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Subscribe to Ohio DOC SRT and STAR 7 posts, 5 voices

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Male user slepyhd 1 post

I work at a prison in ohio. We no longer have a srt team at our institution, reson being is that our team went to the camp from us to help clear out or (shake down). One of the inmates there became unruley and had to be cuffed and escorted out.This inmate struggled when he went to get cuffed and fell and cut his head. This was all video taped at the time. There was no unjustified force used but the institution decided to put 3 of our members on admin leave and then tried to prosicute them. They were all cleard of charges and returned back to work. The thing was our warden did not stand behind our guys and tried to get them fired. So, what does that tell you? Why should anyone be on the team if they might loose there job for no one supporting them. We still have no team at our institution and no one is interested after what happened. Our warden use to be on the ohio star team ( cant tell it) I just hope we never need them in a time of need. The c/o’s all supported our team members that were off for a long period of time. It just baffles me how we are treated like (the other inmate)

Srt misc 266 Striker 34 posts

I work at a prison in Ohio too..like comfort said it’s not that hard to get on..however they have changed the PT test to add more related items as well as more time to do it in..i think the institutions are starting to come around and give the SRT teams more interesting training. As for STG at my institution you have to be one of the boys to get any good classes at the academy.

Lion Comfortably ... 154 posts

Ozone, I work for Ohio DRC, I am also a member of my institutions SRT team. I wouldn’t say it is hard to get on SRT. You have to finish your year of probation and if there is an opening on the team submit an application. Generally they will be looking to see that you have a clean discipline record, good attendance, and what your response time to your institution would be if you were to be activated. At our institution, I was interviewed by a panel of people, which included our DWO, our Major, our SRT commander, and another SRT instructor. You have to be physically able to pass the PT test for SRT, which isn’t anything outrageous. I didn’t have any inside contacts, so no, you don’t need to “know somebody” to get on the team. How you handle yourself on a day to day basis and in stressful situations goes a long way with how they will look at you as far as getting on the team as well. All in all, it’s a good experience, my only complaint is that we should actually train more often than we do (once a month).

Also Ohio has what they call STG (Security Threat Groups) officers as far as the Gang related intel goes. They offer courses at Ohio’s Corrections Training Academy for those who are interested.

Riot helmet Mick 307 posts

I work in a Gang intelligence unit. We although working closely with Police do not work outside the environs of the prison. But a friend of mine that works for New York D.O.C. works outside with gang units of the N.Y.P.D. It depends on the organization you work for.

Male user Ozone74 2 posts

I meant gang intelligence officers.Do DOC CO’s get assighned to any fugitive task forces?I seen on the show Manhunters
That NY DOC CO’s were part of the U.S, Marshal’s task force along with parole and local police.

Riot helmet Mick 307 posts

Hello Ozone.
To answer your first question. Work hard and show an interest and a couple of years of experience on the floor and you should be in with a good shout. And to your second question. It Depends on what you mean by “Intelligence Officers”. If you mean collecting and collating intelligence on criminal gangs. Then Yes. Now if you mean do Officers go under cover like some sort of spy then the answer is no. That type of thing is left to the movies.

Male user Ozone74 2 posts

I know the economy is bad but when the the economy gets better I want to
work for the DOC.I worked for two years as a juvenile corrections youth leader and four years as a adult community corrections resident supervisor.Is it hard to get on SRT and STAR?I know you have to be in
good shape and have a good service record but do you have to “know somebody”or just have to work hard and stay out of trouble?Also does the DOC have intelligence officers?

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