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CERT rank structure


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Male user dreed 3 posts

To all who chimed in, thanx a bunch. We have tried to get “others” into the training, but it really was just a small bandaid on a bigger wound. I sent forward a proposal and it may or may not get shot down, but at least I tried. Everyone who was once on the team, and all those currently on the team think it’s a good idea. Now we just have to see if the admin wants to take the steps.

Again, thanx to all . . . Semper Fidelis

Male user charst46 24 posts

I spent 2 years on our ERT (Riot Control) team: team member, squad leader and then the Assist ERT Commander; thens spent 5 years on our SORT (Hostage/Lethal Team): team member and administrative officer. The teams for our state are part time positions, meaning we train one (ERT) or two (SORT) days a month. Rank within the team is based on ability as is recognized by team members and the leadership structure within the team. The exceptions are the Commander and Assistant Commander Position. For ERT, the warden makes the final approval based on an interview before a board. For SORT, the Director of Prison Ops and the Executive Director select after an interview process.

For myself, my time on ERT was spent as an officer. I made Sgt after being the Assistant ERT Commander; Lt after being on SORT. The relationship with line staff and supervisors has always been contentious. Training takes staff away from facilities when we are operating at or below minimums; during activations to be at other facilities it causes stress…generally a lose/lose proposition. It takes the upper management saying that this will happen and just simply deal to get it done. Not pleasant. Occasionally you get some one who has spent some time on special teams and understands what they do and how they help facilities in the long run and bigger picture….

Male user Garryowen 2 posts

It sounds like your agency is having communications issues.

The key to correctly employing any special team is everyone being
on the same page. Have you thought about inviting the other supervisory level
personnel that will be present on the shifts to your training?

Do they know your Teqniques, Tactics and Proceedures (TTPs)?

Do they know what your limits and capabilities are?

Any time you get any special team that has to interact with the
line staff of any facility, there will be some friction and resentment
on both sides. The only way to knock down those barriers is
to put the egos in check,

As far as a ranking structure, it depends on what the staff ranking system
is in your system.

In TX we have CO I through CO V. OUr union is pushing for a CO VI but that’s
a pipe dream at the moment. Then it’s SGT, LT, CPT, and MAJ. I’d suggest you
opperate within whatever rank structure you have…..It’s just that there has to
be a supervisory level person on duty at all times when the ERT is going to be active,
or at least a team leader that is specificly authorized by rank (Warden) to operate
autonimously under particular situations.

Flag shakey 191 posts

For the State I work in, Admin wants an Lt. in charge for comtrol but after that everyone on the team knows there role and postion, ie… squad leader and team leader. The rank structure in the team is based on the job you have on the team not your rank on the job. We had a dental hygenist on the team who latter became our Insitutional training officer ( best we ever had) whoever is most suitable for the learship postions on the team gets them. Unless your buddys with the Lt. but that goes on everywhere.

Male user SSG Eakes 4 posts

You may want to use a system like in the military.

Riot helmet Mick 307 posts

I am on the other side of the Atlantic. Ireland.
Are you referring to your Cert Officers or the on scene management as regards the Tactical Team Structure?

Male user dreed 3 posts

Thanks for the info. Myself (currently a Sgt. on the Lt. promo list) and three other Sgts are instructors / instructor trainers. The problem we are facing, if we aren’t there (we are on seperate shifts) some of the one’s in charge do not understand the dynamics of a tactical team structure. That is why I am attempting to make the change. If you don’t mind me asking, what area of the country are you in? I’m trying to compile all the info that I can to make this proposal as researched and “educated” as possible to give it the best chance of success, and so it doesn’t seem like it is just a personal way to get promoted. Thanks again.

Riot helmet Mick 307 posts

Are any of your Officers trained to Instructor level? The way it works with us is if there is no supervisor Cert trained available then any Officer with instructor level training becomes the Officer I/C. And once they are on the move so to speak no one but Capt rank or higher can interfere.

Male user dreed 3 posts

I’m in the process of trying to develop a ranking structure within our existing ERT. My observations are that the differences in shifts, and supervisory personnel tend to create problems when an emergency arrises. I am hopefull that someone out there can give me a direction in which to begin my proposal. We currently have six (6) members on each shift, none of whom have rank. Everything falls to the experience of the Shift Sergeant involved. Not always will that particular supervisor know the role of CERT, nor have they had the appropriate training. We have attempted to train the supervisors, that helped, but didn’t fix the issue.

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