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Recent Posts by Canusxiii


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Aug 14, 2013
Male user Canusxiii 116 posts

Topic: The Club House / Inmate entitlement!?!?

Oops,same with administrators .misspelled.Do the best you can.I am a catholic,before I go to work,I pray “lord don’t let me screw up”.F the rest of them….

Aug 14, 2013
Male user Canusxiii 116 posts

Topic: The Club House / Inmate entitlement!?!?

Nothing to forgibive shakeyjake ,going on 9 years,is being damn if u do,damn if u don’t ,there are consequences for what u do wrong,but lately to many supervisors are book smart but not floor smart,same with supervisors.
I grow up their are consequences for what you do wrong ,is difference now.
Be safe,be careful.

Aug 05, 2013
Male user Canusxiii 116 posts

Topic: The Club House / Inmate entitlement!?!?

Wow….what I would call the inmates calling the shots.Sad,It would only get worst.
Where we at,dorms,we wake them up.They don’t want to go to work,well,only gets bad for them.anything to,interfering with the 4am count,getting loud with them;example waking up the rest of the dorm.
Ultimately,they either work with us or get fire from their jobs. Just really shock about what you just posted.It will only get worse.
Be careful.

Jun 22, 2013
Male user Canusxiii 116 posts

Topic: A Broader View / A Troubled Jail, Divided Staff

Agreed with you commander.The officer in question refused to take responsibility.Refused to write a maintance slip or write it in her log book.At one point warning me that quote she knew people.
Chits where exchange,officer never check the condition of the keys.Her responsibility .
Incredible it didn’t stop there.Months later she was made the 3rd shift union rep after the regular rep transfer at the request of her new boyfriend who just passed the sgt test.
I always kept calm with the both of them.Eventually they both transfer.Sadly commander,phenom post hits home.My opinion,there is no room for office romance in this line of work.

Jun 21, 2013
Male user Canusxiii 116 posts

Topic: A Broader View / A Troubled Jail, Divided Staff

Being there commander.Change of shift.While backing the unit officer during count,the Paracentric key to the east side sallyport gate couldn’t turn so the officer couldn’t enter the unit to do her count.Told the officer to check her log book and podium for a maintance slip,on occasion,wear and tear the front of the para keys bend,making it difficult to open gate.Instead of following procedure as I told her before calling for a replacement key,she when ballistic on me apparently the officer she relieve,friends.
Took two hours before Princes realized that the count was being delay…Most of the problems nowadays is basically staff.Firm believer in “Don’t shit where u eat”.

Jun 21, 2013
Male user Canusxiii 116 posts

Topic: Security Central / Officer shakedowns

Commander lately to many of these recruits coming out of the academy think they know everything.Basically old saying “Talked the talk and walk the talk”.I emphases the importance of doing your job.Talk is cheap.
Luckily these recruit are few,the rest do their job.i even make it a point to let them know I am always learning.i am there to help not belittle you or disrespect you

Jun 20, 2013
Male user Canusxiii 116 posts

Topic: A Broader View / A Troubled Jail, Divided Staff

Oops…typo…meant to said administration usually spent to much time away from the officers..Phenom..being there ..two officers arguing over a new female officer,one with a wife and two kids at home.From experienced,I believe in not shitting where u eat…
I respect all my officers even the difficult ones..I don’t had to like you but we had to work together…Job can be challenging at times.Often the most difficult part of the job is not the inmates but the staff..

Jun 20, 2013
Male user Canusxiii 116 posts

Topic: Security Central / Officer shakedowns

True commander,is my job to diffuse the situation.It could be something stupid,arguing over what they want to watch on tv or horse playing.Won’t know until you confront them.A simple question or a plain “knock it off”.
Newbies shouldn’t assumed is no big deal,or courtline won’t back the charge,downgraded to 4 hours extra work…Like I was taught when I came in,is our job to prevent what can happened….

Jun 18, 2013
Male user Canusxiii 116 posts

Topic: Security Central / Officer shakedowns

Remenber a movie.“Thin Blue Line”.I will be firm fair and consistent but you cross that line,is different now….new way of doing thing ……why use of force when the inmate lost his temper…didn’t realized he needed a hugged…cynical after 9 years,be safe.

Jun 18, 2013
Male user Canusxiii 116 posts

Topic: A Broader View / A Troubled Jail, Divided Staff

Trouble is when administration doesn’t back the staff.My opinion,staff usually spent to much time away from the line officers…they get clueless after awhile,no idea was going on in the jail…good administrator in my opinion works with the officers,not against them……..be safe.

Jun 18, 2013
Male user Canusxiii 116 posts

Topic: The Club House / Women Working With Male Inmates

Good luck….seing a lot of females…Tought ,can handle any situation…the rest drama queens….Is up to administration to set the rules…..she might be overweight or not the prettiest….is about doing the job..

Aug 29, 2012
Male user Canusxiii 116 posts

Topic: The Club House / The Concerns of Inmates

I agreed with you MTA, is kids having kids nowadays. I will be firm,fair,and consistent with them,but what gets harder with them is when they break the rules;,they act liked they din’t do anything wrong.i step up , write the charges or pull them over , toss their extra sheets covering their beds like a tent, smoking in from of me, out of their bunks pass lockdown,10 pm…They act like they are not doing anything wrong….like is their rights… The only things I thing they should be concern about is their mail.food. and medication, which some abuse….. Yes is important to treat them with dignity but to a point, breaking rules will not be tolerated….. Idiots and Knukleheads,,well is better them curse words? I seing other officers used curse words F this F that…. I think I am mild in comparison.

