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Hospitalized Inmates getting visits?


Subscribe to Hospitalized Inmates getting visits? 11 posts, 10 voices

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Male user MBA student 5 posts

I say it should be on a case by case basis. It also should be limited to immediate family only..Secondly, the safety of the inmates should be first, not the officers. Even in the military, the safety of the civilians come before your own..

Sgm Sergeant Major 53 posts

Visits?! Oh HELL NO! To many risks and safety issues there..

Male user Canusxiii 116 posts

Hospitalized inmates getting visits,bad idea,security risk.Prison hospital or outside post,civilian hospital.
I don’t ever recall when I worked those post that am inmate was allow a visit unless it was administration that approved the visit,civilians were under escort and at no time they where left alone.

Male user bubbatime 1 post

Absolutely, positively not!! Officer safety comes first.

Male user rok 1 post

Hospital-exterior2009mar05 At my prison it is common practice to call a family member of an inmate anytime they are admitted for anything. I feel this opens up a whole new can of worms because now you have family members showing up wanting to visit. Many times it has been ok’d by our major for an inmate to receive visits even though the inmate is not critical. What is to stop a friend, family member, or gang rival from bringing a gun there? Even a double lifer will have his family notified because he was admitted for something as simple as cellulitis. The danger that the officers and the public can face are not being taken

Buckeye flag Mudflap 293 posts

It’s the same in Ohio, but we tell them the night before (after the phones are shut off) because we have to pack their personal property, which is placed in storage until they get back. That’s done so’s they’re ready when the transport officers come in at 0-dark-thirty. Our Medical department will usually call them down the day before and tell them not to eat or drink anything after such-and-such a time, so the inmates are seldom surprised when they’re told to pack their stuff.

Male user Illinois Won... 15 posts

We are a level 2 in Illinois…absolutely no visitors in the hospital…none…zero…notta. To my knowledge, IDOC doesn’t even tell an inmate when or where he will have surgery. We show up at his cell bright & early, shower him, then he’s gone. I like it like that.


Male user OCCD 57 posts

Absolutely, positively NO.

Garfield Irishsprig 16 posts

That is the way it used to be here….. but we have become a kinder, more gentle form of correction…..

Male user algrob 24 posts

In my facility we do not call the inmates family when admitted, other inmates do. The inmate is allowed no visitors, or contact at anytime while in the hospital. This includes no phone calls in or out of the room.

Garfield Irishsprig 16 posts

At my prison it is common practice to call a family member of an inmate anytime they are admitted for anything. I feel this opens up a whole new can of worms because now you have family members showing up wanting to visit. Many times it has been ok’d by our major for an inmate to receive visits even though the inmate is not critical. What is to stop a friend, family member, or gang rival from bringing a gun there? Even a double lifer will have his family notified because he was admitted for something as simple as cellulitis. The danger that the officers and the public can face are not being taken seriously in my view.

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