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Recent Posts by Sergeant Major


Subscribe to Recent Posts by Sergeant Major 25 posts found

Aug 31, 2011
Sgm Sergeant Major 53 posts

Topic: Health & Wellness / Should HIV testing be mandatory at intake?


Jul 30, 2011
Sgm Sergeant Major 53 posts

Topic: Economy & Stimulus / A Stimulus Method to Get Out of Recession..

I agree with the “Dude” and “Bob” work the crap out of them and make it so that they don’t want to come back. Just like Arpaio does. But unfortunately there to many bleeding heart liberals and nutless, gutless, and witless individuals that are at the top of the political food chain to do this. You do have a good point CZBURGR. Have it done inside the walls makes sense. Unfortunately I work in a County Jail, and I call it the County Bed and Breakfast. Sorry guys, just had to vent a little.

Jul 30, 2011
Sgm Sergeant Major 53 posts

Topic: Letter of The Law / No lunch breaks?

Oh Brother! and I thought I left all the psychos at work…

Jun 21, 2011
Sgm Sergeant Major 53 posts

Topic: A Broader View / This month, Corrections.com focuses on architecture. What makes your facility's design unique? What historic prisons have you visited?

Nothing unique about my facility other than it should be torn down. Historic prison… mmmmmmm…. Leavenworth Military Correctional Facility (When it was the “Castle”. Was pretty interesting.

Jun 21, 2011
Sgm Sergeant Major 53 posts

Topic: The Club House / Time Off...

I work on my ’63 Buick Wildcat, and do yard work. I enjoy cruisin around in my Landyacht. Kept me busy for 5 years now just finding parts. I also refinish and restore old furniture.

Jun 21, 2011
Sgm Sergeant Major 53 posts

Topic: The Club House / Comebacks

Had one inmate tell me.. “I shouldn’t be here..” I told him that nobody invited him.

Jun 21, 2011
Sgm Sergeant Major 53 posts

Topic: The Club House / Do You Have Uniform Inspection?

Boy if my Dept. stood inspection practically all would fail. I’m not perfect by any means, but …. Let’s see… no polish on the boots, uniforms might be washed once a week if not once a month. It’s like “I’ve got seniority and they can’t touch me. If they say anything I’ll file a lawsuit.” BROTHER…. I show up at work with spit shined boots, pressed uniform, high n tight flattop. Yeah the moustache is a bit long but within regs.

Jun 14, 2011
Sgm Sergeant Major 53 posts

Topic: Security Central / Offender Movement

We use a 1:5 ratio unless it’s for the Ultra Inmates. Then it’s one Sergeant and 3 Officers. For new inmates it’s a 1:10.

May 24, 2011
Sgm Sergeant Major 53 posts

Topic: Security Central / death row

In Walla Walla here in Washington the Death chamber is a bit unique. We have two methods; hanging and lethal injection. The hanging traps are above the LI Chamber. Quite welcome Mudflap.

May 24, 2011
Sgm Sergeant Major 53 posts

Topic: Security Central / Best way to handle unruly inmate

I agree with the First Sergeant. Assess the situation, get backup if needed, have a course of action, and then implement it. mmmmmmmm…. Whatcha think TOP? Sounds like old Army stuff…

May 24, 2011
Sgm Sergeant Major 53 posts

Topic: Security Central / Tasers in the Jail?

Our Sergeants and Gun Qualified Officers carry the TASERs. We just got the TASERs into the system last month. The first one deployed was this past Sunday. I don’t carry a TASER as I’m a Deck Officer. OC and a radio is all I have. It seems to work pretty good as I haven’t had to use the OC in 3 years. But then again I’m on the same wing 5 nights a week, so I know about 90% of the ones that I deal with. Seems that when I’m off it’s when they have the most problems on that wing. Go figure. I even have inmates say.. “Glad you’re back.” and over heard one tell another… " That CO knows his shit, he’s firm, fair, consistent, and don’t F*&^ with him, he’ll skull drag your butt to lockdown."

