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Jun 20, 2012
Male user gbeck 5 posts

Topic: The Club House / 12 Hour Shifts

I agree with HDCO, We are those are there day in and day out with these so called innocent criminals, have heard every excuse that there possibly can be. Prison is no, either you work in corrections and are so unhappy that you must take a anarchial view, which if it is the case get a new job, or you are one of those drug using criminals and is on here just to give the rest of who are trying to be productive a hard time. Why don’t you take a hike to Drug users forum or something.

Jun 20, 2012
Male user gbeck 5 posts

Topic: The Club House / 12 Hour Shifts

First thing is first, This topic was about stress and the 12 hour shift, how it got onto Drug addicted criminals is beyond me. But, being that the subject was brought up, are we to feel sorry for people who have chosen to put a crack pipe to thier lips or the heroin addict who shoots up several times a day, after they commit crimes against those who have chosen not to. I think not.Yet I do agree that many of them are creations of society I also think that they can change and be more productive and lead normal lives. All of this “I come from a bad town” Or “there are no jobs”, is just a way to cop out and make lame excuses for them taking advantage of the system. They don’t have money and live in poverty so what do they do get high…. Where did that money come from? Either from selling drugs or from abusing our current govermental system which is in place to help people who has no other means. Which can lead to the next point I think the governement should drug test any and all applicants for federal aid of any type. I am a productive member of society, who works to provide and I am periodically drug tested why should I be drug tested and not those who receive assistance when many of those are just buying drugs? Gee I should just quit my job, sit back and get high and drunk everyday. And as for getting user behind bars and not dealers, that is untrue. The truth is that when one goes down 1 or 2 pops up. That’s the truth. I also read earlier that the governement is the cause for all the drugs…. REALLY? Wow what a governement we have, A governement who wants total anarchy… COOL I WANNA LIVE HERE….

Oct 26, 2011
Male user gbeck 5 posts

Topic: The Club House / 12 Hour Shifts

Wow brother, you got my head spinning…. too many numbers. I may have figured out why I have less difficulty with the pay, I own my house so I don’t have that pesky mortgage to worry about, and all my kids are grown. And as far as the 12 hour thing, one of the ways I break it up, I take advantage of my down time for relieving stress. I will go to the weight room and work out for a bit or even tour the less populated portions of the jail, you know as well as I do They all want something… And at the current time I am actually working for my AS in Criminal Justice Technologies(online classes of course), which while I was on night shift it was great because I could do all my homework while I was at work, as long as I made my tours. It’s a little more difficult on days but I’m managing.

I totally agree with you about the sick time, and my facility has figured that out and they tell us, if we are sick take sick time, they don’t want the other officers and the inmates sick. If the inmate get sick it cost them money to pay for the medical. Now at my facility we don’t get OT nor do we get straight time, at least not when we earn it, we get comp time which adds up. We have 40+ hours of required training plus we have the 8 hors earned every month for the time over the 160 hours, if we don’t call in sick that can be used at during the year, one could almost never take vacation days and only use vacation, of course anything over 40 hours is lost at the end of the year from our vacation time. Maybe I look at things differently, to me it’s just a job, and in todays economy we take what we can get, and in corrections as you well know we have job security, at least there is money coming in from somewhere andas long as we don’t place ourselves in a bad position we will always have a job. Maybe I am just taking the optomistic view on things..

Oct 25, 2011
Male user gbeck 5 posts

Topic: The Club House / 12 Hour Shifts

pookiii, I think a little more tackt was needed in your reply, how ever I do see your point, the articals also state that long hour and stress “COULD” be linked to heart disease. You say we are type A personalities, at work I am an A type, but when I walk through those gates I am a type B. Now I don’t know which facility you work for but I know at mine, we have few, if any fights among the inmates, and as for the attacks on the officers, I can only think of once and that was due to the officer dropping his guard and not following procedure. I felt more stress in the manufacturing environment then I do in the corrections. I still believe and will follow what I said, relaxing and getting your mind off of the job is how one relieves stress. Now you also go on to say that you don’t get more time with the family, I would have to disagree, If I work on days I get a couple of hours each night and the with the rotating shift I get 3 days every other weekend. Basically I work 7 days and I have 7 days off out of every 14. Tell me if I worked at a manufacturing plant and work 10 hour shifts (OT) and they required me to work on Sturdays (4 or 5 hours), how much time do I have with my family then. I’ll answer alot less then what I have now. Now you also typed about pay, answer me this, how much money is enough? even though I make 1/3 of what I made on my last job, I still make enough to pay my everyday bills and still have money left over for play. what more do I need? Now don’t assume that I am young and live under someone elses roof, I don’t I am 47 years old and I have 3 other adults who don’t work living with me and 2 children. Sure one adult does receive support for the 2 kids and she helps out when needed but for the most part Idon’t ask for it. I assure you I make under $25k per year. I am not afraid of saying how much I make, but I also know that it will change I have taken my own measures to change it I have enrolled in college and am currently studying for a degree in Criminal Justice technology, This way I can move up and possibly move into administration eventually. There is alot more I can say but I don’t want to start a war with you. You have your opinion and I have mine.

Oct 15, 2011
Male user gbeck 5 posts

Topic: The Club House / 12 Hour Shifts

Actually The heart disease and dying around 56 is due to stress, not working 12 hour shifts, then the question should be what do we do about the stress? Well that is where family and freinds come in, they can help with your stress. Leave work at work and when you are at home think about things at home, have cook outs and such, anything to get your mind off work. I know this works, I go through it too. There is one sure thing about corrections, the job will be there when you go back (Job security).

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