I cannot blame you for being as burned out as you are. Save yourself and look for work elsewhere. It really worries me that my fellow brothers/sisters in this career area experiencing this. We all feel like we are in this type of situation, but when you hear from someone that is totally in that environment my heart goes out to you. Get on your bicycle or go to the gym and work out that frustration. It is so hard to be active when all you want to do is go home and hide and drink to make yourself feel better. I totally understand. There are times when I have to be forced to get out and bike or run or do somthing that will totally wear me out! Get a friend or spouse that will force you to get out and work up a sweat! Get out and look for other work! Let us know how it is going. |
Jun 18, 2009
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Topic: The Club House / Women working in Corrections I know that you don’t mean to put a negative twist on being a female working in a male facility…..but……coniving is not a trait that I would want to have to use on a daily basis. I have worked in corrections for over 20 years and have seen and experienced the good/bad/ugly from both staff and inmates. I have survived because I am smart, ethical, and tough. While I am not a small female, so I don’t have to deal with being small (180lbs and not fat) I have to deal with being female. I was once told to stay out of cell where there was a fight. I simply leaned up against the wall across from the fight and watched. I would have stepped in if there was a problem. This male officer went to the academy with me ( I worked for another agency at the time) and I passed the physical part of the training at a much higher level than he did….I simply took him aside later and reminded him that my score was much higher than his and that if he wanted to get his butt kicked that was fine with me…but don’t ever tell me to stay out of a situation. I came from a facility that expected the women to be equal to the men and we were equal. The facility I went to (and still work at) the women did nothing but hold the door. Needless to say that has changed. So please use positive traits on a daily basis you will be much happier. Know the policy, promise never threaten, say what you are going to do and then follow through, finish what you start, never ever expect other staff to step in physically if you are not prepared to also become involved. Your reputation is made or destroyed in seconds. If you have to keep a list of what you need to do, then do it. Inmates remember and pass that information on to other inmates. One of my favorite sayings “do not invite me to do something that you really do not want”. I love it when an inmate says “just write me up” or “go ahead lock me down”. I just look at them and say…..“OK” and then I do it. Staff will respect you more also…….no one has to clean up after me. I don’t expect the men to take care of the hard stuff, I do expect them to back me up as I back them up. But I don’t expect special treatment. OK Off my soapbox. |
May 20, 2009
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Topic: The Club House / HERO Why is anyone labled a “Hero” in any field? It is actions not occupation that makes a hero! I don’t consider myself a hero just because I work in corrections! |
May 14, 2009
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Topic: The Club House / If corrections had a slogan what would it be? Corrections: Because you just cannot fix stupid!!! |
Apr 08, 2009
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Topic: The Club House / If corrections had a slogan what would it be? Corrections: Doing time on the installment plan! |
Apr 08, 2009
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Topic: The Club House / Women working in Corrections I forgot to add this one important point on being female in this line of work…..You will get no respect from anyone, male, female, inmate, other staff…..if you come to work wearing a ton of makeup!!!!! Leave the diamonds, big earrings, red lipstick at home. A minimum of makeup and a minimum amount of rings, necklaces, earrings while at work. You are looking for respect, make your appearance appropriate for what your are seeking. I am not saying that you should not look nice and put together, I am saying you are not going on a date or trying to impress anyone with how you look. Less is more in this situation. Oh and please get in shape and stay in shape. This will save your life not only if there is a situation at work, but also the stress of the job will be less if you are in shape. |
Apr 06, 2009
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Topic: Health & Wellness / Mandated CPR On Inmates: Good Or Not So Good? We are all CPR certified….we have done CPR on a numberof inmates….I will venture to say that staff will start CPR if there is an issue…..everyone spouts off that they will not do CPR, I have never seen anyone refuse. There are masks that you can carry with one way valves that protect you. I suggest that you get one and have it available. If you choose not to start CPR…you have live with yourself!!! |
Apr 06, 2009
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Topic: The Club House / Women working in Corrections I have been working as a Corrections Officer since I was 23, I am now 45……..The most important thing to remember as a female in this line of work (in my opinion) is that you cannot do this job the same way a man would! Your brain and communication skills are the best defense you have. Say what you want them to do, tell them what will occure if they don’t, then follow up with the consequences. Do not ever make threats that you cannot follow through, in fact….don’t ever threaten…only promise what you will do! Women do well in this field, we have skills that help us in many ways. If you know you cannot physically control a situation, you learn really quick alternative ways to take control. I know that I cannot physically control (for long anyway) a man, therefore, I ensure I have my communication skills sharp and I always try to have an escape plan. Always ensure that you have backup close. Do handle situations yourself and enforce what you say. Always attempt to finish the situation yourself and thank the other officers that assist. I learned a valuable lesson in the first jail I worked in…….Always jump in to a situation, show what you are made of, always backup your fellow officers, let them know you will mix it up. Once you show you can handle yourself or at least will jump in and assist, you have won most of the battle of respect not only with the other staff, but the inmates see that also. Always………if you say you will do something, do it! If you promise some sort of corrective action, do it! Always back up your fellow officers…Always!!!! Stay in shape, lift weigts, build your cardio limits. Part of the respect is looking the part! |