May 24, 2011
Sgm Sergeant Major 53 posts

Topic: Security Central / too many new officer

I have to agree with GRIM. If the on-call Officers are “dumped” (for lack of a better word) into a situation that requires a CO that has been on duty for years, it’s just asking for trouble. We take our new Officers (which are on probation for a year) and use them as Relief Officers. They don’t just get “dumped” into a position where they may wind up in a bad situation. I bring them onto my wing (Suicides, Mentally and Criminally Insane, and ones with Medical Issues) and show them how to deal with the different types. For me teaching a new Officer is a guarantee that they will have at least a better chance at survival. I guess that’s the old Sergeant Major in me coming out. Better to sweat in training than to bleed in combat. I want a well trained CO to have my back when the Crap hits the fan. We do however have those * full-time career CO’s in the business who are apathetic, out-of-shape and poorly trained* that have all the seniority. I keep waiting for one of them to get the absolute crap beat out of them. I’m just glad they are mostly on another shift.

May 24, 2011
Sgm Sergeant Major 53 posts

Topic: A Broader View / Food Attitudes

Where I’m at I have no idea how they come up with the menus. If I had given this type of food to the inmates in the military correctional facility we would have had daily riots. The food is just plain nasty. But for some of the inmates, it’s a step up I suppose. The COs food isn’t much better. Most of us either bring in our own or order out.

Mar 28, 2011
Sgm Sergeant Major 53 posts

Topic: The Club House / Greetings


Mar 28, 2011
Sgm Sergeant Major 53 posts

Topic: The Club House / I have a Question


Feb 18, 2011
Sgm Sergeant Major 53 posts

Topic: A Broader View / Are You A Knuckle Dragger?

Yeah Cq I know they lowered the standards. I’ve seen a few of ‘em, and frankly I think one CO is a bit on the mental slow side. It’s scary. Knuckle Dragger? Naw.. most of my inmates look at me 1) Like I’m crazier than they are, 2) Know I’m prior military, 3) Don’t put up with any crap, and finally 4) Know I don’t mind a good fight. So it all tends to keep things on an even keel in my part of the “insane wing”. I push education with the ones that are the medical detainees, and will work with them if they need help with their studies. Hell I don’t mind as long as they want it. I’ve told ’em that I have a B.A., M.A., and M.B.A. mebbe I can figure things out a little.

Feb 18, 2011
Sgm Sergeant Major 53 posts

Topic: Security Central / Cell Searches

They go straight to the day room in my facility. Any BS on the way there and they get to take a detour to lockdown.

Feb 18, 2011
Sgm Sergeant Major 53 posts

Topic: Security Central / death row

I’m on a site called off2dr.com its all pro death penalty. Great source of information about the death penalty as well.

Feb 17, 2011
Sgm Sergeant Major 53 posts

Topic: In Memory of... / CO Jayme Lee Biendl

Shakey you are absolutely correct in your post.

Feb 17, 2011
Sgm Sergeant Major 53 posts

Topic: The Club House / Help Me With A Question

With all the training that I’ve had over the years in the Army, and with the Department, it’s just a matter of time before something really happens. I know that the military training will take over as it’s been ingrained into me over a period of 24 years. The problem will be during the altercation if I know when to stop. Which, I’m positive I won’t until that Inmate ends up going to ICU. It’s just a matter of time.

Feb 17, 2011
Sgm Sergeant Major 53 posts

Topic: Letter of The Law / Mandated overtime?

I got hit today.. My 10 days were up. Go figure. But on the bright side it was only for 15 minutes. I’m off the list again.

Jan 23, 2011
Sgm Sergeant Major 53 posts

Topic: The Club House / So you want to be a C.O. (Youtube)

One of the Officers I work with showed me this. It hit the nail on the head in my Department.. Anyway.. enjoy.


Jan 22, 2011
Sgm Sergeant Major 53 posts

Topic: The Club House / Does work sometimes conflict with home life?

You might want to have her proof read it first!! LOL..

Jan 21, 2011
Sgm Sergeant Major 53 posts

Topic: Everything Education / Hospitalized Inmates getting visits?

Visits?! Oh HELL NO! To many risks and safety issues there..

Jan 21, 2011
Sgm Sergeant Major 53 posts

Topic: The Club House / Does work sometimes conflict with home life?

Dead on the number Shakey! SARCASM FONT for Mudflap.. lol

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