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The Concerns of Inmates


Subscribe to The Concerns of Inmates 28 posts, 13 voices

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Correction officer jamestown0509 313 posts

Oh many times inmates would pull the “I am missing my chicken, I am missing my bread, I didn’t get my apple” complaint. So we got in the habit of checking the trays before we put them in the block to make sure nothing was missing and in case one of the kitchen trustees wasn’t passing extra food or notes to the blocks.

Getty rf photo of cat and praying mantis Campi 227 posts

I keep running into this issue. The inmates seem to believe I am some sort of secretary for them. They seem to find issue with the fact I tell them to kick dirt. Most know that if it is something legit like a medical emergency or so on I will take care of it. However it is not my job to figure out why they have not got their food box when other people have. I reminded him that patience is a virtue and we serve 3 hot meals a day.

Female user BOPGIRL 2 posts

I agree that inmates are changing. I have worked corrections for 17 years and there are more young punks than there used to be. Or maybe I am just getting older. The one thing that doesn’t change is the way I handle them. Firm Fair and consistant. The job of corrections is not to make an inmate understand that he is wrong. It is to consistantly make him understand that there is a consequence for an incorrect behavior every time. An old convict told me that eventually every punk gets tired. Some take days, some take months and others take years. Consistancy is the key. Every officer enforcing the rules.

Male user directorder 1 post

Inmate are like anyone they make mistake. They have to admit to it learn from it and do like any one of us, go find a job and make a living.
The problem these days is the young punk. They have no respect for nothing not even themself. They will do anything to prove themself. Noone is safe. I believe in beeing fair and profesional with all inmates. Respect like lots of CO said, goes very far in a correction facility.
They did the crime now they have to do the time. No pitie, who said life was fair anyway? In 13 years with correction I got stab, punch throw feces and urine in the face. I still come everyday to work and trying the best to have a safe and secure environment for all. When Im done my shift, I don’t think one second about correction, now I put my dad face and can’t wait to see my son.
Not a easy job but someone as to do it!!

Correction officer jamestown0509 313 posts

Despite our attempts to change the way inmates behavior are in the facility there are many that cannot be swayed to accept that they made a mistake, most of them don’t understand what we are telling them and seldom listen because they are talking over us to impress others in the blocks or tiers. It may seem to rub us the wrong way to respond to inmates using the same lingo they use but from my experience being a professional is the best way to treat every inmate. Try not to lose your temper, I know it’s very difficult but try not to take yourself down to their level.

Horn toad Transporter 41 posts

@ MTA7035…You are so right on the spelling thing! (LOL I married an english teacher because I could not afford spell check!) I am in the classification dept. for a few more days and see all the request forms (some call them I 60’s) and it is all I can do sometimes to decipher what the heck they are trying to say! lol One this week wanted the address of his “aturne”. I told him to use the word “lawyer” next time so he did not look so stupid. It is a shame that they all seem to have this problem. I believe there is a link between stupid and incarcerated. More than just the obvious one!

Female user mta7035 33 posts

Canus, you hit the nail on the head. One can discipline without losing dignity. You can lay a man out without ever uttering an F bomb. However, unfortunately most of these kids today only understand gutterspeak. When I look at the grievences and medical requests, the spelling is so God awful it is an emabarrassment that some of these kids claim to have completed any sort of education at all.

Male user Canusxiii 116 posts

I agreed with you MTA, is kids having kids nowadays. I will be firm,fair,and consistent with them,but what gets harder with them is when they break the rules;,they act liked they din’t do anything wrong.i step up , write the charges or pull them over , toss their extra sheets covering their beds like a tent, smoking in from of me, out of their bunks pass lockdown,10 pm…They act like they are not doing anything wrong….like is their rights… The only things I thing they should be concern about is their mail.food. and medication, which some abuse….. Yes is important to treat them with dignity but to a point, breaking rules will not be tolerated….. Idiots and Knukleheads,,well is better them curse words? I seing other officers used curse words F this F that…. I think I am mild in comparison.