Aug 28, 2012
Male user Canusxiii 116 posts

Topic: The Club House / The Concerns of Inmates

True Jamestown.Even at my new prison I tell the inmates you want respect,you haved to gived respect… Sadly,thanks to liberal policies, the idiots had to be treated fair….I believe that they follow the rules, I will be fair with them,they don’t,“Just pack your stuff”……Wish I found thie forums 5 years back, is good to get other officers view on things….

Aug 25, 2012
Male user Canusxiii 116 posts

Topic: Health & Wellness / Correctional Staff and Their Unwillingness to Learn Defensive Tactics.

True DT,I consider the inmate at the time a threat,I have the element of surprised,he was looking at my GA,two officers ran three tiers segregation unit,115 to 120…or use of force at the time,I was supposed to warm him(constructive criticism) before next step but we weren’t allowed to carry OC,only the supervisors,fire extinguishers ,the foam,well they caught on,Administration :(…
Like Slim post about OC.

Aug 25, 2012
Male user Canusxiii 116 posts

Topic: The Club House / Inmate entitlement!?!?

I know real well what you are talking about DT….I seem them break their sprinkler because they don’t want to eat the regular food,claim they got a diet tray coming but I got no paperwork ,Me, Tought they can starve,but is different now.Thank God,I transfered.. or 30 minute showers,my rule 10 minutes or else,no showers for the next 5 days…I haved a rule 30 minutes,5 days,,Now I gotta write them up…. Liberal bullshit.

Aug 25, 2012
Male user Canusxiii 116 posts

Topic: The Club House / Glad to to be back

Get well Jamestown.Welcome back to the Forums.

Aug 23, 2012
Male user Canusxiii 116 posts

Topic: The Club House / The Concerns of Inmates

Heh.Remenber a few years back while I was making my rounds,I notice a familiar face,inmate that was parole 3 months ago was back in prison.This time on top of possession and distribution,assault with a weapon…So I asked the Nucklehead ,Turns out,he wasn’t going to get the girls to paid attention to him unless he had money,,,,never mind working hard,two jobs,or getting am education……Oh the poor inmates.

Aug 23, 2012
Male user Canusxiii 116 posts

Topic: The Club House / Inmate entitlement!?!?

Hate to said but you are right,a few years ago I got asked to be involved in am intervention with a family member,crack cocaine, and alcohol.Plus stealing from his family.
In the middle of talking with the consular,he blame his parents for his drug addiction,piece of crap.Same with the inmates nowadays.No accountability ,,,
I am old school,you screw up,you should be held responsible…

Aug 20, 2012
Male user Canusxiii 116 posts

Topic: A Broader View / prison-sanctioned tatoo program for inmates? Good or bad?

True it will be a waste of time.Knowing inmates too.They gotta go against the system .Us vs Them.the smoking and tobacco ,never ending .. I make my rounds,they show me respect,they don’t smoke in from of me..They are dumb enought to do it, a ticket they can’t beat in court line..I have too after so many of my charges got thrown out or degraded…Tatoo program pros and cons,,lower the rate of diseases.proctects us and the public but knowing them they will screwed it up…

Aug 20, 2012
Male user Canusxiii 116 posts

Topic: Health & Wellness / Correctional Staff and Their Unwillingness to Learn Defensive Tactics.

Pros and Cons with cameras,they can be that extra set of eyes or they can hang us.I can Remenber a few incidents where if it wasn’t for cameras I would had gotten hurt ,and I Remenber a few where I have to think twice about my next move,Big Brother watching,,, "Why you hit the inmate with the Paracentric Keys..awful big metal keys that can do some damage to an inmate sticking his hands out of his food port with a cup full of “homemade brew”… crap and piss,combine with juice or milk".nasty… Really have to think my next course of action. Led the sarge and team handle it..numbnuts got mace :).

Aug 14, 2012
Male user Canusxiii 116 posts

Topic: A Broader View / prison-sanctioned tatoo program for inmates? Good or bad?

Is Tought ,,,some of the best tattoo I seing,,the inmates…cheat am artistic,ex girlfriend a tattoo artist charge me an arm and a leg,and these bastards get theirs for two packs of smokes…….Irish you got a point but liked Slim said "let them gived all the diseases they want…..

Aug 14, 2012
Male user Canusxiii 116 posts

Topic: The Club House / Back in my .element after four years!

I being there ….I hate politics,no balls no glory I liked to call them…Congras….be safe.

Aug 14, 2012
Male user Canusxiii 116 posts

Topic: The Club House / The Concerns of Inmates

Jamestown,good post..only time I recommended am inmate out of my unit was because he was a threat to himself or he owed..idiot got into debt or he was a crip among bloods example……Inmates want to move they gotta gived me a very good reason,life or death situation…sadly Jamestown those days are gone…new administration,we have to be in tune with the concerns of the inmates……, Like I told one of the Nuckleheads a few years back,“What am I running here,a hotel”.Is a prison……

Aug 07, 2012
Male user Canusxiii 116 posts

Topic: The Club House / Why???

A lot of these Generation X think is supposed to be am easy job,hate to break it to them…is not..,,old saying easy job to do,easy job to loose…………Let them learn on their own but document everything….

Aug 07, 2012
Male user Canusxiii 116 posts

Topic: The Club House / She's in the jailhouse now...

Wow..shelter no luck try the jail or the prison is you are broke….

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