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Recent Posts by STGSgt.gh0st


Subscribe to Recent Posts by STGSgt.gh0st 7 posts found

Jan 14, 2010
Cert logo STGSgt.gh0st 7 posts

Topic: Security Central / CERT

Anyone know where I can find some decent CERT training information? I’ve already checked out www.corspecops.com, but was hoping to find some other information as well. Thanks!

Jan 14, 2010
Cert logo STGSgt.gh0st 7 posts

Topic: Security Central / What cell extraction tools do you wish you had?

I’ve tried to get my unit to install a Halidol sprinkler system for years, but apparently pumping high doses of anti-psychotics into a housing area and letting the offenders sleep for 16 hours at a time is “unethical” We do have access to the water main control valves in our seg area. We typically only turn their water off if they start flooding their cells though. For everything else there is the OC & Ninja Turtles.

Jan 14, 2010
Cert logo STGSgt.gh0st 7 posts

Topic: Letter of The Law / No lunch breaks?

Mick are you guys hiring?! I could probably talk my wife into moving to Ireland.
I only work 8-5 now, and don’t have to be relieved for a break, but I remember when I was just a C.O. there were times we’d go a whole 12 hour shift without being given a break. It wasn’t because our supervisors were @$&holes or anything, we just didn’t have the people to relieve anyone for a break. The shift Lt. had a sack lunch sent to everyone on shift, but that was all we got sometimes. None of us cried about Labor laws either. We knew when we took the job that stuff like that could happen and we accepted it because that was the line of work we were in. The new boots running around here now have no idea what it was like back then and complain if they don’t get 2 15 minute breaks and a 30 minute lunch break.

Jan 11, 2010
Cert logo STGSgt.gh0st 7 posts

Topic: Security Central / Officer shakedowns

Unfortunately Az, people will find a way to beat any system. Sometimes you just have to keep giving them rope and wait for them to hang themself. It sucks knowing an officer is dirty and not being able to prove it, but they always make a mistake.

Jan 08, 2010
Cert logo STGSgt.gh0st 7 posts

Topic: Security Central / What cell extraction tools do you wish you had?

Yeah, just search for Cell Buster

Jan 07, 2010
Cert logo STGSgt.gh0st 7 posts

Topic: Security Central / What cell extraction tools do you wish you had?


There is one way to get around the access slot obstructions. I think any kind of battering ram type device would end in litigation. Offender would scream excessive UoF at the top of their lungs over that one lol. They do make a push bar that has a box with a hinged lid on the top so that once you get it into the cell you can open the top and use the opening to deliver chemical agents into the cell safely.

Jan 07, 2010
Cert logo STGSgt.gh0st 7 posts

Topic: The Club House / CCW

An interesting read to say the least. I’ve been putting off getting my CCW for a few years now, but I think it’s about time I got one.

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