Female user mta7035 33 posts

We have been getting more and more youthful offenders at the jail I work at and it is extrememly difficult. Most of the kids here have parents that are as bad or worse than the kids themselves. I find it amazing when a parent who’s kid has been in trouble since he was in diapers still believes everything the kid says. “Mom, they treat me so bad”, Mom, I’m starving to death and they don’t feed us enough food", “Mom, the nurse won’t give me any medicine”. I could go ono for days. Most of these inmates don’t take medicine as they should on the outside but want miracle pills while they are in here. I think the fault lies with kids having kids and not knowing how to set boundaries. Just my two cents.

Male user Dare2bMe 1 post

It would seem the general attitude here is that because they are in prison, they are all “idiots” and “knuckleheads”, with no chance of a normal life after they are released. If people consistantly told you you were useless, or stupid, you would soon begin to believe it. It is a psychological fact. Stereotyping inmates is no different than what we did back in the 50’s and before, where black people were totally segragated. I will agree with the statement that if they want respect, they have to give it. But one thing I have seen repeatedly, is that a CO feels that he or she is above the inmate. That is far from true. Yes, CO’s are in a position of authority, and need to hold to that stance. But no one person is better than another. If your son or daughter was incarcerated, would you then consistantly remind them that they are an idiot? That they have no chance at life? I would hope not. Yes, there are inmates who should remain behind the wall for life, because they have no chance of rehabilitation, but unfortunately, that is not our job to discover. That is what judges and juries are for. Treat everyone with a little bit of dignity, and your facility would run a little smoother.

Male user Fred Davis 1 post

Corporeal Punishment is good for “kids” (not real children) and for stubborn adults also. That concept costs less money than incarceration for long periods of time. A few years ago an “American kid” (not child) placed his “artwork” on a public building overseas and disrespected that nation. After he returned to the States progressive Bush “coddled” the perpetrator instead of supporting and respecting the laws of that other nation. They have very few gangs in that country.

Male user Canusxiii 116 posts

True Jamestown.Even at my new prison I tell the inmates you want respect,you haved to gived respect… Sadly,thanks to liberal policies, the idiots had to be treated fair….I believe that they follow the rules, I will be fair with them,they don’t,“Just pack your stuff”……Wish I found thie forums 5 years back, is good to get other officers view on things….

Correction officer jamestown0509 313 posts

Agree totally with the discipline aspect at home for the kids. I recall almost being kicked on my ass by my dad for talking back to my mother one time. Back in those days your punishment at home was physical not mental. As a substitute teacher aide I see students who really need to straighten out their attitude, respect the rights of others and respect the teachers. Discipline in the jail environment has to be firm, fair and consistent regardless of the inmate. Inmates do not run the jail, we do.

Getty rf photo of cat and praying mantis Campi 227 posts

Well I am not sure what place other people live in but I will be damned if my child acts out of line and doesn’t get some sort of punishment. I have found parents who are afraid to correctively discipline their children have issues where as I do not.

Remle riflepg irish assassin 286 posts

Thanks commander, but truthfully I was thinking of a much more colorful term. DT, I’m a very jaded and cynical person. I’m always told I’m “Too old school for my own good”. Now I’m a firm supporter of the “Give them what they have coming” approach to corrections, even if it’s a good old ass whoopin. Sadly those days are all but gone. Look back to society when parents were allowed to spank their kids and compare it to now. Then look at the crime and incarceration rates for the same. Hmmm… kinda makes ya wonder.

Getty rf photo of cat and praying mantis Campi 227 posts

I am just glad the state of Ohio is bringing back the highway cleaning crews and they short timers that are repeat offenders for small crimes will be on them. Maybe just maybe this will stop a few from offending

Correction officer jamestown0509 313 posts

Campi is right about prison. If an inmate keeps their mouth shut, listens to what the lifer’s tell them, stay out of other inmates business they can do state time pretty safely. The ass that walks into the tier pretending to know it all and the toughest man around is going to get his rear handed back to him by the others.

Male user commander 277 posts

I will use that term for you Irish, you know me, I am a Conservative Patriot that speaks his mind. Those bleeding heart liberals…. Ha I said it. Just like the study they did on rape victims bout 5 years ago. They said if the women wouldn’t have dressed so sexy, they wouldn’t have been raped. Like they were asking for it. Well, bleeding heart libtard,,,,,, if a woman wants to let you into her house and then it goes from there, that would be by her choice and her choice alone. I don’t care if she is standing in her doorway in bra and panties. If she doesn’t say yes, it is rape. As far as the pathetic inmates, they don’t have concerns. We edcuate them, work them, feed them, give them free cable, and a nice bed to sleep in, what more do they need.

Male user Canusxiii 116 posts

Heh.Remenber a few years back while I was making my rounds,I notice a familiar face,inmate that was parole 3 months ago was back in prison.This time on top of possession and distribution,assault with a weapon…So I asked the Nucklehead ,Turns out,he wasn’t going to get the girls to paid attention to him unless he had money,,,,never mind working hard,two jobs,or getting am education……Oh the poor inmates.

Isr DT Instructor 108 posts

Great post irish! You sound jaded and cynical like me. Poor poor inmates!?!?

Remle riflepg irish assassin 286 posts

Always been ways to stay out of trouble. Most effective one has always been “don’t commit crimes and come to prison”. Somewhere along the line some bleeding heart (term I won’t use) decided that personal responsibility and accountablity are just to much to expect from the poor criminals. After all it might as well be the victims fault. If they didn’t want to get victimized they shouldn’t of worked so hard for nice things and a lil money without having enough to share with everybody.

Getty rf photo of cat and praying mantis Campi 227 posts

I saw a very funny take on prison not too long ago. An inmate is taking part in a scared straight program. He is getting in a teens face about how he doesn’t want to go to prison for the typical reasons then stops in the middle looks at the cop and states that he can’t do this. He states that he can’t lie to the kid because it’s part of this rehabilitation vow he has taken. He then goes on to tell about hot he hangs out with his boy, works out, eats chow, then hops with him all day. He then goes on telling the teen how he even has a job and how he is top salesman of the month at his institution as a telemarketer. When the cop takes the teen and tells the guy he isn’t going to be getting out early for the program the inmate states that it is okay they are getting a frap chino maker at the office next month.

This wouldn’t be so comical if it wasn’t so true. There is still prison violence but unlike in the olden days there really are ways just to do your time and if you avoid the gangs and don’t deal or gamble you honestly can skate by unharmed in prison. I believe we need to go back to the days when you have to deal with the choices you make and the consequences of them rather than complaining to the guards to come save your dumb ass.

Male user commander 277 posts

Very well put DT and Mick. Our job is to keep them safe from one another, staff and the general public. Nothing more, nothing less.

Riot helmet Mick 307 posts

As far as inmates are concerned I don’t do any form of “Pathy”. I am not there to be their Friend/Councilor/Mentor or General hand holder. If an inmate loses their sanity, gets hurt or dies will I lose any sleep? Ahh. No! Do I care if he receives visits or has someone to talk to on the phone? Again No. They chose to commit the offense that got them put in prison. They made their bed now they have to lay in it.
What galls me the most is people like the author of that article are so worried about the criminals welfare. They would be better spending their time helping the victims of crime. Than the knacker that committed it.

Isr DT Instructor 108 posts

Having seen the way staff are turned into mules to bring in drugs, tobacco or to have sex with them, I can affirm how inmates are master manipulators. I’ve always had the same approach and that is firm, fair and consistent when dealing with inmates, although it doesn’t seem to be policy any more. I think once you let them in a little or lower your guard then they’ve got you. I know no one is perfect, but in this regard I try to be. I’m not the one to try to understand their feelings nor do I care.

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